Інститут банкрутства в Україні та Німеччині

Дослідження світових та європейських стандартів у сфері законодавства про банкрутство, визначення принципів, що регулюють дану діяльність. Аналіз рішень національних судів різних країн світу. Порівняння законодавчої бази України та Німеччини у цій сфері.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 23.01.2024
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7. Patsuriia N.B., Radzyviliuk V.V., Reznikova V.V., Kravets I.M., Orlova O.S. (2018). State of Legal Requlation of Bankruptcy by the Legislation of Ukraine. Utopia YPraxis Latinoamericana, 23(82), 234-244.

8. Uhoda pro asotsiatsiyu mizh Ukrayinoyu, z odniyeyi storony, ta Yevropeyskym Soyuzom, Yevropeyskym spivtovarystvom z atomnoyi enerhiyi i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoyi storony / ratyfikovano iz zayavoyu Zakonom № 1678-7 vid 16.09.2014 [Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states, on the other hand / ratified with a declaration by Law № 1678-VII dated 16.09.2014]. Ofitsiynyy visnyk Ukrayiny, 2014, 75(1), 2125. (in Ukr.).

9. Rehlament Rady (EC) No. 1225/2009 "Pro zakhyst vid dempinhovoho importu z krayin, yaki ne ye chlenamy Yevropeyskoho Spivtovarystva" vid 30 lystopada 2009 roku [Council Regulation (EC) N 1225/2009 "On protection against dumped imports from countries that are not members of the European Community" dated November 30, 2009]. (in Ukr.).

10. Biryukov O. (2003). Zakonodavstvo pro bankrutstvo u konteksti nabuttya Ukrayinoyu statusu krayiny z rynkovoyu ekonomikoyu [Bankruptcy legislation in the context of Ukraine's acquisition of the status of a country with a market economy]. Yurydychna hazeta, 4(4), 9. (in Ukr.).

11. Dyrektyva Yevropeyskoho Parlamentu i Rady 2001/24/YES vid 4 kvitnya 2001 roku pro restrukturyzatsiyu ta likvidatsiyu kredytnykh ustanov. Redaktsiya vid 02.07.2014 [Directive 2001/24/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of April 4, 2001 on the restructuring and liquidation of credit institutions. Editorial from 02.07.2014]. Zakonodavchi i normatyvni akty z bankivskoyi diyalnosti, 2002, (6), 40. (in Ukr.).

12. Stratehiya partnerstva z Ukrayinoyu na period 2012-2016 finansovykh rokiv. (proekt, 28 zhovtnya 2011 roku) [Partnership strategy with Ukraine for the period of 2012-2016 financial years. (draft, October 28, 2011)]. (in Ukr.).

13. In re Agrokor dd, 591 BR 163, 183 (Bankr SDNY 2018) (citing Ian G Williams and Adrian J Walters, 'Modified Universalism in Our Time? A Look at Two Recent Cases in the U.S. and U.K.', 37-JUL Am Bankr Inst J 24 (2018).

14. 25 Years of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency'

15. UNCITRAL Model Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-Related Judgments (2018).

16. Implementation of two UNCITRAL Model Laws on Insolvency Consultation, supra note 4 (citing Bakhshiyeva v. Sberbank of Russia [2018] EWCA Civ 2802 (a recent reaffirmation of Gibbs)).

17. New business support measures: Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020.

18. Restructuring and Insolvency in Europe: Policy Options in the Implementation of the EU Directive.

19. Directive 1980/987 - Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer. ОШІ Journal L 283, 28/10/1980. P. 0023-0027.

20. Dyrektyva Yevropeyskoho Parlamentu ta Rady 2002/74/YES pro zblyzhennya pravovykh polozhen derzhav-chleniv shchodo zakhystu naymanykh pratsivnykiv u vypadku neplatospromozhnosti yikhnoho robotodavtsya [Directive 2002/74/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States regarding the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer]. (in Ukr.).

21. Regulation 2000/1346 - Insolvency proceedings. Official Journal L 160, 30/06/2000 P. 0001-0018.

22. Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedings, Official Journal L 141,5.6.2015, p. 19-72 (CELEX: 32015R0848).

23. Biryukov O.M. (2006). Bankrutstvo u konteksti yevropeys'koyi intehratsiyi Ukrayiny [Bankruptcy in the context of European integration of Ukraine]. Naukovi zapysky. Yurydychni nauky, (53), 135-138. (in Ukr.).

24. Perkins L. (2000). A Defense of Pure Universalism in Cross-Border Corporate Insolvencies. Journal of International Law and Policies, 32(3), 787-828.

25. Directive (Eu) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt, and amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 (Directive on restructuring and insolvency), Official Journal L 172, 26.6.2019, p. 18-55 (CELEX: 32019L1023).

26. Kodeks Ukrayiny z protsedur bankrutstva [Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures]. (in Ukr.).

27. Law for the Further Facilitation of Corporate Restructurings - Gesetz zur weiteren Erleichterung der Sanierung von Unternehmen [ESUG]).

28. EU Commission Germany factsheet.

29. Polyakov R.B. (2022). Instytut bankrutstva (nespromozhnosti) v Ukrayini ta Nimechchyni: porivnyalno-pravove doslidzhennya [Institute of bankruptcy (insolvency) in Ukraine and Germany: a comparative legal study]. Doctor's thesis: (081 ''Pravo''). Zaporizhzhya. (in Ukr.).

30. Insolvenzordnung, §§ 49-51.

31. Insolvenzordnung, § 38.

32. Insolvenzordnung, § 39A.

33. Insolvenzordnung, §§ 53-55.

34. Die Vermutungen der Insolvenzanfechtung - Werden Schwerter zu Pfluqscharen?

35. Rechtsprechungsanderung zu den subjektiven Anforderungen von § 133 InsO (BGH, Urteil vom06.05.2021 - IX ZR 72/20)

36. Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on insolvency proceedinqs (recast).

37. Christiane Schiffer. Niki Lauda plotzlich in Pole Posi tion.

38. Michael Forst. Eyemaxx geht mit Urbanek Lind Schmied Reisch in die Sanierung.

39. Katrina Bishop. Germany agrees to bail out energy giant Uniper as Russia squeezes gas supplies.

40. Krytsun T. (2019). Kharakterystyka onovlenoho zakonodavstva Ukrayiny u sferi bankrutstva [Character istics of the updated legislation of Ukraine in the field of bankruptcy]. Pidpryyemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo, (12), 93-96. (in Ukr.).

41. Zhukov S. (2019). Zakinchennya likvidatsiynoyi protsedury bankrutstva yurydychnoyi osoby vidpovidno do Kodeksu Ukrayiny z protsedur bankrutstva [Completion of the bankruptcy liquidation procedure of a leqal entity in accordance with the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures]. In: Zhukov, S. (Red.). Zastosuvannya norm Kodeksu Ukrayiny z protsedur bankrutstva: Zbirka naukovykh statey. K.: Alerta (s. 196-203) (in Ukr.).

42. Hrabovyy A. Novyy poryadok bankrutstva v Ukrayini na zakhysti kredytoriv [New bankruptcy procedure in Ukraine for the protection of creditors]. (in Ukr.).

43. Enhels A., Biryukov O., Chumak R. (2020). Protsedury bankrutstva v Ukrayini. Porivnyalnyy analiz [Bankruptcy procedures in Ukraine. Comparative analysis]. Proekt "Pravo-Justice", Veresen. (in Ukr.).

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