A notary is a public official who has duties and authorities. The responsibilities in the liquidation of a limited liability company are regarding the responsibility for the deed he made and the civil, administrative, and criminal responsibilities.
Consideration of the change in the technical and criminalistic means of recording evidence and the use of information technology in the pre-trial investigation and during the trial, expert, enforcement proceedings and the execution of sentences.
Preceding criminal-legal and criminalistic changes in automation of the decision taken by the judge. Qualification of criminal law-enforcers and the recognition of punishment. Changing the risks of corruption and turning from the suspension to justice.
Resolving conflicts between principles, activities that are usually related to the judicial application of constitutional principles. Determining the importance of a particular principle in particular and in creating a hierarchy of constitutional laws.
At the present stage, legal science is developing intensively in azerbaijan. New branches have appeared and specialists are being prepared in these areas. It is considered unequal, to recognize legal science in the form of an integral part of philosophy.
Полиция как субъект oбщегосударственной системы прoфилактики бeзнадзорности и прaвонарушений нecовершеннолетних. Формы, методы административно-правовой деятельности полиции в механизме противодействия правонарушениям несовершеннолетних и их реализация.
Сутність й наслідки монопольної влади. Історія виникнення правових заходів регулювання ринкової структури, у якій домінує єдиний продавець товарів, що не мають замінників. Дослідження змістовних засад антимoнoпoльнoгo законодавства зарубіжних країн.
Analysis the problem of restrictions to the principle of objective truth in administrative proceedings in view of evidentiary bans. The ban on priest’s interrogation about the facts he or she found out during confession is absolute and with no exceptions.
The state of necessity as a circumstance that excludes bringing states and subjects of international public law to international legal responsibility. Analysis of the draft UN articles on the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts.
Rationale and legal justification for the application of special liability for land offenses. Peculiarities of criminal liability for relevant offenses, its types and forms, factual basis and reflection in legislation, prospects for improvement.
The paper demonstrates that at the moment it is extremely difficult to predict in which branch of law will a class action find its most efficient application. This paper covers the concept of a class action and the development of this institution.
Determined and studied in reducing the burden on the judicial system and, as a result, improving the quality of litigation. Definition and characteristics of specific features of the practice of applying legal methods provided for by Kazakhstan law.
Examine aspects of labor relations in Ukraine under martial law. Consideration of the need to minimize labor disputes and protect the rights of workers, taking into account limitations of human provided by the Constitution for the period of martial law.
The formation of bicameralism and parliamentarism in European countries. The genesis of these categories in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, modern history. The reasons for the formation of a bicameral parliament in countries of Europe and the world.
- 465. Big data, как современный криминологический метод изучения и измерения организованной преступности
Определение проблем изучения, измерения и оценки организованной преступности в России. Исследование возможности применения метода "больших данных" для анализа преступности. Рассмотрение последствий использования официальной государственной статистики.
Analysis of biometric personal data as a source of personal information. Peculiarities of their use during the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. Mechanism of using biometric personal data in the activities of pre-trial investigation bodies.
Biometric personal data as a source of personal information during the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. Analysis of provisions of current international and national legislation to determine their place in the system of forensic accounting.
Analysis of biometric personal data, which is proposed to be considered as a source of information about a person and used during pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. Assessment of the need to develop an optimal mechanism for using personal data.
The analysis of biometric personal data, which is proposed to be considered as a source of information about a person and used during pre-trial investigation of criminal offences. The place of biometric personal data in the criminal record system.
Проблема приховування й виправдовування злочинів рф проти України на прикладі знищення об’єктів української енергетики, що призводить до ситуації блекауту, за допомогою створення та поширення фейків в інформаційному просторі. Механізм взаємодії фейків.
The problem with the main agent. Corruption as its cause, fighting it by introducing blockchain technology into the system of relations between the principal and the agent. Locking technology and its implementation in Estonia, Georgia and Sweden.
Правовые последствия выхода Великобритании из Евратома (Brexatom) после вступления в силу с 01.01.2021 Соглашения между Соединенным Королевством Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и Европейским сообществом по атомной энергии (Евратомом) о сотрудничестве.
Сукупність нормативно-правових актів, що охоплюють результати британського референдуму - підстава для прийняття урядом Великобританії рішення про вихід з Євросоюзу. Особливості юридичного механізму припинення членства держави в Європейському Союзі.
- 474. British Parlament
The main road learning to Parliament. Check of correctness of work of the government like the most important task of Parliament. The structure of Parliament in England. The function of The House of Commons and Lords. Constituencies of the United Kingdom.
Analysis the principles of regional policy. The issues of budget sufficiency of local governments are described and the need for result-based budgeting process leveraging is justified in strengthening the budgetary capacity of regional development.
The legal nature of international quality standards for goods used in international trade. Study of General rules for proving non-conformity of goods to proper quality in international trade disputes. Suspicion as a doctrine of non-conformity of quality.
Узагальнення сучасного стану діяльності інституту бізнес-омбудсмена та напрямів його удосконалення, що сприятиме підвищенню дотримання принципів верховенства права. Характеристика проблеми порушення прав представників бізнесу з боку правоохоронців.
Consideration of the issue of the real status of the right of veto in the UN Security Council in the light of its use by Russia. Detailed analysis of the voting and abstention procedures of members of the UN Security Council and the presiding country.
Analysis of the dichotomy of complex and easy cases in the theory of law. Consideration of the circumstances related to the adoption of decisions by the courts in such cases, study of the factors that influence judges when making decisions on them.
- 480. Capital punishment
Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial. According to Amnesty International. Examples execute capital punishment. Some points why it can be useful for the prisoner and society.