Analysis of the peculiarities of investigating different types of criminal offenses by their criminal law features, which is expressed in a single mechanism of criminal activity implemented in the context of military aggression of the Russian Federation.
Criminological analysis of the elements of combating crime in the field of illegal drug trafficking mechanism as a complex system of legal response of law enforcement agencies to criminal phenomena, characterized by an complex of interrelated elements.
Study of the scale of economic crime. Analysis of the determination of solutions that will allow effective countermeasures against economic crime. The need to reliably receive a crime report in order to determine the victims and the amount of damage.
A study of maintenance of features of application of international private law is in part of specific of foreign language. Norms of application of Chinese at interpretation of contracts and civil offences. Chinese is in judicial and domestic norms.
The EU policy on the expansion of the joint transit procedure and the computerized transit system to the associated countries is analyzed, taking into account the example of Ukraine. The issue of distorted fulfillment of obligations is described.
- 546. Community police officer as an object of domestic and foreign administrative and legal research
Study of the tasks and features of the implementation of the "Community Police Officer" project. Coverage of the organizational and legal support of the activity of the community police officer in domestic and foreign administrative and legal studies.
Розгляд моделі правоохоронної діяльності, орієнтованої на потреби місцевої громади, спрямованої на превенцію, партнерство з громадою, вирішення місцевих проблем та децентралізацію. Досвід європейських країн щодо запровадження Community Policing.
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of criminal liability for the criminal offence of desertion under Article 408 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, taking into account legislative changes that have been made to both the General and Special Parts.
Legal regulation of crime prevention in Ukraine and Great Britain. Responsibility of the police for ensuring effective activities at the local level. Functions of operational police units that are responsible for solving various tasks on the ground.
Comparison of the reform and development process and the system model of the pension security system in China and Russia. Multi-tier old-age insurance system in China. Considerarion of basic old-age insurance program for urban and rural residents.
Compare related areas of forensic expertise in handwriting analysis, their distinctive features. Methods, tools, tasks (a person's profile of graphology, the study of manuscripts) and application for identification of a person associated with handwriting.
The article analyzes issues related to the definition and procedure of compensation for damage caused by information security violations. A separate role is played by administrative and criminal liability in the field of information security violations.
Systematization of the actions of law enforcement agencies regarding in the information sphere. Mechanisms of compensation for losses as a result of violation of private right. Justification of the fact of the assignment of material and moral damage.
The issue of determining and ordering compensation for damage caused by information security violations. It is determined thatfor violation of information security, a person may receive compensation for tangible and non-pecuniary damage caused to him.
The purpose of the article is to analyse the legal aspect of non-pecuniary damage. The approaches to compensation of non-pecuniary (non-material) damage in national legislation. Features of compensation of losses in national legal systems of other states.
Investigation of complicity as important institutions of criminal law, known under the laws of all countries of the world. The intentional joint participation of two or more persons in the commission of an intentional crime as complicity in a crime.
Economic sovereignty and its elements are analyzed in the article. It is emphasized that a significant step for rethinking approaches to the characteristics of the sovereignty of state, in particular, the economic became European integration processes.
Use of the contract for the corresponding normative construction to the individually-defined model of behavior of participants of legal relations. Characteristics of the mechanism of legal regulation of public relations by means of "normative construct".
Determining the methodological value of using a comprehensive approach in legal practice. Consideration of new ideas related to the perception of law through objective evaluation. Monitoring of the completeness of the implementation of legislative norms.
The study of the concept of compromising the personal key of digital signature, the legal aspects of compromise in the context of the theory of law. The concept of explicit and implicit compromise and the limits of their actions, the legal consequences.
Local rights, which have become in the future the rest of the rock in India, Egypt de land have stopped growing up to the new primus license for the release and sales of leads. Possibility of granting generic drugs to their companies at an affordable pric
Evaluation of the introduction of compulsory licensing of pharmaceutical inventions. An analysis of cases in India, Egypt and Germany where countries have taken different approaches to compulsory licensing for the manufacture and sale of medicines.
Devoted to problems of the protection of human freedoms and interests of persons against whom the case is to provide mental health care to enforce on the basis of the European Court of Human Rights. Existing legislation of Ukraine and European standards.
Comprehensive consideration of the concept of language policy and its classification to deepen the understanding of the essence and diversity of this phenomenon. Peculiarities of language policy in the conditions of martial law and the post-war period.
Distinguishing the methods of administrative and legal regulation from the methods of the administrative and legal mechanism. The content of the relevant categories in the context of the implementation of preventive activities by the National Police.
The essence of the functioning of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring the preventive activities of the National Police of Ukraine. Methods of administrative and legal support of preventive activities, ensuring human and civil rights.
Determining of the concept of transplantation, its main meaning and essence, types of anatomical transplantation. The volume of personal rights and freedoms of the recipient and the donor, their guarantees; legal regulation of medical manipulations.
The basic concepts of the institution of State secrets in the criminal legislation of Ukraine as well as certain norms that provide criminal legal protection of State secrets in Ukraine have been analysed. improve the legislation on state secrets.
Devoted the study of the peculiarities of legal regulation of relations in the field of provision of rehabilitation services to participants in hostilities in connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.
The paper examines the problem of human rights communication of the victim in criminal proceedings. The paper defines the doctrinal concept of human rights communication of the victim, its forms which include the communicative position of the victim.