Definition of the key task of improving the effectiveness of humanitarian security policy in Ukraine. Consideration and analysis of the approaches and norms on humanitarian security of citizens that the Ukrainian state can and must now guarantee.
Establishing prison inspections in Ukraine according to recommendations of the European rules and international standards. Reforming of the prosecution service. The role of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in establishing external prison inspections.
The global and regional responses to the risks to children’s rights mediated and exacerbated on the Internet. Analysis of the various contexts in which the privacy of the child is addressed. The national and international efforts to regulate sharenting.
The author's definition of the notion "private criminalistics doctrine (theory)" has been proposed, and suggestions are made to systematize private criminalistics doctrines and determine their place in the structure of the general theory of criminology.
The study of the structure of the theory of the state and law. Development of scientific structures and methodological base of forensics. Investigation of regularities between the subjects of the general theory of criminology and individual disciplines.
- 1656. Private foundation as legal entity: national legal doctrine and european legislative experience
The foundation as a legal entity of private law. The comparative analysis of national civil law doctrine and EU member states. The ways of adaptation of Ukraine to the EU aquis. The modern understanding of institutions in the system of legal entities.
Formation, development and current state of private prisons in foreign countries. Mechanisms for transferring prisoners from the state to the private sector. Expediency of introducing private penitentiary institutions in the territory of Ukraine.
Identification of the model of displacement of public space functions in the city of Kediri. The need to take into account the urgent needs and safety of people living around the area where the infrastructure will be built. Public space management policy.
Вивчення питання взаємного існування Цивільного та Господарського кодексів України та можливих негативних наслідків їх одночасного застосування. Етапи розвитку галузевого законодавства відповідно до систематизації формування ринкової економіки України.
Рассмотрение истории возникновения смертной казни. Виды наказания преступников, их отличия по степени жестокости. Обоснование аргументов "за" и "против" смертной казни. Современные конвенции прав человека в мире. Сдерживающий фактор смертной казни.
The model of fixing the concept of "enterprise", the need for mutual coordination of concepts within the framework of economic relations in the context of the trend of updating legislation. Analysis of regulations on state registration of legal entities.
Identifying the model for establishing the concept of "enterprise". The need for agreement of concepts within the framework of economic relations in the context of the modern trend of updating the legislation. Enterprise as an object of civil rights.
The optimal model for establishing the concept of "enterprise", mutual agreement of concepts within the limits of economic relations in the context of updating the legislation. Qualifying feature of an enterprise as an organizational form of business.
Probation center as one of the educational tools provided by Polish legislation for socially maladjusted youth. Review of the potential of Polish probation centers to implement the idea of children's rights in the context of Janusz Korczak's pedagogy.
International legal regulation of compensation for damage to the environment in the conditions of armed conflicts. The concept of "ecocide". Legal regulation of the global mechanism for ensuring environmental security during a military invasion.
The concept of removal (self-removal) of a judge in civil proceedings. Analysis of the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine on the procedure for removal of the judge. The ways to improve legislation on removal of a judge in civil proceedings.
Theoretical and legal issues of regulation of financial and credit relations; prevention of crimes in the field of lending. Emphasis is placed on the complexity of regulating relations, which is reflected various areas of law and legislation of Ukraine.
Study of the legal aspect of the translation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine and justification of the specificity of such a translation. Solving the problem of establishing unimpeded access of judges to practice ECHR.
The comprehensive research of the legal aspect of the translation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine and the justification of the specificity of such translation. There are official and unofficial translations of judgments.
The problem questions that appears in the judicial practice in case of the change by the court of the appeal instance of the criminal breach qualification without carrying out of the pre-trial investigation for the directness research of evidences.
Concept of removal (self-removal) of a judge in civil proceedings, the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine on the grounds and procedure for removal of a judge, suggests ways to improve legislation on removal of a judge in civil proceedings.
The notion of the institution of a counterclaim as the key tools of legal protection during consideration of commercial disputes in national, international jurisdictions, investment arbitration is no exception. The activities of the International Center f
The institution of counterclaim as a tool of legal protection during consideration of commercial disputes in national and international jurisdictions. Implementation of an independent system for solving investment disputes at the "independent forum".
Analysis of the problems of creating internal and external prison inspections, problems of supervision of penitentiary institutions in Ukraine. Development of recommendations in the field of formation and implementation of national prison policy.
Providing patient's right to qualified medical care. Examining current issues of healthcare quality and development prospects of the legislation and civil law. The modern problems of legal regulation of medical service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Analysis of problems of implementing the powers of local self-government regarding the integration of internally displaced persons. The mechanism for restoring the rights and freedoms of persons who suffered as a result of the military conflict.
Realization of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine in the context of European integration processes. Rethinking the place and role of man in law. Psychological analysis of the consequences of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass.
Legislation of Ukraine on the protection of the child's right against domestic violence. Separation of violence against a child as an administrative offense with serious consequences. Responsibility for committing domestic violence against a child.
Defining police activity as a specific state-authority activity of the National Police of Ukraine, regulated at the level of legislation, aimed at ensuring public safety and order, protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as combating crime.
Creation of national sovereign democracy in the process of building a democratic and legal state in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Formation of a secular society in Azerbaijan, taking into account traditions, mentality, moral, ethical and religious values.