Human resource management
Employees as an important component of the business. Consideration of the main functions of the company's worker. Human Resources: staff selection, training, development of employees. Evaluation of the performance of employment in the organization.
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Дата добавления | 29.11.2014 |
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Human resource development has become an essential component the development process. This is due to the fact that any development process is driven by the human factor. It is in this spirit that the Uganda Public Service Training Policy was designed. human resource employment business
In this paper, it is argued that human resource development /training policy, like any other policy, must be supported by appropriate institutional mechanisms and tools if it is to achieve its intended objectives.
It is further urge, that policy formulation is a journey with challenges. The strength of the policy implementation lies in identifying such challenges, and finding ways of overcoming them. Lastly, the discussion reveals that human resource development is closely linked to other human resource factors that pertain at a given period, such as recruitment policies, labour market patterns, the age and experience of staff etc. Human resource development policies therefore must be reviewed from time to time to keep in step with the changing environment.
This paper presents the key components of the human resource development / training policy in the Uganda Public Service and the assumptions made. It also highlights the key challenges faced, the lessons learnt and the way forward in enhancing sustainable human resource development in the Uganda Public Service.
Human resource management (HRM) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. HR departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and rewarding (e.g., managing pay and benefit systems). HR is also concerned with industrial relations, that is, the balancing of organizational practices with regulations arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws.
HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation, technological advancement, and further research, HR now focuses on strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession planning,industrial and labor relations, and diversity and inclusion.
All differences of labour resources from other resources.
Workforce planning is relatively new for the majority of enterprises activity. Until recently the focus was on planning other economic resources (material, technical, financial etc). But now it is reviewed and one of the reasons of this fact is that in recent years the supply of labour became a legal fact many enterprises. Labor costs, many companies now turned into a major part of total costs, so it is important to make the most effective use of labor resources. The company's ability to successfully solve the above task depends on how much exactly will be calculated, and then controlled labor costs.
Labor force is the same resource as the material, technical and financial resources. However, unlike the named resources it has fundamental differences, which are as follows:
* if material, technical resources age (physically, mentally), the human resources becoming more expensive (better qualification of the worker, there is a growing experience);
* the employee may waive the terms and conditions upon which the company assumes to use it;
* an employee may resign from the company at his own request;
* the employee may go on strike;
* employees may not be treated as a homogeneous substance;
* workers can retrain;
* workers may decide that certain types of professions for them socially unacceptable, they must negotiate.
A leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are many different leadership styles that can be exhibited by leaders in the political, business or other fields.
1. Authoritarian
The authoritarian leadership style or autocratic leader keeps strict, close control over followers by keeping close regulation of policies and procedures given to followers. To keep main emphasis on the distinction of the authoritarian leader and their followers, these types of leaders make sure to only create a distinct professional relationship. Directsupervision is what they believe to be key in maintaining a successful environment and follower ship. In fear of followers being unproductive, authoritarian leaders keep close supervision and feel this is necessary in order for anything to be done. Authoritarian leadership styles often follow the vision of those that are in control, and may not necessarily be compatible with those that are being led. Authoritarian leaders have a focus on efficiency, as other styles, such as a democratic style, may be seen as a hindrance on progress.
Examples of authoritarian communicative behavior: a police officer directing traffic, a teacher ordering a student to do his or her assignment, and a supervisor instructing a subordinate to clean a workstation. All of these positions require a distinct set of characteristics that give the leader the position to get things in order or get a point across. Authoritarian Traits: sets goals individually, engages primarily in one-way and downward communication, controls discussion with followers,and donates interaction
Several studies have confirmed a relationship between bullying, on the one hand, and an autocratic leadership and an authoritarian way of settling conflicts or dealing with disagreements, on the other. An authoritarian style of leadership may create a climate of fear, where there is little or no room for dialogue and where complaining may be considered futile.
2. Paternalistic
The way a Paternalistic leader works is by acting as a father figure by taking care of their subordinates as a parent would. In this style of leadership the leader supplies complete concern for his followers or workers. In return he receives the complete trust and loyalty of his people. Workers under this style of leader are expected to become totally committed to what the leader believes and will not strive off and work independently. The relationship between these co-workers and leader are extremely solid. The workers are expected to stay with a company for a longer period of time because of the loyalty and trust. Not only do they treat each other like family inside the work force, but outside too. These workers are able to go to each other with any problems they have regarding something because they believe in what they say is going to truly help them.
One of the downsides to a paternalistic leader is that the leader could start to play favorites in decisions. This leader would include the workers more apt to follow and start to exclude the ones who were less loyal. In today's market paternalism is more difficult to come by according to Padavic and Earnest who wrote “business dimensional and Organizational Counseling.” They believe this because there have become more lay-offs and stronger unionization. This affects paternalistic leaders because the co-workers may not believe that their jobs are 100% ensured. When this happens, workers begin to look for bigger and better job opportunities instead of staying at one company for a longer period of time. Because of this, the leader may be thinking that you could be leaving and not fully believe you when you tell them something about a job opportunity. This could put the workers and leader at risk for a bad situation.
According to B. M. Bass who wrote Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, workers who follow paternalistic leadership also have better organization skills. The leader encourages organization because they allow the workers to complete tasks so that they can stay on top of their work. The workers complete tasks this boosts self-confidence and it makes them work harder to reach a goal and exceed the goal to prove to their boss they are working hard. Having this style of leadership can also help implement a reward system. This system will allow their workers to work even better because there is something for them at the end of the tunnel. While doing this they will also be able to accomplish more work in a set time frame.
3. Democratic
The democratic leadership style consists of the leader sharing the decision-making abilities with group members by promoting the interests of the group members and by practicing social equality.
This style of leadership encompasses discussion, debate and sharing of ideas and encouragement of people to feel good about their involvement. The boundaries of democratic participation tend to be circumscribed by the organization or the group needs and the instrumental value of people's attributes (skills, attitudes, etc.). The democratic style encompasses the notion that everyone, by virtue of their human status, should play a part in the group's decisions. However, the democratic style of leadership still requires guidance and control by a specific leader. The democratic style demands the leader to make decisions on who should be called upon within the group and who is given the right to participate in, make and vote on decisions. Traits of a Good Leader compiled by the Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group:
· Honest -- Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
· Competent -- Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings.
· Forward-looking -- Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values.
· Inspiring -- Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.
· Intelligent -- Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
· Fair-minded -- Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
· Broad-minded -- Seek out diversity.
· Courageous -- Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
· Straightforward -- Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
· Imaginative -- Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!
Research has found that this leadership style is one of the most effective and creates higher productivity, better contributions from group members and increased group morale. Democratic leadership can lead to better ideas and more creative solutions to problems because group members are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas. While democratic leadership is one of the most effective leadership styles, it does have some potential downsides. In situations where roles are unclear or time is of the essence, democratic leadership can lead to communication failures and uncompleted projects. Democratic leadership works best in situations where group members are skilled and eager to share their knowledge. It is also important to have plenty of time to allow people to contribute, develop a plan and then vote on the best course of action.
4. Laissez-faire
The laissez-faire leadership style is where all the rights and power to make decisions is fully given to the worker. This was first described by Lewin, Lippitt, and White in 1938, along with the autocratic leadership and the democratic leadership styles. The laissez-faire style is sometimes described as a "hands off" leadership style because the leader delegates the tasks to their followers while providing little or no direction to the followers. If the leader withdraws too much from their followers it can sometimes result in a lack of productivity, cohesiveness, and satisfaction.
Laissez-faire leaders allow followers to have complete freedom to make decisions concerning the completion of their work. It allows followers a high degree of autonomy and self-rule, while at the same time offering guidance and support when requested. The laissez-faire leader using guided freedom provides the followers with all materials necessary to accomplish their goals, but does not directly participate in decision making unless the followers request their assistance.
This is an effective style to use when:
· Followers are highly skilled, experienced, and educated.
· Followers have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own.
· Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used.
· Followers are trustworthy and experienced.
· This style should NOT be used when:
· Followers feel insecure at the unavailability of a leader.
· The leader cannot or will not provide regular feedback to their followers.
5. Transactional
The transactional style of leadership was first described by Max Weber in 1947 and then later described by Bernard Bass in 1981. Mainly used by management, transactional leaders focus their leadership on motivating followers through a system of rewards and punishments. There are two factors which form the basis for this system, ContingentReward and management-by-exception.
Contingent Reward Provides rewards, materialistic or psychological, for effort and recognizes good performance.
Management-by-Exception allows the leader to maintain the status quo. The leader intervenes when subordinates do not meet acceptable performance levels and initiates corrective action to improve performance. Management by exception helps reduce the workload of managers being that they are only called-in when workers deviate from course.
This type of leader identifies the needs of their followers and gives rewards to satisfy those needs in exchange of certain level of performance.
Transactional leaders focus on increasing the efficiency of established routines and procedures. They are more concerned with following existing rules than with making changes to the organization.
A transactional leader establishes and standardizes practices that will help the organization reach:
· Maturity
· Goal-setting
· Efficiency of operation
· Increasing productivity.
6. Transformational
A transformational leader is a type of person in which the leader is not limited by his or her followers' perception. The main objective is to work to change or transform his or her followers' needs and redirect their thinking. Leaders that follow the transformation style of leading, challenge and inspire their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement. They also create a vision of what they aspire to be, and communicate this idea to others (their followers). According to Schultz and Schultz, there are three identified characteristics of a transformational leader:
· Charismatic leadership has a broad knowledge of field, has a self-promoting personality, high/great energy level, and willing to take risk and use irregular strategies in order to stimulate their followers to think independently
· Individualized consideration
· Intellectual stimulation
Relationships with internal and external customers, managers, peers, subordinates.
In everyday work Manager has to deal with many different people: his subordinates and other departments, colleagues or any other Department of the organization, with the superiors, customers, possible, with representatives of local authorities, the press, representatives of government agencies, etc. The approach to different groups are different, but after all communication is the single line that defines human relationships: in any work relationship should be pleasant, courteous and fair. If the Manager prefers personal sympathy in the relationship, it leads to friction, non-cooperation and even open conflict. The art of communicating with people is an integral part of management; it can be taught, it can develop, but it has largely been formed at a very early stage of life. Therefore, the Manager should consider uskoreniye position people to be objective and to maintain civility. Too easy to see only what you want to see; to rationalize or to forget something that is not consistent with our worldview; to ignore reality. It is also important that others do, watching us or listening to us. The Manager should maximize the effectiveness of behavior, for example:
* listen and remember;
* find valuable information in the conversation;
* offer alternatives;
* to justify their disagreement;
* to clarify the meaning of the question;
* to sum up;
* to offer solutions etc.
And minimize destructive behavior, it is not necessary:
1. to show their feelings at the wrong time;
2. to say too much or too little;
3. to boast;
4. to complain;
5. not to listen to the interlocutor;
6. out of themselves.
Next we consider several aspects of the behavior of the Manager and its interaction with different categories of people with whom he has to face during the working day.
Characteristics and Qualities of a Personnel Manager
The basic qualification requirements for a personnel manager is a bachelor's degree in business administration and human resource management, and at least a one-year work experience. Additional certification, for example, from the Society of Human Resource Management boosts the credibility of a personnel manager. The primary duties of an HR manager include hiring and placement, training and manpower planning.
A good HR manger is an attentive listener and effective communicator. An essential part of his duties includes addressing employees' grievances. He organizes meetings with employees to acquire feedback on matters affecting their workplace duties and relationships. He listens to employees without unnecessary interruptions, asks appropriate questions and addresses them in such a manner as to assuage any workplace difficulties. A personnel manger usually acts as the business's spokesperson in training programs, trade union meetings and government-appointed committees. Good public speaking skills are important in communicating the company's objectives and reaching suitable agreements.
An important characteristic of a personnel manager is effective leadership skills. A personnel manager is in charge of organizing and coordinating the affairs of the department. She directs staff in effectively fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. She also acts as the link between management and the employees. She advises and assists management in developing effective workplace policies. She, therefore, should have adequate understanding of the needs of the employees, and create a favorable balance between the best interests of employees and the objectives of the business.
Decision Making
An effective HR manger possesses good decision-making skills. He is in charge of making decisions on the appropriate recruitments, organizing efficient training programs, firing employees and disciplinary measures. In order to avoid complications with employees, he acts objectively and keeps the best interests of the employees in mind when making decisions. As a representative of management, his decisions need to represent the transparency of administration, and maintain the culture of the business.
Personal Skills
A personnel manager is in constant interaction with employees and therefore has to cultivate qualities to create positive workplace relationships. Such qualities include respect for human values, personal integrity and empathy for problems facing employees. However, she has to maintain a respectable balance between interacting with employees and maintaining their respect as their boss. She maintains dignity, courtesy and social awareness when interacting with employees, management and representatives from government and trade unions.
Importance of Motivation
Motivation is a very important for an organization because of the following benefits it provides:
1. Puts human resources into action
Every concern requires physical, financial and human resources to accomplish the goals. It is through motivation that the human resources can be utilized by making full use of it. This can be done by building willingness in employees to work. This will help the enterprise in securing best possible utilization of resources.
2. Improves level of efficiency of employees
The level of a subordinate or a employee does not only depend upon his qualifications and abilities. For getting best of his work performance, the gap between ability and willingness has to be filled which helps in improving the level of performance of subordinates. This will result into-
a. Increase in productivity,
b. Reducing cost of operations, and
c. Improving overall efficiency.
3. Leads to achievement of organizational goals
The goals of an enterprise can be achieved only when the following factors take place:
a. There is best possible utilization of resources,
b. There is a co-operative work environment,
c. The employees are goal-directed and they act in a purposive manner,
d. Goals can be achieved if co-ordination and co-operation takes place simultaneously which can be effectively done through motivation.
4. Builds friendly relationship
Motivation is an important factor which brings employees satisfaction. This can be done by keeping into mind and framing an incentive plan for the benefit of the employees. This could initiate the following things:
a. Monetary and non-monetary incentives,
b. Promotion opportunities for employees,
c. Disincentives for inefficient employees.
In order to build a cordial, friendly atmosphere in a concern, the above steps should be taken by a manager. This would help in:
Effective co-operation which brings stability,
Industrial dispute and unrest in employees will reduce,
The employees will be adaptable to the changes and there will be no resistance to the change,
This will help in providing a smooth and sound concern in which individual interests will coincide with the organizational interests,
This will result in profit maximization through increased productivity.
5. Leads to stability of work force
Stability of workforce is very important from the point of view of reputation and goodwill of a concern. The employees can remain loyal to the enterprise only when they have a feeling of participation in the management. The skills and efficiency of employees will always be of advantage to employees as well as employees. This will lead to a good public image in the market which will attract competent and qualified people into a concern. As it is said, “Old is gold” which suffices with the role of motivation here, the older the people, more the experience and their adjustment into a concern which can be of benefit to the enterprise.
From the above discussion, we can say that motivation is an internal feeling which can be understood only by manager since he is in close contact with the employees. Needs, wants and desires are inter-related and they are the driving force to act. These needs can be understood by the manager and he can frame motivation plans accordingly. We can say that motivation therefore is a continuous process since motivation process is based on needs which are unlimited. The process has to be continued throughout.
Similarly, motivation is important to a business as:
a. The more motivated the employees are, the more empowered the team is.
b. The more is the team work and individual employee contribution, more profitable and successful is the business.
c. During period of amendments, there will be more adaptability and creativity.
d. Motivation will lead to an optimistic and challenging attitude at work place.
The hierarchy of needs of Maslow.
Creating his theory of motivation in the 40-ies, Maslow recognized that people have many different needs, but I also believe that these needs can be divided into five main categories:
1. physiological needs are necessary for survival. These include needs for food, water, shelter, rest, sleep, etc.
2. the needs of security and confidence in the future include the need for protection from physical and psychological dangers from the outside world and the belief that physiological needs will be met in the future. Manifestation needs confidence in the future is to purchase the insurance policy or the search for reliable operation with a reliable form of retirement.
3. social needs, sometimes referred to as a needs of belonging, is a concept that includes a sense of belonging to something or someone, the feeling that you accept others.
4. needs in respect include the needs for self-respect, personal achievement, competence, respect from others, priznanie.
5. the needs of self-expression - the need to realize their potential and work as individuals.
The theory of Maslow made a crucial contribution to the understanding of what underlies people's aspirations to work. Leaders of various ranks have come to understand that the motivation of people is determined by a wide range of their needs. In order to motivate a particular person, the supervisor must give him the opportunity to meet his essential needs through such a course of action that contributes to the achievement of the goals of the entire organization. Not long ago, the leaders could motivate subordinates almost exclusively economic incentives, because people's behavior is determined, mainly, by the needs of the lower levels.
Methods and criteria for recruitment and selection of staff in the organization.
The set is to create the necessary pool of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization selects more suitable for her employees. This work should be done literally in all specialties. The necessary amount of work to set is largely determined by the difference between current workforce and future needs. This takes into account factors such as retirement, turnover, layoffs in connection with the expiration of the contract of employment. Set typically lead from internal and external sources.
Means external set include: the publication of advertisements in Newspapers and professional journals, contacting employment agencies and companies, providing leadership, direction contracted people on special courses at colleges.
Most organizations prefer to select mainly within their own organization. Promotion of its employees is cheaper. In addition, it increases their interest, improves morale and enhances the attachment of employees to the firm. According to the theory of expectations in terms of motivation it can be assumed that if employees believe in the existence of the dependence of their promotion to the degree of efficiency, they will be interested in more productive work. A possible drawback of the approach to solving problems exclusively at the expense of internal resources is the fact that the organization did not come to new people with fresh perspectives, which can lead to stagnation.
A popular method of recruitment through internal reserves is sending information about the open vacancies invitation skilled workers.
Selection of personnel - at this stage in the management planning of personnel management selects the most suitable candidates from the reserve created during the set. In most cases, you should choose the person with the best qualifications to perform the actual work on the position, not the candidate who is most suitable for promotion. An objective decision about the choice, depending on circumstances, may be based on the education of the candidate, the level of professional skills, previous work experience, personal qualities. If the position belongs to the category of such, where the determining factor is the technical knowledge, the most important, probably, will have the education and previous research. For management positions, especially the higher level, the most important are the skills of establishing inter-regional relations, as well as the compatibility of the candidate with the higher superiors and his subordinates. Effective selection of candidates is a form of preliminary quality control of human resources.
Three widely used methods of gathering information required for decision-making in the selection, include tests, interviews and assessment centers.
1. Tests
Behavioral science has developed many kinds of different tests, which help to predict how well a candidate will be able to perform a particular job. One of the types of selection test provides a measure of the ability of performing tasks associated with the intended work. Another type of testing involves the assessment of psychological characteristics, such as level of intelligence, interest, energy, frankness, confidence, emotional stability and attention to children. Management should assess its tests and to determine whether or not people coping well with the work and tests, are more productive workers than those who score lower number of points.
2. Assessment central
Centres assess the ability to perform work-related tasks techniques. One of the methods, the so-called exercise “in the wastepaper basket”, puts the candidate on the role of Manager. He must make decisions, apply in writing with employees, to empower, to hold meetings. Candidates are assessed on characteristics such as the ability to speak, perseverance, interpersonal skills. Other methods selected centres include: oral presentations to a group of listeners, the performance of a given role, a psychological test.
3. Interview
The interview is still widely applicable method of recruitment. Even workers napravlencheskih composition rarely accept to work without at least one interview. The selection of the chief Executive officer may require dozens of interviews spanning several months. However, research has revealed a number of problems that reduce the effectiveness of the interviews.
There is a tendency of making decisions about a candidate on the basis of first impressions, without taking into account it is said in the rest of the interview. Another problem is the tendency to evaluate the applicant in comparison with a person with whom the interview was conducted just before.
Professional orientation and social adaptation of employees.
The first step to make the employee more productive, is a professional orientation and social adaptation in the team. If management is interested in the success of an employee in a new workplace, it should always be remembered that the organization is a social system, and each employee is a person. When a new person comes into the organization, he brings previous experiences and views that are fit or not to fit into the new framework. If, for example, the last boss of the new employee was a man of power and preferred to communicate only through correspondence, the employee will be considered that it is better to send a paper than just pick up the phone, while his new boss actually prefers oral communication.
Organizations use a number of ways, both formal and informal, in order to introduce human rights in their society. Formally, during the hiring organization gives a person information about yourself so that the expectations of the candidate would be realistic. This is usually training for specific skills and interview on the subject that is effective. Rules, procedures and instructions from senior are additional methods of adaptation of workers in the collective organization. Some organizations have developed formal programs for the education they need corporate culture in their organizations. In these programs, you specify what awaits organization from their employees, to all of them, regardless of their position or title, behaved according to the image of the Corporation.
In informal socializing new employees learn the unwritten rules of the organization, who has the real power, what are the real chances of promotion and increased compensation, what level of performance is considered sufficient work colleagues. Norms, attitudes and values adopted in informal groups, can work either in support or against official purposes.
If the Manager does not make active efforts to establish the adaptation of new subordinate, the latter may be disappointed because of the impracticality of their hopes, may find that the behavior should be guided by the experience gained in the previous work, or come to other incorrect conclusions about their work. The supervisor must also be remembered that some of the things that beginners will learn in the course of its adaptation, could be just the shock.
Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.
The most important factor in the efficient operation of the enterprise is timely and high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of staff, which contributes to a wide range of theoretical knowledge, practical skills. Between the skills of the employee and the effectiveness of his work there is a direct relationship, i.e. the growth of skills on one digit leads, according to local economists, to 0,034% of productivity growth. It is necessary to use frames in accordance with their profession and qualifications to manage the career guidance and create a favorable social and psychological climate in the team, reflecting the nature and level of relations between workers.
Productivity increases, if the development of new kinds of work in the introduction of new techniques and technologies for workers with a higher educational level takes 2-2,5 times less time. Most importantly, of course, is not simply a faster adaptation of these workers to the new technology, and that they are due to their high educational and professional training have the opportunity technologically “see” much more than their direct responsibilities in the production process. This, as revealed in interviews - workers, largely determines their higher degree of satisfaction with their work.
Studying job satisfaction and possible ways to improve the stabilization of the labor collective, identify priority directions of this work.
In the first place, as can be seen from table 2, is the content of work and the level of wages. Essential social climate in the team, the importance of which there are about half of the surveyed workers.
The influence of different types and forms of training and retraining of workers on the results of economic activity of the enterprise is determined by a number of indicators that can be grouped into two groups: economic and social.
Among the economic indicators include: the growth of labor productivity, product quality, saving of material resources, etc. Social indicators reflect the level of job satisfaction, its content and the conditions, forms and payment systems.
Training is conducted on the basis of calculations of staffing needs of certain professions and skills. Training is the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills in the scope of the requirements of the qualification entry level qualification.
Training means the training of skilled workers to change their professional profile to achieve compliance with the personnel qualification requirements for production.
The problem of retraining and professional development is brought to the forefront due to the continuing aging of total knowledge and devaluation of the former special knowledge because of STP, as well as the natural loss of knowledge. On this basis, coaching can be defined as the process of improvement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the aim of improvement of professional skill of workers, the development of advanced equipment, technology, work organization, production and management.
Professional development is the development of professional knowledge, abilities and skills obtained during training.
Control system professional development is based on the following principles:
1. regularity, regularity and continuity of knowledge;
2. periodicity and mandatory training;
3. differentiation of curricula and training programs for workers;
4. the support of the educational process.
The basic requirements for ensuring the effectiveness of training programs, is as follows:
* for training need motivation. People need to understand learning goals;
* for working if the skills acquired in the learning process, complicated, then this process should be divided into sequential stages.
Methods of evaluation staff.
The performance appraisal has the following three main objectives: administrative, informational and motivational.
1. Under the administrative order shall be understood as: promotion, transfer from one job to another, demotion, termination of employment contract.
* promotion serves two purposes: it allows the company to fill existing vacancies, and helps the employees to satisfy the desire for success, self-expression, recognition.
* Lowering workers occurs when the assessment indicators of labor are inadequate and exhausted the possibility of achievement of specified indicators.
* Translation from one job to another occurs when the enterprise wants to use workers more effectively in other positions or to expand his experience. Sometimes the translation is used when the employee works unsatisfactory, but because of his seniority, merit, the organization considers unethical and inhumane to dismiss him from work.
* Termination of employment contract (dismissal) occurs in cases where the employee has informed the assessment of their work and provided opportunities to improve, but he is unwilling or unable to work according to the standards of the organization.
2. Evaluation of the results of the work required and to inform the employees about the relative level of their work, showing their strengths and weaknesses, to provide direction for improvement.
3. Assessment of labour is also an important property of motivation. Announcing the results of the evaluation work, the firm has the opportunity to properly reward the employees salary, promotion, appreciation and other forms of remuneration. In addition, it should be noted that systematic positive reinforcement behavior is associated with high performance in the future.
Assessment of labour is the process of ranking their relative value for a fair remuneration of the employee. How fair valued employee, so he will be satisfied with the received reward, so will depend on its production behavior in the future.
To evaluate the performance of currently using the following methods:
1. the ranking operation is the simplest form of evaluation. Each work in this case is estimated by the degree of relative importance to the firm. The object of the evaluation are essential duties, responsibilities, qualifications. The works are grouped by the relative ratio of the complexity and value. According to the degree ranking is determined by the need of the company in the execution of certain works. This method has gained popularity because of its simplicity.
2. Classification of work - this method is similar to the preceding, and differs only in the implementation sequence. According to this method in the beginning determine the level of wages, and then details the work itself. In conditions of market relations, it is less acceptable, but was widespread in terms of the ACU. For each work were established appropriate standards, composed of uniform pricing for their payment.
The managerial personnel.
The training is to develop skills and abilities necessary employees for the efficient performance of their duties or production jobs in the future. In practice, systematic training programs most often used to prepare managers for promotion. For successful leadership training, as and for learning in General, require careful analysis and planning.
By benchmarking the organization must first determine the ability of their managers. Then, based on the analysis of the content of the work, management should establish what skills and abilities required to perform duties on all line and staff positions in the organization. This enables the organization to find out who of the leaders has the appropriate qualifications for employment in certain positions, and who needs training and retraining. After solving all these issues, the management can develop a training schedule of the individuals proposed for a possible promotion or transfer to other positions.
Executive training is mainly conducted to ensure that executives have mastered the skills required to implement the goals of the organization. Another consideration, is inseparable from the previous one, is the necessity of meeting the needs of higher level: professional growth, success, test their strength. Unfortunately, many organizations do not provide sufficient opportunities to meet those needs through increased responsibility and promotion.
Management training can be conducted by organizations of lectures, discussions in small groups, analysis of specific business situations. Another widely used method is the rotation on the service. Moving head low level from Department to Department, for a period from 3 months to 1 year, the organization introduces a new leader with many aspects of their work. In the young Manager knows a variety of problems in different departments, clarifies the need for coordination, informal organization, and the relationship between the goals of different departments. Such knowledge is essential for successful work on higher positions.
Another important technique is to train senior personnel in the course of their work. Some firms have developed programs, in accordance with which promising new leaders from the outset responsible charge of the work, which is the test of their abilities, but, presumably, is their strength.
In one study was the strong relationship between the level of requirements in the process of training new managers and their subsequent promotion. Those persons to whom from the beginning has been more difficult tasks, have established a higher work quality.
Analysis of the results of the research allows us to form the following conclusions:
1. The changing economic environment poses and experienced business leaders need a different build their relationships with staff and manage them, assessing all future steps.
2. If the Manager expects the prosperity and success of the business, you should be able to use in the management of those methods, forms and style proposed in this paper.
The solution of many problems and is designed to help this work, as there is disclosed the concept of personnel management in the conditions of market relations. The leader must know how to solve problems, how skillfully and appropriately use appropriate technologies and methods of personnel management. And if the skill involves practical mastery of relevant skills, appropriateness understand the adequacy of the method used, the situation in the organization. In this sense, the presently known methods, techniques, and procedures of personnel management can be grouped into three subgroups: methods of formation of personnel, methods of maintaining the health of personnel, methods of optimization of human resources and reorganization.
Management personnel must be made through the alignment of goals between employees and supervisor. Unambiguous and clear objectives that should be discussed and agreed with staff in planning their activities, based on the qualifications of staff in approving the performance objectives explanation of the connection between goals employee goals of the departments and purposes of the enterprise as a whole.
The role and management objectives are closely related to each other. The role of a Manager, occupy a certain position, represents a certain set of behavioral rules, the measure of his influence and participation in purposeful activities.
This work specifically and in detail, learn and use the principles, models, criteria, concepts, etc. in the work head. Offer Alresca model, scheme Blake-Mouton coordinating the guide will help managers to solve many problems of personnel management in the enterprise.
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