Інноваційний менеджмент трансформації підприємств сфери послуг

Аналіз сучасних концепцій та підходів до практичної реалізації інноваційних прийомів у менеджменті. Особливості та специфіка трансформації підприємств сфери послуг. Вироблення еталонних механізмів активізації прихованих джерел фінансових резервів.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.08.2015
Размер файла 47,4 K

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The essence of innovative management is exposed, the determining blocks of the system of the informative and organizational are provided and transformation processes are set.

It is grounded, that the activity of modern enterprises of the sphere of services must be examined as an integrated economy-enterprise process, which takes place inside an enterprise and consists of plural separate operations which take place on different technical-technological levels and allow (or do not allow) it to pass from one high-quality state to another.

The threebranched method of pre-conditions diagnostics of favourableness of enterprises innovative transformations of services sphere is offered, directed on exposures and neutralization of internal and external, and also producing standard mechanisms of the hidden backlogs activation.

The optimization pattern of proportional optimization growth and proceeding in a financial equilibrium is developed by the grounded transformations of internal managing-finance mechanisms, and controlling subsystems of sanatorium-resort establishments taking into account modern conceptions and methodical approaches.

Keywords: innovative management, transformation, enterprises of services sphere, diagnostics, management, controlling.

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