Управління економічною безпекою туристичних підприємств

Особливості економічної безпеки туристичних підприємств в умовах глобалізації. Сучасний стан та розвиток туризму в Україні. Вибір управлінських рішень щодо підвищення економічної безпеки туристичних підприємств під впливом зовнішніх, внутрішніх загроз.

Рубрика Менеджмент и трудовые отношения
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Дата добавления 02.10.2018
Размер файла 791,8 K

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Ключові слова: економічна безпека, управління, туристичне підприємство, система оцінювання.


Щербан О.Я. Управление экономической безопасностью туристических предприятий. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук по специальности 08.00.04 - экономика и управление предприятиями (за видами экономической деятельности). - Днепропетровский национальный университет имени Олеся Гончара, Министерство образования и науки Украины. - Днепропетровск, 2016.

Диссертация посвящена развитию теоретико-методических положений и разработке практических рекомендаций по управлению экономической безопасностью туристических предприятий. Исследованы предпосылки формирования, содержание и составляющие экономической безопасности предприятия. Углублены научные представления и проанализированы теоретические положения относительно понятия «туристические предприятия», «экономическая безопасность туристического предприятия». Усовершенствован процесс управления экономической безопасностью туристического предприятия, содержащий этапы и средства управления в пределах институционально-организационной, экономической и информационно-мотивационной составляющих. Усовершенствована комплексная система оценки экономической безопасности туристического предприятия, что позволяет определить критический уровень расходов на ее обеспечение. Обоснован выбор управленческих решений по повышению экономической безопасности туристических предприятий и эффективность реализации стратегии управления ею.

Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, управление, туристическое предприятие, система оценивания.


Shcherban O. Y. Economic Security Management Of Tourism Enterprises.- Manuscript.
The thesis for the Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.04 - economics and management of enterprises (by economic activity). - Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, 2016.

The thesis is devoted to development of theoretical and methodical positions and practical recommendations for the management of economic security of tourism enterprises. The preconditions of the formation, content and components of economic security have been investigated. Scientific understanding and analysis of theoretical principles concerning the notions of "tourist enterprises", "economic safety tourist enterprise" have been done. Grouping and sequence of administration of economic security have been suggested.

The methodological approaches to the management of economic security of tourism enterprises have been proven. The profound research has allowed the development of scientific and methodological tools of management mechanism. The analysis methods and criteria for assessing the economic security of tourism enterprises have been used and assessment of economic security of tourism enterprises by external and internal threats has been done. The comprehensive system of evaluation form has been offered, which is built on the basis of quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluation components of the external and internal environment (PEST-, SNW- SPASE and analysis, qualimetric and structural-analytical estimation) and statistical modeling, which can increase the objectivity of decision of management solutions to the specific operation of tourism enterprises of Carpathian.

The methodical approaches to assessment information and organizing economic security have been developed by creating tourist enterprise group information and organizational performance component of economic security ( the level of technical and information support of the organization, the level of communication within the enterprise (feedback), the level of implementation of Internet technologies for enterprise; factor in the use of e-commerce activities), through which the impact of management on the subject of tourism activities to ensure quality implementation of the protection of the interests of the tourism activities from internal and external threats in the information society. On the basis of analysis of substantiates the choice of management solutions has been proven to improve the economic security of tourism enterprises of Carpathian and SPASE matrix analysis for JSC "Truskavetskurort" has been built. It helps to determine the need to introduce "aggressive strategy" for tourism enterprises of Carpathian.

As a result , on the basis of extrapolation parametric dependency the analysis of the economic security of tourism enterprises of Ukraine and Carpathian ,it has been stated that the efficiency of economic security depends on the sales of travel services, frequency of shopping tourism consumers and the level of spending on economic security that allowed to determine critical level of such costs. On the basis of extrapolation parametric dependency analysis of the economic security of tourism enterprises of Ukraine it has also been found that the efficiency of their economic security depends on the sales of travel services, frequency of shopping tourism consumers and the level of spending on economic security, allowing to identify the critical level such expenses. The methodical approaches have been improved to determine the internal efficiency enhancing economic security by analyzing the dependence sales of travel services, frequency of purchases by consumers of tourism services on the level of spending on economic security on the basis of extrapolation parametric dependencies to determine the critical level of expenditure on the economic security of the tourist business.

The methodical toolkit definition summary measure of economic security of tourist enterprise has been offered due to its functional components: personnel and management, information, organizational, financial, economic and marketing.

The choice of management solutions has been offered to improve the economic security of tourism enterprises. Efficiency of implementation management strategy of economic security of travel companies has been determined on the basis of the scientific statements and conclusions.

Keywords: economic security, administration, travel enterprise system evaluation.

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