Effectiveness evaluation and development of recommendations for organizational structure of VOC for UEFA Euro 2020 with the example of FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia
Benchmarking - a legal instrument to study from competitors experience in order to improve, obtain new techniques. Venue Operational Center - a place where are gathered all managers of functions coordinating the operational process of the stadium.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 01.12.2019 |
Размер файла | 493,9 K |
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· Beverages. Presence of free beverages all around the stadium and in VOC has created favourable working conditions.
Section 3: Zones and functions represented in VOC.
· VOC should include several rooms joined together with a corridor. The division into the room is necessary for operational functions distribution. Different rooms on the familiar territory allow each Function' Manager or functional group operate in terms of their activities and have fast access to their colleagues in case of a need of common decision-making process. VOC has to consist of an operational centre with CCTV operators and crisis room obligatory. These two zones are fundamental for coordination and decision-making processes. VCC also should present in VOC as makes incident solution process operative. According to “Saint Petersburg” Venue Manager, displacement of VCC from ROC to VOC has positively influenced stadium operations (Appendices 6). Also, the operational center in VOC should cover as much size as it is possible in order to place there more Managers of Functions and equipment.
· In VOC have to present all the Functions' Managers regarding the stadium regulations list (Appendices 1) and some extra. After the FWC 2018 Venue Managers' experience, in this list should be included VCC and last mile Volunteers' Manager. The decision of adding these two units has accelerated the speed of information transmission and decision-making process. Besides, stadium "Saint Petersburg" was recognized by FIFA as the best one in operation on FWC 2018. Here is what Venue Coordinator express about these decisions: “We have joined in one place people managing stadium exploitation and volunteers gathering and writing in information about incidents occurring at the stadium. This decision has excluded all the intermediaries in this information transmission system. The other recognized decision was adding a person from the regional organization, which was coordinating volunteers of the last mile in VOC. The volunteers' manager had access to all video cameras in order to influence the situation of the last mile from VOC.”
Section 4: VOC's location.
· Venue operational centre has to be allocated in the place where the stadium's bowl perspective would be observed for 360°. In other words, the best possible way of VOC's location is a place where the whole stadium bowl can be observed through the windows, without any help of video cameras. Nevertheless, only the stadium "Saint Petersburg" had an opportunity of the fully observed stadium bowl, all questioned Venue Managers also have emphasized this need (Appendices 6).
· VOC's location should be close to tribunes but hidden. Venue operational centre coordinates all the operational processes in match day firstly in order to ensure spectators security. Thus, as it was already mentioned before, VOC's location should provide tribune perspective's observation. However, at the same time, it should not be influenced by the spectators' emotions and actions. Thus, VOC should be hard accessible for people uninvolved in stadium operations, and it should have limited entrance permeation for stuff. According to the FIFA Venue Coordinator opinion “VOC - is the heart of the stadium” and it should be undetected by simple audiences. All the interviews, both those who were working at the stadium "Saint Petersburg" and other hosting stadiums came up with the conclusion that VOC of "Saint Petersburg" is ideally located.
4.2 Recommendations for LOS competitiveness improvement
LOS has no competitors and is unique in the territory of Russia. However, the local organizations of other hosting cities where also will take place matches of EURO 2020 are rivals of LOS in Russia. At the end of the football championship of Europe, UEFA will determine the best host city. Infrastructure features of host countries were not published yet, and it would not be possible to compare cities' infrastructure. Nevertheless, it is possible to compare host nations on the following characteristics: stadiums' capacity and transport accessibility, previous experience of holding the international football matches of FIFA and UEFA.
Following these criteria were compared 12 host stadiums and nations where matches are planned to be held. The comparison analyze is structured in table 1.
Table 1. Analyze of host nations and stadiums
According to the carried-out analysis and structured in table 1, the most experienced in holding football matches of FIFA and UEFA is Italy. This country already has been holding twice the World Cup and the European Championship. Also, its capacity is higher, almost five thousand seats. Other potential challengers for the status of "best hosting city" might be named England and Germany. These competitors have more varied experience in organizing UEFA & FIFA events and have a higher capacity than stadium "Saint Petersburg". "Wembley" stadium has three metro stations nearby.
For improving the competitiveness of LOS for EURO 2020 were additionally developed the next three recommendations:
· Analyze practices of organization and holding Euro football championship of those cities that were recognized as “the best host city” during 2000 - 2016. On the base of gathered information conduct benchmarking analyses and identify the best organizational practices. On the one hand, among them can be chosen those variants, which are more applicable for Saint Petersburg and reformed in terms of EURO 2020 in Russia. On the other hand, in contrast to the best practices can be introduced to new organizational, creative ideas, which have never been used before.
· Organize sea transport through the Gulf of Finland to the stadium. In comparison with rivals' stadiums, “Saint Petersburg" transport access is limited because of the water surrounding it. However, this weakness can be turned into a strength. St. Petersburg can become the only host city where would be organized ship & yacht transportation to the stadium. There can be organized tours through city channels, sea-going taxies, and excursions on ferry-crafts from Peterhof and Kronstadt to the stadium. Besides, there might be organized voyages from Scandinavian countries exactly to matches. Ship & yacht transportation would bring more tourists to Russia and would grow demand for sea transport in St. Petersburg. Thus, voyages through the Gulf of Finland to the stadium can become St. Petersburg's peculiarity and bring it to the reward of “best host city of EURO 2020”.
· Hire highly qualified and creative managers to LOS and organize staff pieces of training. It is necessary to emphasize that the best host city in operations during FWC 2018 was chosen by the effectiveness of Venue Coordinators' decisions. According to the in depth interviews with Stadium Managers (Appendices 6) some members of LOC team were retarding information transmission and operational process due to human factor aspect. This problem might be solved by holding test matches and pieces of training of the asset team. Therefore, qualified and creative management and regular pieces of training for employees would bring LOS to one of their main goals.
In a nutshell, St. Petersburg has a high chance to get the status of "best host city EURO 2020", and all top mentioned recommendations can bring it to this goal.
Concluding this bachelor thesis, it is necessary to mention that the research question: “Which actions should be undertaken in order to improve the VOC's organizational structure for UEFA EURO 2020?" was answered and described in the section “description of the results”. The research objective of this paper: “to determine issues of VOC organizational structure, which might be improved and introduce recommendations for them” was reached. On the base of observations (Appendices 3) and in-depth interviews (Appendices 6) with experts was developed a list of recommendations, which includes particular actions and item worth to be considered for EURO 2020. The suggestions were divided into four sections regarding different directions of VOC organizational structure:
· Section 1: Working atmosphere organization in VOC;
· Section 2: Resources required for comfortable work in VOC;
· Section 3: Zones and functions represented in VOC;
· Section 4: VOC's location.
The improvements take into account characteristics of VOC (Appendices 2, 3, 6) in “Saint Petersburg” stadium and have the possibility of reduction to practice.
An essential goal of the research paper: "to evaluate the effectiveness of VOC during the FWC 2018" was accomplished on the base of literature and interviews, and discussed in the section “theoretical foundation” “statement of the research question” and “methodology”. In the research was determined the term for the method of evaluation in accordance with which venue operational centre of "Saint Petersburg" was evaluated as - useful. The operational activity of stadium “Saint Petersburg” was recognized as useful due to decisions made on VOC organization during the FWC 2018. Venue Coordinator's solutions of adding last mile Volunteers' Coordinator and VCC into venue operational centre have accelerated the processes of information transmission, decision-making and orders execution.
The research goal worked close with the tested research hypothesis: “Operational processes of “Saint Petersburg” stadium was active during the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia”. In the process of hypotheses testing, was found the classical determination of - effectiveness (M. E. Porter 1996). According to this term and FIFA World Cup Debrief (2018), the effectiveness of operational processes of “Saint Petersburg” stadium was approved. Thus, the hypothesis of the bachelor's thesis was confirmed.
In the progress of the research during the period of internship in “Local Organization Structure UEFA EURO 2020” was identified as a need for basic recommendations for augmenting the competitiveness of LOS among other hosting nations. Thus, was decided to make an extra analyze by three essential criteria of all 12 countries and stadiums taking part in UEFA EURO 2020. After that were found three ways of rising competitiveness of Russia. At the end of section "description of the results” is discovered next three recommendations for LOS:
· To analyze practices of organization and holding Euro football championship of those cities that were recognized as “the best host city” during 2000 - 2016;
· Organize water transport through the Gulf of Finland to the stadium;
· Hire highly qualified and creative managers of LOS and organize staff pieces of training.
These recommendations were developed on the basic analyze structured in table 1, observations (Appendices 3) and conducted interviews (Appendices 6). These three suggestions must be analyzed deeper before implementation.
The topic of this research could be further expounded in terms of evaluation effectiveness of applied recommendations developed in this thesis. There should be described whether the proposed suggestions were applied or not, which of them were adopted or rejected and why. The future research might include some statistical data gathered after FIFA FWC 2018 and UEFA EURO 2020 and analyse how appropriate decisions or practices influenced on some exponents. The quantitative method of further research must take into account the qualitative data of this paper.
Each of the suggestions about competitiveness augmenting of LOS among other hosting nations of EURO 2020 must be researched before practical implementation. The point about the organization of water transport through the Gulf of Finland to the stadium "Saint Petersburg" must deeply research and take into account all the characteristics of the environment surrounding the stadium and obligatory revised by experts of the marine industry.
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Appendix 1
· Maintenance Service
· Ticketing Manager
· Main CCTV Operator
· Federal Security Service
· Stadium Security Manager LOC
· Minister of Interior
· Command Center Officer
· Fire Brigade and Emergency Services
· Stadium Manager LOC
· FIFA Venue Coordinator
· FIFA Brand Protection Manager
· FIFA Security
· Observers
· Stadium Operator
· STI Managers LOC
· CCTV Operators
· LOC Security
· LOC Spectator Services
· LOC Transport
Appendices 2
Figure 3. Seating chart
Appendix 3
Match day 2. Russia vs Egypt: 19th of June 2018
9 hours before match. 12:00. Managers of functions already had briefing and have got the DRO. CCTV operators, CCTV Manager, VC and VC Deputy are already in VOC, checking all the equipment for the match. I am preparing working places for stuff.
8 hours before match. 13:30. I was given task to check the reediness of the skyboxes on the 4th level.
5 hours before match. 16:00. There is excursion for observers around VOC. There are given tasks to CCTV operators to check the perimeter inside and outside of the stadium.
4 hours before the match. 17:30. All LOC stuff and state organizations representatives are in, greeting each other and checking their equipment.
3 hours before the match. 18:00. All the VOC team has come together with FIFA staff. The command to open the gates was given; some spectators have started to come through gates. The Egypt translators together with Brand Protection function and CCTV operator are checking all the entrants' banners and flags. Security manager is giving commands to stewards about coming to gates spectators. Other managers are observing cameras and video-wall standing. Everything is in order and atmosphere is calm.
2 hours before the match. 19:00. 25% of spectators are in. More spectators have started to come through gates; out of the stadiums is visible crowd which is growing, most cameras are following view around gates and at the last mile. The atmosphere in VOC is active, SPS, Security and VC, managers are discussing some cases and making already decisions about operations. Outside is windy, all the flags and banners are moving and Volunteers' Manager is giving some commands to volunteers at the las mile. The commercial stands and platforms are broadcasting matches what makes crowds around them.
1 hour before the match. 20:00. 60% of spectators are in. Crowds out behind the gate and around commercial shops inside the stadium's territory. Managers are giving more commands to their functional teams and are rather emotional in decision-making process. Brand Protection Manager and translator prevent bringing restricted banners. The catering is being prepared. VCC is transmitting some technical incidents to the Maintenance Service Manager. The tribune has started to fulfill and some screens are showing them.
Kick off. 21:00. 95% of spectators are in, because of crowds during the las hour before match some spectators are still coming through gates. Deputy VC calms down everybody in VOС and asks seat down at their working positions in order to see clearly the video-wall. The first goal is scored and the tribunes are shouting, but are not aggressive. Some managers have finished their work with gates and now are watching football through VOC's windows. CCTV operators have registered several cases of illegal commercial on banners, this problem is being solved. The VOC staff is having some snacks in meeting room from time to time, where the catering is placed. Some of Function Managers are watching the game through the windows from their working tables. During the halftime, some technical issues with signal has happened but with start of second time all the equipment was adjusted.
Kick off +1 . 22:00. Two more goals are scored and the spectators are cheering. The situation in VOC is stable, all the operations are done operative and in calm atmosphere. Some emotional issues of Egyptian spectators were solved with help of stewards. Some more VOC stuff are watching the game. CCTV operators are exchanging from time to time. There are some incidents fixed by CCTV operators, which have gathered around the operators several managers. The incidents were printed and transmitted from hand in hands among other manages in VOC. All the managers of security & safety functions give commands to get ready for spectators leaving the stadium.
1 hour after the match. 23:00. 40% of spectators are out. All the management functions of VOC are busy with spectators leaving the tribune and stadium. Transport manager coordinates the busses taking people to city center and VIP cars leaving the stadium parking. Medical coordinator gave some commands about a skybox on the fourth level. There was a decision of opening more gates.
2 hours after the match. 24:00. 85% of spectators are out. Some groups of Russian spectators still are singing at the tribunes, thus, there was a decision to ask press stop shooting reportages there. Some stuff of VOC is leaving. VC commanded to stop shooting reportages near gates as this makes crowds inside the stadium.
3 hours after the match. 1:00. 100% of spectators have left the stadium. All the managers of functions are leaving the stadium. LOC managers and have after match meeting. Some of CCTV operators keep working.
Appendix 4
Table 2. Benchmarking based on the interviews with host stadium managers during the FCW 2018
Venue Coordinator |
«Saint Petersburg» |
Deputy VC «Saint Petersburg» |
VC from FIFA «Saint Petersburg» |
«Luzhniki» |
«Rostov Arena» |
«Fisht» |
Conclusions |
Work experience before FWC 2018 |
Stadium coordinator on “Granatkin” tournaments |
Employee of IT department in the LOC FWC 2018 in Moscow; Observer of FWC 2014 in Brazil |
Deputy stadium manager of operational activities on FWC 2010 and FWC 2014 |
Deputy director the object on the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 |
Press service employee of FC “Rostov”; Coordinator of “Rostov Arena” stadium |
Deputy director the object on the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 |
Venue Manager should be experienced in coordination of football stadiums and other stadium functions |
Location during non-match days |
Stadium; Office |
Office |
Stadium; ROC |
Office |
Venue manager's location in non-match days is usually determined by the problem that he solves. During this period, VCs used to spend more time working from VOC or their office. |
Location during match days |
On the match days Venue manager is not allowed to leave the VOC. All the decisions must be made in terms of VOC. |
VOC's location |
Level 7 - over the tribunes |
Level 7 - over the tribunes |
Level 7 - over the tribunes |
Level 4 - skyboxes |
Level 3 - skyboxes |
Level 4 - skyboxes |
The best possible way of VOC's location is a place the whole stadium bowl can be observed without any help of video cameras. |
Correlation among stadium and VOC |
The stadium can be coordinated also from ROC, but VOC is the only effective method of stadium management. |
VOC - is the form of government in terms of which it is possible to resolve any problem. |
VOC - is heart of the stadium as it is the location, which is coordinating all the functional areas operating in the stadium. |
VOC is necessary strictly in match days, in the rest of the time its activity is not so important. |
VOC - is a place where is flown down all the information on the stadium condition and where it is possible to resolve the most part of issues. |
VOC - is a coordination center where decisions are made in day of a match. |
VOC serves as the place of information processing about the current situation in stadium and decision-making place for incidents elimination. |
Zones of VOC |
VCC; Operational center; CCTV operators; Stadium operators; Crisis room; Situation center of stadium's operator |
VCC; Operational center; CCTV operators; Stadium operators; Crisis room; Situation center of stadium's operator |
VCC; Operational center; CCTV operators; Stadium operators; Crisis room; Situation center of stadium's operator |
Operational center; CCTV operators room; Incident room; Meeting room |
Operational center with CCTV operators; Meeting room |
Operational center with CCTV operators; Meeting room apart from VCC |
VOC should include several rooms joined together with a corridor. VOC has to consist of operational center with CCTV operators and crisis room obligatory. Also, operational center in VOC should cover as much size as it is possible in order to place there more managers of functions and equipment. |
Functions represented in VOC in match days |
All functions were presented in accordance with regulations and seating chart; + VCC; + Volunteers' manager of the last mile |
All functions were presented in accordance with regulations and seating chart; + VCC; + Volunteers' manager of the last mile |
All functions were presented in accordance with regulations and seating chart; + VCC; + Volunteers' manager of the last mile |
FPS; FSB; MIA; Security manager; CCTV operators; + CCTV operators; |
All functions were presented in accordance with regulations. |
All functions were presented in accordance with regulations. |
One of best organizational decisions was moving the VCC and volunteers' manager of the last mile into VOC. This decision has accelerated the speed of information transmission and decision making process. |
Fundamental characteristics of VOC organization |
Trustful relationship; Well-adjusted horizontal communication |
Work organized by script with CCTV operators; Communication with CCTV operators only through their manager; Interchange of venue manager and his deputy in operations coordination; Reinforcement of functions in appropriate cases |
All the operational processes of the stadium were perfectly organized by venue coordinator and his deputy. |
Dividing problem solving process in three levels: stewards, volunteers and MIA; Horizontal communication in VOC during match days and vertical in others |
Horizontal communication; Face-to-face contact; Reinforce of VOC entrants control |
Face-to -face contact; Reinforce of VOC entrants control |
Horizontal organization of communication and well-adjusted trustful relationships have a positive impact on the clearness and speed of information transmission. Usage of scripts with CCTV operators defines the working regimes for all the VOC stuff. It is possible to use three levels of problem solving process, but in this case it might be necessary to change seating charts in accordance with levels through which a case should pass. |
Peculiarities in resources utilized in VOC |
Utilization of military phone for setting up contact with ROC; Constant usage of coffee machine; Catering during the match |
Catering organization during the match |
Additionally sated up video cameras within the stadium and out of it |
Constant usage of coffee machine; Catering after the match; Increased sound insulation of windows |
Screen with “Yandex” traffics and maps; Screen with online translation of text information about incidents from VCC |
Printers nearby each CCTV operator; Extra tables of common use |
Utilization of military phone would allow to keep information secret and have contact with ROC in any kind of crisis situation. Having caterings during matches would keep workers' mental and physical health in balance. Online tracking of maps and traffics would allow to see the full picture of the situation at the moment and plan operations; Extra printers in VOC would accelerate information transmission. |
Incidents escalation |
Incidents were escalated two times to the level of ROC but were not solved. Ether was divided in three parts: City, ROC and stadium. |
Incidents almost were not escalated the level of ROC, but sometimes there was such a need. |
ROC was informed about the incidents solution. |
Incidents were not escalated to the level higher than stadium as that was inefficient. |
Incidents were escalated in accordance with regulations. |
Incidents were escalated in accordance with regulations. |
ROC was escalating the incidents and “coloring” them in accordance with the regulations. In some crisis situations there is no time for waiting the answer from Moscow and would be transmitted to VOC through ROC. It is necessary to call exactly to Moscow office in some critical situations and only after inform ROC about the decision that was made. |
Negotiation of difficulties |
Following the regulations; Duplication of information; Moral support of employees |
Flexibility of personnel in decision-making processes; Keep reporting on the current situation even if everything is quiet and stable on perimeter |
Following the regulations; Installation of stadium managers places on higher level, what would allow them to see the entire video-wall |
Readiness to replace employee of any function; Frequent change of CCTV operators in match days; Creation of trustful relationship between workers of different levels; Availability of all needed contacts and instruments for finding solution of any kind of problem |
Following the planned schedule; Increase the number of radio sets |
- |
All solution of venue managers might be applicable for VOC in “Saint Petersburg” stadium. Following practices should be emphasized: Installation of stadium managers places on higher level; Reporting on the current situation even everything on perimeter is quiet and stable; Information duplication |
Appendix 5
Table 3. Benchmarking based on the interviews with managers of functions in “Saint Petersburg” stadium during the FCW 2018
Manager of function |
Conclusions |
Work experience before FWC 2018 |
Operator of CCTV at the “Petrovsky” stadium |
Manager of business aircraft center |
Employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations |
Managers of functions have to have experience in the field of activity, which they control. If the personnel did not work in the football sphere earlier, then it would be obligatory for them to visit and coordinate a similar test event. |
Evaluation of VOC location |
Convenient; It would be better if the elevator was limited in movement from the first floor to VOC |
Convenient |
Convenient |
VOC location is the most convenient at the stadium. The stop of VOC elevator only on several floors is impossible as it is necessary to have access to VOC from any floor. However, it is possible to mark the elevator with a warning plate where would be intended that this elevator only for VOC workers. This solution would limit the number of VOC elevator users. |
Evaluation of workplace location in VOC |
Convenient, especially proximity to stadium managers and other managers of functions. |
The most effective location allowing to have direct contact with managers of functions and accelerate operational decision-making process. |
Convenient in terms of seating chart, all managers of safety functions were gathered in one place. |
The arrangement and seating chart of functions managers were the most comfortable for work, considering the fact that it was not their firs experience in VOC. |
Fundamental characteristics of function organization |
+ Three CCTV operators for match days; Each operator has the zone of responsibility; “Dialogue” of operators in messengers; The adapted workplaces for each employee |
Independent recruitment of employees; Possibility for each employee independently organize their work; Following of all provisional rules and schedules; DRO announcement through all stadium ethers in radio |
Division of work with the workmate into decision-making and information-reporting processes; With help of police patrol officers minor problems could be solved immediately |
Employees should adapt their workplace individually in accordance with their needs and habits. Worker has feel a certain freedom in his or her individual work organization if this employee is not a direct representative of safety or security. The managers of function have to recruit their team individually. |
Planning of function's workplace |
The organizational structure of VOC was often changing before FWC 2018. Cameras and equipment were constantly complemented under the control of stadium manager. |
VCC has been changed and a little reorganized under the control of stadium manager. |
The workplace was well planned and located by the stadium manager. |
Functions, which are in use of the stadium manager and located in VOC have to be planned strictly under his control. |
Resources added for comfortable work |
TV screen broadcasting matches; Office stationary; Refrigerator; Drinks; Food |
Two laptops; Chats in messengers |
Everything was enough |
In terms of holding a FWC 2018, the resources specified by managers ensured more comfortable functioning. All the named resources worth to be added in regulations what would provide more comfortable working conditions for employees. |
Desired improvements |
To build a small podium for VOC function's managers, what would make video-wall fully observed. To recruit the second manager of CCTV operators in order to have option of employee replacement in non-match days. |
To make obligatory training events attendance for all employees; Change the VOC overlay in order to make it more signal-isolated. |
Everything was perfect |
All the specified improvements have to be taken into account. Especially it is necessary to mark out need of the second manager of CCTV operators. |
Appendix 6
1. What had you been occupied with before you have got FIFA venue coordinator position at the World Cup 2018?
I work for FIFA in the Venue Management department where I hold a position of Senior Venue Operations Manager. I have joined FIFA in 2008 and since them have worked in the World Cups of South Africa, Brazil, and Russia as well as all the events related to them. Before working with sports, I was working in the finances sector. As to academic formation, I hold a bachelors degree in Business Administration & Finances as well as masters degree in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport.
2. What is the interdependence among VOC and operational processes of the stadium?
The VOC is the heart of the stadium as it the location which is coordinating all the functional areas operating in the stadium.
3. How do you find FIFA requirements for VOC? Are that rules enough for the stadium you have coordinated? Would you add there some more?
All VOC requirements are contained in FIFA's Stadium Requirements Handbook. The requirements are adequate as it not only transmits what is essential to operate the stadium but also respects the specific local factors.
4. How do you find the VOC location and construction? Was its location and size comfortable for work?
The SPB stadium VOC location was fit for purpose, being it well equipped, well located, and with adequate size.
5. Have you been presenting in VOC on match days? (How often? / How have you been checking the VOC work?)
I was present at the SPB VOC for every match day of the FCC and FWC. My routine was to be stationed there at least 2hours before the gates were open and to remain there until 1-2 hours after the match finished. My role as the FIFA Venue Manager was to oversee the venue operations from a FIFA perspective and support the LOC and authorities in the smooth running of the stadium.
6. How do you find the VOC operational organization? Was it comfortable for communication and work of its stuff?
The SPB VOC operational organization was excellent. There was a clear line of command and communication represented by the LOC Stadium Manager and LOC Deputy Stadium Manager.
7. What improvements in VOC would you add and how would they influence on the VOC's and whole stadium's operation?
A recommendation of further improvement would be to elevate the height of the table of the main commanders, thus allowing them to have an ample overview of the camera operators as well as the pitch view.
8. What challenges did you face while you have been working with VOC? Why did they occur?
Most of the challenges were faced during the FCC since this was the first FIFA event for the stadium. The issues were related to the ROC interfering in the role of the VOC, but those were smoothly corrected. The issues occur due to lack of clear understanding on the roles and responsibilities of both locations. In addition, the ROC was provided with further resources that should have been given to the VOC (e.g. some camera feeds).
9. Were there any extra implementations in VOC organizational structure or work? How do you find them? Do you approve them or disapprove?
For the FWC, the pre-set of the camera operators was enhanced and proved to be a successful upgrade when compared to the FCC. This showed that both, LOC Stadium Manager and LOC Deputy Stadium Manager had a clear vision on what to improve.
10. What impression have you got about VOC after FIFA World Cup?
Very positive impression. A lot of the processes observed I will surely implement in future events.
1. Чем Вы занимались до того, как стали менеджером стадиона «Санкт-Петербург» на период проведения чемпионата мира FIFA 2018? Расскажите немного о себе, резюмируйте Вашу предыдущую деятельность.
Я продолжаю этим заниматься и работаю в УЕФА медиа офицером и специалистом по организации ТВ трансляций. Плюс ко всему я работал лет 9 на «турнире Гранаткина» и содружества -это два дружеских турнира российского футбольного союза, я помогал в организации работы стадиона и в основном сервисами для команд, т е размещение, питание и тд.
2. Откуда Вы контролировали операционную деятельность и управляли стадионом во время подготовки к играм и в матчевые дни? Это был ЕЦУС или другое помещение?
Вообще сетап наш на чемпионат мира был обусловлен не всегда наработками оргкомитета, но и системой ФИФА. Изначально у нас было три офиса (у оргкомитета и у меня лично). Первый офис был в атлетическом манеже это вне стадиона. Сам стадион нужно было достраивать и за год до игр я уже приехал туда. Второй офис был в историческом павильоне на третьем этаже. У нас был офис, где сидел я, мой заместитель и два человека по строительству «времянки». На период проведения матчей, соответственно, это был ЕЦУС, но там мы не находились 24/7, это никогда не было приоритетом. Мы находились там за день до матча, во время пресс-конференций и тренировок. Хотя, по большому счету, этот день не имел для нас большого значения, т. к. не было зрителей на стадионе, были только журналисты, телевизионщики и команды. К примеру, на Кубке Конфедераций 2017 у нас не было вообще ни одной тренировки, т. к. газон был в плохом состоянии. В день матча мы приходили в ЕЦУС достаточно рано и оставались там до момента пока все зрители и журналисты не уедут.
3. Какая существует связь между организацией ЕЦУСа и работой (операционной деятельностью) стадиона?
Здесь надо сделать лирическое отступление, ЕЦУСу никогда не отводилась решающая роль с точки зрения управления стадионом на время ЧМ. У нас был РОЦ (региональный операционный центр), который все отчитывал ГОЦу, находящемуся в Москве. Во время Кубка мы были ГОЦом и у нас был основной центр, т. е. у нас был РОЦ, который находился в ГОЦ. С точки зрения управления стадиона, ЕЦУС - это единственная история, которая абсолютно эффективна. С точки зрения управления последней милей, безусловно РОЦ нужен, и с точки зрения информирования федеральных властей, но как таковой основного значения со стороны РОЦа для управления стадиона не было. Но опять же, нужно подчеркнуть тот факт, что ЕЦУС у меня был большой. У меня не было необходимости обращаться в РОЦ. Плюс ко всему, РОЦ должен был давать дополнительный обзор по федеральной программе устанавливал определенное количество камер видеонаблюдения, которые были необходимы для организации работы на последней миле. Так случилось, что у меня в ЕЦУСе обзор камер получился лучше. Их, в том числе, я настраивал вручную с помощью подрядчиков и властей города. Правительство дало нам возможность управлять и смотреть на две еще системы видео наблюдения. Одна называлась «гражданин полицейский», а вторая - «безопасный город» (30 000 камер). В случае если происходит какая-то чрезвычайная ситуация мы могли ее отследить и быть к ней готовыми. Так случилось именно в Санкт-Петербурге, и помощь РОЦа в данном случае нам была не нужна. По регламенту РОЦ должен был бы нам отзваниваться и сообщать о какой-либо проблеме, которую они увидели по их видеокамерам, и мы в ЕЦУСе должны принять какое-то решение в рамках стадиона. Это конечно правильно и логично, но в реальной жизни все работает не так. На всех уровнях эскалации было ясно кто за что отвечает, т. е. формально ЕЦУС не может сам принять какое-то решение и менеджер стадиона не нужен вовсе. Ни я, ни мой контр-партнёр из ФИФА не могли работать в такой среде. Мы не могли ждать, пока к нам придет откуда-то ответ, поэтому у нас не было большого выбора и мы просто принимали решения и уведомляли об этом РОЦ. В концепции ЧМ руководитель стадиона и ЕЦУС сильно нужны. Причин на это несколько, и одна из них -- это то, что на всех стадионах ЕЦУСы были разного размера и вместо того, чтобы все ЦУСы подвести под единый стандарт мы простроили РОЦы. Мы довели после кубка систему рассадки практически до идеала и управляли последней милей из ЕЦУСа на ЧМ.
4. Где находился ЕЦУС? На сколько удобным было расположение данного центра? (на сколько доступной была локация данного центра?)
Да безусловно, это было самое лучшее место. Более того, я смотрел на расположение ЦУСов на других стадионах и у нас был все же лучший вариант из возможных.
5. Как Вы считаете, было ли другое место на стадионе, где можно было бы более удобным и/или корректным образом разместить ЕЦУС? Расскажите о нем.
6. Каким образом выглядел ЕЦУС и из чего он состоял?
Правее всего, относительно входа, у нас находился КЦО, который был перенесен в отдельную комнату, далее шел сам ЦУС с видео-стеной, затем располагалось пространство, где находились различные службы «Зенита», которые отвечали за эксплуатацию стадиона. Последней была комната для экстренных совещаний и каких-либо происшествий.
7. Какие отделы (структуры, работники) были в нем представлены во время подготовки к ЧМ?
Это были видео-операторы и ОПБ, где главенствующие решения принимали силовые структуры. На период ЧМ мы в принципе сами работали в ЦУСе каждый день, потому что в офисе это было уже неудобно. Видео-операторы там так же находились и, если нам было необходимо что-то посмотреть во вне матчевый день, мы это делали. Во вне матчевые дни ЕЦУС, как орган, не имел какой-то огромной важности. Важнее тут был РОЦ, так как он работал 24/7, и информация приходила и туда, а мы просто находились на рации и это была наша основная задача. Так в ЕЦУСе находились те, кто отвечает за эксплуатацию, «арена», в частности, менеджмент стадиона, КЦО и видеонаблюдение.
8. Какие структуры были представлены (присутствовали) в ЕЦУСе во время матчевых дней? (Каким был состав ЕЦУСа во время матчевых дней) Могли бы Вы предоставить организационную структуру ЕЦУСа (схему, список, описание, документ) на период подготовки и в матчевые дни для исследования?
Все сидели согласно рассадке и ее можно будет посмотреть (appendices 2).
9. Каким образом Вы организовывали работу в ЕЦУСе во время подготовки к играм и в матчевые дни?
У меня были со всеми достаточно доверительные отношения и хорошо настроенная коммуникация. Несмотря на то, что для силовых структур данное мероприятие было достаточно стрессовым и в идеале для них чтоб ЧМ не проводился, это оказались достаточно простые люди готовые всегда, в случае чего, нам помочь. Бывало так, что между некоторыми сотрудниками в силу человеческого фактора возникали трудности в коммуникации и часто люди ссылались на меня - я был тем звеном, через которое люди могли получить какую-либо информацию.
10. Какими системами (ресурсами) Вы пользовались для контроля работы стадиона? (камеры, радиоуправление, система контроля инцидентов IMS)
Компьютеры у нас были выданы. Рациями, мобильными телефонами и естественно сигналами с видеокамер. Была одна вещь, которую делали только мы - связь между ЕЦУСои и РОЦом. Она должна была быть выполнена так чтоб даже в условиях ядерного взрыва она работала. Нам предлагали IP-телефонию, но она не работает во всех случаях. Нам нашли военный телефон и проложили кабель между РОЦом и ЦУСом. Ты брал ручку, крутил и мог связаться. Мы им пользовались достаточно много раз, как раз в те моменты, когда не стоило передавать информацию по обычному телефону. Информация через данный телефон не прослушивается и если что-то где-то перестает работать или РОЦ не отвечает на обычный телефон, то на этот телефон РОЦ всегда отвечает. С одной стороны, это смешно, но с другой стороны это еще один плюс в копилку лидирующей роли стадиона, потому что другие к этому не пришли, а мы это придумали сами. Во-первых, потому что я с такими ситуациями сталкивался сам лично, в смысле - с такими телефонами. Во-вторых, у нас была возможность поставить такой телефон и подключить его. Это была именно наша практика, мы разослали эту идею и другим стадионам, но на сколько я знаю, ее больше никто не применил. Система ИМС была разработана именно под ЧМ и в нее могли заносить различные кейсы абсолютно все сотрудники, либо сами, либо через КЦО и следить за его устранением. Я не знаю останется ли данная система в ЕВРО 2020, но у «Зенита» есть такая же, только собственная, и скорее всего будет использоваться именно она.
11. Каким образом Вы эскалировали возникающие инциденты? Опишите используемую систему эскалации? (уровень проблемы - красный, желтый и т.д.)
Все было согласно нашим схемам, у меня есть операционный канал ОПС1, ОПС2. Мы не стали делать, как другие города, у нас было два канала: ОПС1 - все те, кто занимался «операционкой» на стадионе, ОПС2 - все те, кто занимался «операционкой» в городе, и естественно отдельный канал для связи с РОЦом. Далее давалась команда, и она выполнялась, все максимально просто и эффективно. У нас была всего одна кризисная ситуация, где было все отработано по регламенту. У нас была стандартная раскладка по цветам. Я не эскалировал в основном проблемы, лично я не такого практически не помню. Я передавал один раз проблему в РОЦ, и эскалировал проблему на желтый уровень, но, к сожалению, проблема не решилась. Я пытался ускорить досмотр на “гейтах”, но это было практически невозможно, т. к. силовые структуры, отвечающие за безопасность, должны досмотреть каждого, кто туда заходит и это важнее, чем что-либо еще. Я понимал, что данную проблему не исправят, но должен был попробовать. Эскалация сама по себе как система - нужна, как инструмент, но с большинством проблем мы справлялись сами.
12. При создании организационной структуры ЕЦУСА, Вы опирались на какие-то правила (требования FIFA, представителями оперировавшего клуба другие организации) (какие?) либо Вы руководствовались собственными решениями и опытом?
Я ее не создавал, я создавал, только схему рассадки и изначально ее создавали наши коллеги в Москве. Мы давали определенного рода рекомендации они где-то были услышаны, а где-то не были услышаны вообще. Поэтому в итоге схему рассадки дорабатывали мы сами и тут уже были учтены наши личные решения, с токи зрения логики. КЦО и волонтеры последней мили в ЦУСе -- это все наши решения, благодаря которым мы поняли, что без них управлять стадионом будет очень тяжело. Организационной структурой занимался оргкомитет, частично в моем лице, но я сам не сидел и не разрабатывал схему рассадки ЕЦУСа, а только вносил в нее коррективы, на фоне своего опыта.
13. Били ли внесены какие-то исключения из правил в организацию работы ЕЦУСа во время матчевых дней? (в представленном в нем составе, в организации работы, в используемых ресурсах)
Не помню такого, мы старались придерживаться регламента. Был человек из «защиты бренда» по регламенту, у нас должен был быть человек, отслеживающий вносимые рекламные материалы. Этот человек не всегда присутствовал в ЕЦУСе, при необходимости он шел в саму зону активности, к “гейтам” и принимал уже свое участие там со своей командой. Еда заказывалась нами самостоятельно. Кейтеринги нам организовывались от «Ginza», т. к. во время матча ты никак не успеваешь никуда сбегать поесть. Оператор питания нам помогал с едой и поставлял сосиски. Формально мы могли уйти с рабочего места чтобы поесть, но ни я, ни мой зам не были согласны с этим и мы хотели быть на своем рабочем месте.
14. С какими трудностями Вам приходилось сталкиваться, работая в ЕЦУСе в период подготовки к играм и в матчевые дни? Какие из них встречались наиболее часто? С чем они были связаны? На что прямым и косвенным образом они повлияли? (коммуникация между работниками и отделами, сложности в выполнении работы, концентрация на работе)
У нас была один раз внештатная ситуация, из-за которой мы собирались в митинг-руме в ЦУСе и в принципе вся эта система из РОЦа, ГОЦа сработала очень хорошо. ЕЦУС это живой организм, и если нам нужно чтоб определенный человек в нем был, то руководитель стадиона принимает такое решение. У меня часто возникали случаи, когда мои сотрудники не могли там находиться по каким-то причинам и иногда доходило до ругани, когда я пытался объяснить ребятам, что они должны быть здесь и только здесь, все что делается все ЕЦУСа меня не интересует. На Кубке Конфедераций мы с этим помучались, а на ЧМ с этим было проще. Звеньев, которые тормозили коммуникацию и операционную деятельность было слишком много, но я не хочу об этом говорить. Основная трудность тут заключалась в том, что у определенных людей в некоторых ситуациях отсутствовала логика и здравый смысл. Я не хочу сказать, что это были люди из определенных организаций или команд, это было скорее общее явление. Вторая проблема - это отсутствие опыта у определенных людей на определенных функциональных направлениях. То есть, в чем-то работники были недостаточно квалифицированы. У нас была матричная система управления, людей этих нанимал не я, и до операционного управления стадиона эти люди подчинялись не мне. С точки зрения проведения футбольных мероприятий, ФИФА не лидирует. Я сравниваю ее с местом, где я сейчас работаю и УЕФА более опытная организация, чем ФИФА. Несмотря на то, что УЕФА является частью ФИФА, с точки зрения денег даже УЕФА сильней. УЕФА зарабатывает только на «Лиге Чемпионов» 2,6 млрд евро за один год. Между этими двумя организации нет какого-то подчинения, грубо говоря ФИФА управляет всеми своими футбольными организациями, но УЕФА в этом плане обладает большей автономией. Политически и в операционном управлении ФИФА сильней.
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курсовая работа [73,2 K], добавлен 03.05.2012Discussion of organizational culture. The major theories of personality. Social perception, its elements and common barriers. Individual and organizational influences on ethical behavior. The psychophysiology of the stress response.
контрольная работа [27,7 K], добавлен 19.11.2012Major factors of success of managers. Effective achievement of the organizational purposes. Use of "emotional investigation". Providing support to employees. That is appeal charisma. Positive morale and recognition. Feedback of the head with workers.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 15.07.2012Critical literature review. Apparel industry overview: Porter’s Five Forces framework, PESTLE, competitors analysis, key success factors of the industry. Bershka’s business model. Integration-responsiveness framework. Critical evaluation of chosen issue.
контрольная работа [29,1 K], добавлен 04.10.2014Detection the benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies that would serve as a motivation for managers and shareholders in the context of a classical firm, which possesses monetary preferences. Theoretical framework and hypothesis development.
курсовая работа [319,5 K], добавлен 14.02.2016Types of the software for project management. The reasonability for usage of outsourcing in the implementation of information systems. The efficiency of outsourcing during the process of creating basic project plan of information system implementation.
реферат [566,4 K], добавлен 14.02.2016Factors that ensure company’s global competitiveness. Definition of mergers and acquisitions and their types. Motives and drawbacks M and A deals. The suggestions on making the Disney’s company the world leader in entertainment market using M&A strategy.
дипломная работа [353,6 K], добавлен 27.01.2016Company’s representative of small business. Development a project management system in the small business, considering its specifics and promoting its development. Specifics of project management. Problems and structure of the enterprises of business.
реферат [120,6 K], добавлен 14.02.2016The impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions. Creating a leadership strategy that supports organizational direction. Appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements. Plan for the development of future situations.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 20.05.2015Different nations negotiate with different styles. Those styles are shaped by the nation’s culture, political system and place in the world. African Approaches to Negotiation. Japanese, European, Latin American, German and British styles of Negotiation.
презентация [261,2 K], добавлен 27.10.2010Analysis of the peculiarities of the mobile applications market. The specifics of the process of mobile application development. Systematization of the main project management methodologies. Decision of the problems of use of the classical methodologies.
контрольная работа [1,4 M], добавлен 14.02.2016Milestones and direction of historical development in Germany, its current status and value in the world. The main rules and principles of business negotiations. Etiquette in management of German companies. The approaches to the formation of management.
презентация [7,8 M], добавлен 26.05.2015