Management of sports education in times of Coronavirus crisis

The theoretical and practical foundations of sports education management in the context of Covid-19, which are aimed at finding ways to optimize the humane potential of sport. Directions of improving sports policy to address the problems of sports.

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Дата добавления 16.04.2022
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Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Lithuanian sports university




Melitopol, Kaunas


This article analyzes the sport's education management issue in the conditions of COVID-19, which takes place in difficult conditions of uncertainty and instability, which is cultivated by value-semantic sport functioning parameters in modern society, sports-oriented approach to learning, development of physical and spiritual sports personality foundations, a fundamentally new approach to the formation of a physically healthy personality. Four methodological levels are used: 1) philosophical: 2) general scientific; 3) specific scientific; 4) technological, which made it possible to penetrate an education management issues in the sport field in the conditions of COVID-19. The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the management of education in the sport field during the coronavirus crisis, which aims to find ways to optimize the humane potential of sports. Objectives of the research: 1) to analyze ways and directions of improving sports policy to address the sport problems and healthy sports personality development in times of coronavirus crisis; 2) to reveal the sports globalization essence as an opportunity for comprehensive regulation of global problems and to make partial changes in the education system in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; 3) to find out the sports development directions as a sustainable development factor that promotes the development of a strong state and sports society; 4) to reveal national model formation of physical culture and sports movement as an important healthy lifestyle component. The research concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the place and role of sport in human life and society. Sport is becoming the largest indicator of self-organization in physical, social and spiritual health, allows you to directly restore the vital forces of human nature, contributes to the formation of the image and image of the athlete, shows the competitive advantages of sports organizations. Educational policy in the sport field during the COVID-19 pandemic comes to the fore, because the formation of a physically and spiritually healthy personality depends on the tasks in this area.

Keywords: education management, sports, COVID-19, sports policy improvement.


БИЛОГУР, В. Е. - доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры теории и методики физического воспитания и спортивных дисциплин, Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого (Мелитополь, Украина)

АНДРЮКАИТЕНЕ, РЕГИНА - доктор, лектор кафедры менеджмента спорта и туризма (Каунас, Литва), Литовский университет спорта (Каунас, Литва)


В статье проанализированы вопросы управления образованием в сфере спорта в условиях COVID-19. Это происходит в сложных условиях неопределенности и нестабильности, культивирующих ценностно-смысловые параметры функционирования спорта в современном социуме, спортивно-ориентированный подход к обучению, развитие физических и духовных основ спортивной личности, принципиально нового подхода к формированию физически здоровой личности. Для анализа использованы четыре уровня методологии: 1) философский: 2) общенаучный; 3) конкретно-научный; 4) технологический, позволяющие проникнуть в управление образованием в сфере спорта в условиях COVID-19. Цель исследования - концептуализация управления образованием в сфере спорта во времена коронавирусного кризиса, которая направлена на поиск путей оптимизации гуманного потенциала спорта. Задачи исследования: 1) проанализировать пути и направления совершенствования спортивной политики для решения проблем спорта и развития здоровой спортивной личности во времена коронави- русного кризиса; 2) раскрыть сущность спортивной глобализации как возможность комплексного регулирования общемировых проблем, чтобы внести частичные изменения в систему образования в условиях пандемии COVID-19; 3) уяснить направления развития спорта как фактора обеспечения устойчивого развития, что способствовало бы развитию сильного государства и спортивного сообщества; 4) показать пути формирования общенациональной модели физкультурно-спортивного движения как важной составляющей здорового образа жизни. В результате проведенного исследования мы пришли к выводу, что пандемия COVID-19 привела к росту значимости спорта в жизни человека и общества, стала крупнейшим фактором самоорганизации физического, социального и духовного здоровья человека, позволила восстановить непосредственно жизненные силы человеческой природы, способствовала формированию образа и имиджа спортсмена, конкурентного преимущества спортивных организаций. Образовательная политика в области спорта во время пандемии COVID-19 выдвигается на первый план, так как от задач в этой сфере зависит формирование физически и духовно здоровой личности.

Ключевые слова: управление образованием, сфера спорта, COVID-19, совершенствование спортивной политики


БІЛОГУР, В. Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Мелітополь, Запорізька область, Україна)

АНДРЮКАЙТЕНЕ, РЕГІНА - доктор, лектор кафедри менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовський університет спорту (Каунас, Литва)


В статті проаналізовано управління освітою у сфері спорту в умовах COVID-19, що відбувається в складних умовах невизначеності та нестабільності, яка б культивувала ціннісно-смислові параметри функціонування спорту у сучасному соціумі, спортивно-орієнтований підхід до навчання, розвиток фізичних та духовних основ спортивної особистості, принципового нового підходу до формування фізично здорової особистості. Використано чотири рівня методології: 1) філософський: 2) загальнонауковий; 3) конкретно-науковий; 4) технологічний, що дали можливість проникнути в управління освітою у сфері спорту в умовах COVID-19. Мета дослідження - концептуалізація управління освітою у сфері спорту в часи коронавірусної кризи, спрямована на пошук шляхів оптимізації гуманного потенціалу спорту. Завдання дослідження: 1) проаналізувати шляхи і напрями удосконалення спортивної політики для вирішення проблем спорту та здорового розвитку спортивної особистості у часи коронавірусної кризи; 2) розкрити сутність спортивної глобалізації як можливість комплексного регулювання загальносвітових проблем і вносити часткові зміни у систему освіти в умовах пандемії COVID-19; 3) з'ясувати напрями розвитку спорту як чинника забезпечення сталого розвитку, що сприяє розвиткові сильної держави і здорового суспільства; 4) формування загальнонаціональної моделі фізкультурно-спортивного руху як важливої складової здорового способу життя. Для аналізу використано чотири рівня методології: 1) філософський: 2) загальнонауковий; 3) конкретно-науковий; 4) технологічний, що дали глибоко та всебічно проаналізувати дану проблему. У результаті проведеного дослідження прийшли до висновку, що пандемія COVID-19 привела до зростання місця і ролі спорту у житті людини і суспільства, який стає найбільшим показником самоорганізації фізичного, соціального і духовного здоров'я людини, дозволяє відновити безпосередньо життєві сили людської природи, сприяти формуванню образу та іміджу спортсмена як конкурентної переваги спортивних організацій. Освітня політика у галузі спорту під час пандемії COVID-19 висувається на перший план, тому що від завдань у цій сфері залежить формування фізично здорової і духовно загартованої особистості.

Ключові слова: управління освітою, сфера спорту, COVID-19, удосконалення спортивної політики

Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

Relevance of the research topic - management of education in the sport field in COVID-19 takes place in difficult conditions of uncertainty and instability, which is cultivated by value-semantic sport parameters in modern society, sports-oriented approach to learning, development of physical and spiritual sports personality foundations. A new approach to the formation of a physically healthy personality. In modern conditions of COVID-19 there is a structural value transformation of youth therefore education of the healthy person should be brought to the fore. This is a social and humanitarian problem. In the conditions of COVID-19 many problems come to the fore - health, new approaches to the formation of the sport concept, state of sports regulation and all that is associated with the institutional impact on the sports development in the education context of in physical education and sports, the formation of a modem competitive sports and healthy nation [1, p. 249-257].

Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow believed that the highest manifestation of self-actualization is creativity, and one of its main drivers is the experience openness. This concept experience determined the scientific thought direction of the founders about humanistic psychology. In the 1980s, when psychologists began to systematically study the fundamental facts of personality, they discovered a kind of character trait that makes it possible to distinguish people from each other, and called it "openness of experience." An important role in the analysis is played by "healthy transcendence" as a new phenomenon, a consequence of the harmonious integral integration of our "I" for the sake of educating sports society. It presupposes the existence of a harmonious part of being generally. Healthy transcendence requires us to master ourselves, to bring to the surface the best we have, and to raise the bar for all mankind, increasing the sport stability principles [6, p. 160-171]. In this regard, a significant contribution to sports education development in COVID- 19 was made by Regina Andryukaitene, Akranglyte Gintare, Lekavicius Tomas, Skirmantas Inkevicius, Svagzdiene Biruta, Pupkis Algirdas, Sarцna Biciusas, Lina Jarusevacicene. The fundamental research for us was the article by Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina & Makieshyna Yuliia "Educational policy in the sport field during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends" Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University, 2021. 7 (84), [2, p.65-74], which showed that educational policy in the sportfield during the COVID-19 pandemic comes to the fore because it depends on the tasks in this physically healthy and spiritually hardened personality area formation. Pandemic COVID-19 has led to an increase in the place and role of sport in human life and society, which becomes the largest indicator of self-organization of the physical, social and spiritual health of a person, allows to restore directly vital human nature forces, to promote the formation of image and image athlete as a competitive sports organizations advantage [10, p.115-136].

Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted

The past year has been unpredictable, difficult and groundbreaking for many people around the world. Restrictive measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic have led to changes in people's normal activities, including sports and physical activity. Mass sports proved to be the most sensitive to the effects of COVID-19. However, the pandemic also affected professional sports and interested stakeholders: athletes, coaches, instructors, administrative staff (employees of sports organizations), volunteers, officials involved in competitions (judges, members of delegations); enterprises, especially micro and small businesses (fitness clubs, gyms, retailers, event organizers, marketing agencies, sports manufacturers). The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the world needs to be better protected from threats, to strengthen health care and sanitation to increase protection against pandemics, including through adequate health funding. It is necessary to continue to support the economy to protect jobs and promote a dynamic, sustainable, balanced recovery [3, p. 135-152].

sport education management covid

Purpose and formation of the goals of the article (task statement)

The purpose of the research is to explore the theoretical and practical foundations of sports education management in the context of COVID-19, which are aimed at finding ways to optimize the humane potential of sport. Objectives of the study: 1) to analyze ways and directions of improving sports policy to address the problems of sports and healthy development of sports personality in times of coronavirus crisis; 2) to reveal the essence of sports globalization as an opportunity for a comprehensive settlement of global problems, to make partial changes in the education system in the context of the COVID- 19 pandemic; 3) to find out the directions of sports development as a factor of ensuring the sustainable development of the country, which will promote the development of a strong state and a healthy society; 4) to form a national model of physical culture and sports movement as an important component of a healthy lifestyle.

Research hypothesis. In modern society, the institutionalization of sport in terms of COVID- 19 is determined by the trends of human dimension of sport as a social practice. Preservation of the integrity of the socio-cultural purpose of sport, which contributes to the fuller development of the individual and the identification of his physical and spiritual strength; it represents the sphere of self-determination, self-actualization, self-presentation, self-development of personality. Sport should be seen as the basis for maintaining good health within the physical and spiritual culture of the individual, focused on the fuller manifestation of its essential strengths. Recently, there are trends not only competitive but also commercial strategy, in the context of which the final result loses its connection with the development of essential human forces. Thus, the harmony between the humanistic essence of sport and the ways that underlie the achievement of the result is lost.

The methodological basis of the study are traditions - philosophical and anthropological, existential, personalistic, metaphysical, ontological, communicative philosophy, the principles, methods and approaches of which help to reveal the problems of sport at the present stage. The methodological principles of polyphony and dialogue provide the process of creating a meaningful space of sports action, and the method of synergy ensures finding the share of cooperation that should avoid aggression and promote synergy of sports teams to achieve results.

Four levels of methodology are used: 1) philosophical: 2) general scientific; 3) specific scientific; 4) technological. The first level - philosophical knowledge: existentialism, positivism, neo-positivism, pragmatism, the second level - general scientific methodology: systematic, activity approaches, characteristics of different types of research, their stages and elements: hypothesis, object and subject of research, purpose, tasks, etc.). The third level - specific scientific methodology, ie a set of methods, principles of research used in a particular scientific discipline, in this case, in the philosophy of sport. The fourth level - technological: methods and techniques of research. One of the main tasks solved by the process of management of education in the field of sports in the conditions of COVID-19 is to ensure the optimal development of physical qualities inherent in man. Physical qualities are called innate (genetically inherited) mor- pho-functional qualities, due to which physical (materially expressed) human activity is possible, which gets its full manifestation in expedient motor activity. The main physical qualities include muscle strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility.

The systems approach considers all components in close interrelation with each other; reveals the unity of the relationship of all components of the pedagogical system (goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods, conditions and requirements); highlights the general properties and characteristics of individual components.

The personal approach affirms the idea of the essence of man as a person; orients the organization of the pedagogical process with a focus on the individual as a goal, result and criterion of effectiveness; requires recognition of the uniqueness of the individual, the right to liberty and respect; uses reliance on the natural process of creative development, self-development of the individual.

The activity approach affirms the idea of activity as the basis, means and main condition for the development and formation of personality; focuses the individual on the organization of creative work as the most effective transformation of the world around; allows you to determine the most optimal conditions for the development of personality in the process of activity.


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