Management of sports education in times of Coronavirus crisis
The theoretical and practical foundations of sports education management in the context of Covid-19, which are aimed at finding ways to optimize the humane potential of sport. Directions of improving sports policy to address the problems of sports.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.04.2022 |
Размер файла | 65,1 K |
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
The pandemic has rolled over the global education market system, which has been building for decades, forcing us to reconsider distance possibilities and online education. Even skeptics have wondered: of course, they say, online will not replace traditional forms of higher education. With a large number of manuals, trainings for teachers on the organization online learning and the use of digital tools, there is a decrease in the quality teaching and significant proportion unwillingness of teachers to take available opportunity advantage for this learning form. In addition, not all subject areas (e.g. medicine, technical and creative specialties) can be taught online.
Students feel stress due to the fact that there is no possibility of personal communication with teachers, a fundamental change in the learning process, which they expected when entering. The quality and quantity of educational resources required for the study of the discipline is either insufficient if the university or a particular teacher did not deal with this area of work from the beginning, or excessive if students are invited to use all materials available in the public on recognized educational platforms. Direction of training, but without proper navigation. The infrastructure of many universities currently does not have enough capacity to organize online learning.
There is an increase in the psychological burden on students and teachers in connection with the "translation" of many educational and administrative realities online. Due to the close dependence of the tasks solution into effective higher education and entrants quality entering the university, many universities (and partly the relevant governing bodies in the countries) note the problems faced by educational organizations in the transition to distance learning, including graduates this year. This challenge, on the one hand, requires adequate preventive normative and organizational nature measures on the part of universities, to work with the contingent that is an entrant this year; on the other hand - forms the tasks and opportunities for the development of this working area of the university with schools in the following periods.
However, sport still faces many challenges in realizing its full potential. Too often we see cases of intolerance, racism, hatred and violence in sports. Sports organizations, leaders, players and fans should do everything possible to stop such pranks and seek the full use of the sports positive power. As in many other areas, sports also show corruption. Corruption kills sport, and there should be no tolerance for abuse, including doping. Our task is to fight steadily against such violations and to encourage an atmosphere of good governance, integrity and transparency.
We must strive to ensure that the goal of achieving sustainable development goals is at the forefront ofthe work of all sports organizations. Despite all these difficulties, the enormous positive force and sports attractiveness will continue to unite people, contributing to peace and building a more open society on our planet through the implementation of common values and principles. Sport has historically played an important role in any society and serves as a powerful advocacy platform that can be used to promote a world culture. It is and will be one of the most effective and universal tools for advancing the ideals of the United Nations and achieving sustainable development goals.
Список використаних джерел
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2. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina & Makieshyna Yuliia. Educational policy in the field of sport during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University, 2021. 7 (84), P. 65-74. Doi:
3. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities Studies. 2020. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2020. Випуск 6 (83). С. 136-152. Doi:
4. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2020. Випуск 5 (82). С. 132-146. DOI:
5. Lekavicius, Tomas. Management of human resources in a sports organisation from the point of view of employees (Управління людськими ресурсами в спортивній організації з точки зору співробітників). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2020. Випуск 5 (82). С. 147-159. DOI:
6. Skirmantas Sinkevicius, Svagzdiene, Biruta. Sustainability evaluation of sports events organized in lithuania (Оцінка стійкості спортивних засад, організованих у Литві). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ! 2020. Випуск 5 (82). С. 160-171. DOI:
7. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition (Філософія спорту як субстанційна основа розвитку особистості і вираження родової сутності змагальності). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ! 2020. Випуск 4 (81). С. 145-164. DOI:
8. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina, Bilohur Vlada. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article №2, 2019). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ! Випуск 3 (80). С. 92-111. DOI:
9. Svagzdiene Biruta, Pupkis, Algirdas. Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how? (Проблеми організації заходів з фізичної активності у роботі сфери дозвілля: чому і як?). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ! Випуск 3 (80). С. 112-121. DOI:
10. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina, Bilohur Vlada. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. (Формування образу та іміджу спортсмена як конкурентної переваги у засобах масової інформації). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2019. Випуск 2(79). С. 115-136. DOI:
11. Sarnnas, Biciusas. Factors for the preparation of high master athletes in the context of sports organization staff competences (Чинники підготовки спортсменів вищої майстерності в контексті компетенцій персоналу спортивних організацій). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2019. Випуск 2(79). С.137-152. DOI:
12. Bilohur Vlada. Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. (Формування концепції інноваційного спортивного менеджменту в Україні). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ! 2019. Випуск 1 (78). С. 27-38. DOI:
13. Jarusevicieж Lina Development of cultural and sporting activities in villages of Lithuania (Розвиток культурних і спортивних дій у селах Литви). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2019. Випуск 1 (78). С. 39-49. DOI
14. Melnik Victoria. Agile-management 3.0 concept as a factor of technological progress development in the digital society. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2019. Випуск 1 (78). С. 130-139. DOI
15. Nesterenko Olena, Oleksenko Roman. Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning (Соціально-філософська рефлексія філософії правового виховання особистості як основи функціонування демократичного суспільства). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2020. Випуск 4 (81). С. 165-181. DOI:
16. Nikitenko V. The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society (Вплив цифровізції на зміни ціннісних орієнтацій у сучасному цифровому суспільстві). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2019. Випуск 2 (79). С. 80-94. DOI:
17. Nikitenko Vitalina. Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2020.Випуск 4(81). С. 60-73. DOI:
18. Nikitenko Vitalina, Andriukaitiene Regina, Punchenko Oleg. Formation of sustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ 2019. Випуск 1 (78). С. 140-153. DOI
19. Рижова І. С. Формування потреб та інтересів в дизайнерській діяльності. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. Випуск 42. Запоріжжя. 2010. 247-258.
20. Cherep Alla, Voronkova Valentyna, Muts Luai Faisal, Fursin Alexander. Information and innovation technologies as a factor of improving the efficiency of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities Studies. 2019. Випуск 1(78). С. 170-181. DOI
1. Voronkova, Valentina, Kivlyuk, Olga, Romanenko, Tatyana & Rizhova, Irina, Andryukaitene Regina (2017). Conceptualization of smart-society and smart-technologies in the context of the development of modern civilization. Journal Science and Practice: Current Issues and Perspectives International Scientific-Practical Conference. 249-257.
2. Bilohur, Vlada, Andriukaitiene, Regina & Makieshyna, Yuliia (2021). Educational policy in the field of sport during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends. Humanities Studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. 7 (84), 65-74. Doi:
3. Bilohur, Vlada & Andriukaitiene, Regina (2020). Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophical cultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University.Issue 6 (83). 136-152. Doi:
4. Bilohur, Vlada & Andriukaitiene, Regina (2020). Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University.Issue 5 (82). 132-146. DOI:
5. Lekavicius, Tomas (2020) Management of human resources in a sports organisation from the point of view of employees. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 5 (82). 147-159. DOI:
6. Skirmantas, Sinkevicius & Svagzdiene, Biruta (2020). Assessment of the sustainability of sports principles organized in Lithuania. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 5 (82). 160-171. DOI:
7. Bilohur, Vlada & Andriukaitiene, Regina (2020). Philosophy of sports as a substance basis for the development of personality and expression of the general essence of competition. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University.Issue 4 (81). 145-164. DOI:
8. Akranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina & Bilohur, Vlada (2019). Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article №2, 2019). Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 3 (80). Pp. 92-111. DOI:
9. Svagzdiene, Biruta & Pupkis, Algirdas (2020), Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organisers: why and how? Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University, Issue 3 (80).112-121. DOI:
10. Akranglyte, Gintare, Andriukaitiene, Regina & Bilohur, Vlada. (2019). Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 2(79). 115-136. DOI:
11. Sarnnas, Biciusas (2019). Factors for the preparation of high master athletes in the context of sports organization staff competences Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University.Issue 2(79). 137-152. DOI:
12. Bilohur, Vlada (2019). Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 1 (78). Pp. 27-38. DOI:
13. Jaruseviciene, Lina (2019). Development of cultural and sporting activities in villages of Lithuania. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 1 (78). 39-49. DOI
14. Melnik, Victoria (2019). Agile-management 3.0 concept as a factor of technological progress development in the digital society. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 1 (78). Pp.130-139. DOI
15. Nesterenko, Olena & Oleksenko, Roman (2020). Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University.Issue 4 (81). 165-181. DOI:
16. Nikitenko, V. (2019). The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 2 (79). 80-94. DOI:
17. Nikitenko, Vitalina (2020). Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse. Humanities Studies. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 4(81). 60-73. DOI:
18. Nikitenko, Vitalina, Andriukaitiene, Regina & Punchenko, Oleg (2019). Formation ofsustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities. Zaporozhye: Zaporozhye National University. Issue 1 (78). 140-153. DOI
19. Rizhova, I. (2010). Formation of needs and interests in design work. Humanitarian notice of the Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy. Issue 42. Zaporizhzhya. 247-258.
20. Cherep, Alla, Voronkova, Valentyna, Muts, Luai Faisal & Fursin, Alexander (2019). Information and innovation technologies as a factor of improving the efficiency of digital economy and business in the Globalization 4.0. Humanities Studies. Issue 1(78). 170-181. DOI
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