Motivation of Employees’ Personal Self-Construction
The aim is to analyze the phenomena and features of motivation as a psychological phenomenon regarding the implementation of constructivism in the "relationship" of personnel and the organization, when the initiative of interaction belongs to a person.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2024 |
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Размещено на
Motivation of Employees' Personal Self-Construction
Solomka Tamara
Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv (Ukraine)
The aim of the article is to analyze the phenomena and features of motivation as a psychological phenomenon regarding the implementation of constructivism in the «relationship» of personnel and the organization, when the initiative of interaction belongs to a person as a subject of self-creation and production activity.
Мethods: with the help of methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison, career phenomena are highlighted in the relationship of self-design and its management at the individual and organizational levels, which stimulates a positive personal environment of interaction, promotes active behavior in the application of positive personality resources. The categorical and structural-functional methods, units of analysis of motivational structures in the manifestation of conflictogens-tensions of a personal-constructive and communicative character were used. Methods of systematization and generalization as well as modeling method were applied.
Research results. The congruence of well-being and personal self-construction of the organization's personnel in the context of motivation for higher quality and effective organizational activity on the one hand and movement in the direction of one's own well-being on the other is determined. The practical possibilities of motivation of self-reinforcement, self-regulation, self-efficacy, as well as the effectiveness of the application of the complex theory of motivation are considered in detail. The key problem of motivation in the process of personal self-construction of personnel is determined by the interdependent formed value orientations in relation to the profession and the vision of the personal meaning of the activity, which corresponds to deep personal meanings.
Conclusions. The specific epistemological context of social constructionism in the motivational paradigm of personal self-construction of personnel, based on integrity, contextuality and preventiveness, is proven. The PERMA model of positive psychology is an important tool in relation to the concepts of self-construction motivation of personnel. Local structure-forming characteristics of the personal self-construction of the personnel of organizations in the motivational dimension are the behavioral capabilities of employees, realized in the recognition of achievements, positive feedback, which initiates the subject of self-construction.
Key words: motivation of personal self-construction of personnel, structural and organizational process, motivational paradigm of personal self-construction of personnel, career, theories of self-reinforcement, self-regulation, self-efficacy; positive psychology.
Соломка Тамара. Мотивація особистісного самоконструювання персоналу.
Метою нашого дослідження є аналіз явищ і особливостей мотивації як психологічного феномену щодо здійснення конструктивізму у «стосунках» персоналу та організації, коли ініціатива взаємодії належить людині як суб'єкту самотворення і виробничої діяльності.
Методи дослідження: за допомогою методів аналізу, синтезу і співставлення виділено явища кар'єри у взаємозв'язку самопроєктування та управління нею на індивідуальному та організаційному рівнях, що стимулює позитивне особисте середовище взаємодії, сприяє активній поведінці у застосуванні позитивних ресурсів особистості. Категоріальним та структурно-функціональним методами виділено одиниці аналізу мотиваційних структур у вияві конфліктогенів-напруг особистісно-конструктивного і комунікативного характеру. Методи систематизації та узагальнення; метод моделювання.
Результати дослідження. Визначено конгруентність благополуччя та особистісного самоконструювання персоналу організації у контексті мотивації до більш якісної та ефективної організаційної діяльності з одного боку та рух у напрямку власного благополуччя з іншого. Детально розглянуто практичні можливості мотивації самопідкріплення, саморегуляції, самоефективності, а також ефективність застосування комплексної теорії мотивації. Ключовою проблемою мотивації в процесі особистісного самоконструювання персоналу визначено взаємозалежні сформовані ціннісні орієнтації стосовно професії і бачення особистісного смислу діяльності, що відповідає глибинним особистісним смислам.
Висновки. Доведено специфічний епістемологічний контекст соціального конструкціонізму у мотиваційній парадигмі особистісного самоконструювання персоналу, в основі якого цілісність, контекстність та превентивність. Модель позитивної психології PERMA є важливим інструментом стосовно концептів мотивації самоконструювання персоналу. Локальні структуроутворюючі характеристики особистіс- ного самоконструювання персоналу організацій у мотиваційному вимірі становлять поведінкові можливості працівників, реалізовані у визнанні досягнень, позитивному зворотному зв'язку, який ініціює суб'єкт самоконструювання. motivation employee personal
Ключові слова: мотивація особистісного самоконструювання персоналу, структурно-організаційний процес, мотиваційна парадигма особистісного самоконструювання персоналу, кар'єра, теорії самопід- кріплення, саморегуляції, самоефективності; позитивна психологія.
A modern organization is not only a special community of individuals united by a common goal, but also a social space that ensures the satisfaction and formation of individual needs. One way or another, directly or indirectly, they are represented not only by basic needs, but also by needs for self-respect, self-development and self-construction. The most difficult moment for organizations in the current harsh Ukrainian reality is the acute need for motivated personnel. However, in most enterprises, managers pay the main attention to the tasks of management, technology, logistics, etc. Hence the lack of attention to the selfpresentation capabilities of an individual, in particular to the psychological phenomenon of motivation as a meaningful element of the paradigm of organizational structures of personal self-construction of personnel.
The aim of the article is to establish relationships and context of structural elements of motivation in the paradigm of organizational structures of personal self-construction of personnel.
The problems of the study are to determine the subject- structural area, content and logic of the psychological phenomenon of motivation of personal self-construction of personnel, to explore the possibilities of practical and effective application of motivation theories.
Methods of the research. To solve the tasks set in the article, the following theoretical research methods were used: methods of scientific prediction, analysis, synthesis, comparison; hypothetical method, categorical and structural-functional methods; methods of analysis, systematization and generalization, and modeling method.
Results and their discussion
Currently, the interest in the organization's personnel, as well as in the individual employee and his personality, is not so much cognitive as purely pragmatic in nature. Constructivism in the «relationship» of personnel and the organization, when the initiative of interaction belongs to a person as a subject of self-creation and production activity, is the essence of construction (development) by the subject of himself. Accordingly, the motivational paradigm of personal self-construction of personnel forms its own subject-structural area regarding the efficiency and stability of the functioning of both personnel and the organization.
In psychological science, the basis of the interdependence of these systems became the main types of activities: 1) organi- zational, related to the optimization of the human factor in re-production and development, as well as the deployment of the essential forces of personnel based on the principles of self-construction of the individual; 2) personal, realized in goal setting and value system, resolution of contradictions between subjects, content and technologies of the organizational process carried out in a specific field of production activity» (Соломка, 2018).
Accordingly, the use of this model involves a rather deep and long-term study of organizational life - structures, goals and ideas of employees of a certain company regarding the objective, deep (basic) elements of the motivational paradigm in the context of self-construction. Therefore, the fate of effective personnel is a structural and organizational process of motivated preservation, constructive reproduction and development of their essential forces in the organizational and economic space.Thus, the psychological phenomenon of motivation of personal selfconstruction of personnel is entrusted with a decisive mission.
Related to our presentations the concentration of scientists is on the structural and substantive characteristics of staff motivation as a unit of effective functioning of the organization. At the same time, the goal of motivating the team as a whole is considered separately from the motives of the unit or personal ones. Personnel motivation at the level of an individual employee must be interconnected with the goals and strategy of the entire enterprise. The analysis is based on classical content theories of motivation: the theory of the hierarchy of needs by A. Maslow, the ERG theory by K. Alderfer, the two-factor theory by F. Herzberg, the theory of acquired needs by D. McClelland (Устіловська, 2017).
One of the approaches we follow in the study of the motivational paradigm of personal self-construction of personnel is the selection of the career phenomenon as a goal and motive - recog-nition and choice. It is about the analytical modeling of activity regarding the construction of meaning as a result of active personalization. It is carried out by the individual to overcome the tension of the conflict in interaction with the environment. At the same time, the construction of values is the result of active personalization. The model of six tension-crisis-conflictogens of personal construction makes a certain sense, and also impresses us: motivation (between self-affirmation and self-transformation); moment or relation to time (between short-term and long-term); and relation to the territory (between local and global). There are also «tensions» (3 V), which appear as conflict generators of a communicative nature (Pouyaud, & Angel, 2016).The question of motivation during the organizational and economic activity of the individual employee is contextually focused on the problems of diagnosis and counseling on career issues, private practice; on issues of dynamic, developmental and systemic basis of personal self-construction - well-being and construction of life as a whole. Attention to career issues can promote selfawareness and take advantage of development and self-enhancement, as well as promote awareness of the importance of social justice in organizational performance (Maree, & Twigge, 2016).
Career development cannot be limited to making career decisions and is focused on finding a profession (activity, job) that corresponds to personal skills, values and interests. At the heart of the approach to self-design are models in which the career is predictable, linear and basically contain deductive reasoning about the prospects of dynamic interaction between the employee and the organization.
The relationship of self-design and career management at the individual and organizational level stimulates a positive personal environment of interaction, promotes active career behavior in the application of positive personality resources. Selfdesign is an adequate reflection of the realities of modern career development, which causes a significant increase in the quality of work and the efficiency of the organization as a whole (Hirsc- hi, & Dauwalder, 2015).
The specific motivational context is presented in a model based on the epistemology of social constructionism, where an individual's knowledge and identity are the product of social interaction, and concepts and meanings are co-constructed through discourse. The basis of personal self-construction is integrity, contextuality and preventiveness (Savickas, Nota, Rossier, Dauwalder, Duarte, Guichard, ... & van Vianen, 2009).
The same pattern applies to job satisfaction, which is commensurate with the feeling of well-being, and is determined by the equivalent of the main indicators of the content of work, its duration, remuneration, opportunities for growth, group dynamics (at work) and supervision (style) (Vroom, 2003).
In the sense of everyday life, well-being is a state or an objective situation when a person has everything that favorably characterizes his life in the eyes of others, his relatives and himself. Mental well-being is associated with such personal characteristics as self-confidence, adequate self-esteem, positive outlook on life, benevolence, sociability, emotional stability.The problem of well-being is an important component of human life, a multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses various areas of human functioning, such as life satisfaction, successful social functioning, autonomy, personal growth, quality of life in general, and a sense of happiness in life. It is significant to highlight the phenomenon of subjective well-being, which is based on self-esteem, the environment, as well as behavioral reactions and subjective consequences (Карамушка, 2023).
Such congruence of well-being and personal self-construction of the organization's personnel gives reason to consider the outlined problems in the context of motivation for higher quality and effective organizational activity on the one hand and movement in the direction of one's own well-being on the other.
Discussions about the absolute imitation and complete transfer of classical motivational theories to the organizational and economic ground remain relevant, especially in the field of personal self-development of personnel. Thus, there are critical conclusions (Ibietan, 2010) regarding the universality of content theories regarding the scope and degree of satisfaction of the basic needs of employees; reward and evaluation systems do not always work in practice; it is unlikely that management will be able to effectively identify employees' needs for respect and use their motivating factor.
The theory of the hierarchy of needs (A. Maslow's pyramid) is considered the most applied and instrumental in the circle of practical managers for understanding and explaining the motivation of their staff.A satisfied need ceases to determine behavior and continues to act as a motivation factor: behavior begins to be determined to a greater extent by the needs of the next level.
The relative importance of an individual's needs is extremely dynamic over time. Very often, even to the extent of a minor satisfaction of one need, the actualization of another occurs. Human behavior at any moment is determined by a set of needs.
It is known that A. Maslow was well known in the field of business in his time. He spent three years as a plant manager at the Maslow Cooperage Corporation. In his theoretical works, he introduced various terms related to his theories of management, one of the most interesting is the term synergy borrowed from Ruth Benedict, which denotes a situation when a person pursuing his own, selfish goals automatically helps others.
In business, when managers encourage collaboration and communication, everyone benefits from personal self-development, healthy growth, and continuous company improvement. And this brings us to Theory Z (which is eupsychic management) (Maslow, 1998).
When a manager is able to extract motivations and values from the recesses of the soul of his subordinates, the result can be real productivity. From a personal point of view, motives of creativity and autonomy have the highest value here. When the manager «pulls out» what is deeply hidden in the employee, work begins as never before. For example, when a manager needs an in-depth marketing analysis, it gives the employee the opportunity to fully reveal his categorical flexibility and originality of thinking (without time limits). In such a situation, the goals of the leader and the subordinate are congruent or equivalent, since both seek the same thing. The expected behavior of the employee is available. Congruence of goals (goal congruepse) of the organization's personnel makes self-construction productive.
To use the theory of expectation effectively (Vroom, 2003), modern management emphasizes that managers must constantly try to identify the values and preferences of employees and harmonize them with the corporate goal/objective. This will undoubtedly increase the motivation of the employees. Also, in order to fully motivate employees, managers must design, publicize, and offer rewards that add value to employees. Value-based rewards can then be tied to employee performance and overall organizational performance (Ibietan, 2010).
Increased self-direction, flexibility, and adaptability are required on the part of employees if they are to successfully cope with changes in the workplace (Sullivan, Martin, Carden, & Mainiero, 2003). A wide range of concepts of career motivation (career mobility) (Forrier, & Sels, 2009) and career self-management (King, 2004) play a prominent role in solving the current challenges of organizational reality.
The key problem of motivation in the process of personal self-construction of personnel remains the definition of causality determination. The motives of a person's labor activity are the desire to satisfy their biogenic and sociogenic needs of a lower order. So, interdependent formed value orientations and profession and how much a person sees personal meaning in one's activity are of great importance (Максименко, & Осьодло, 2010).
A deep understanding of meaning is commensurate with the aforementioned concept of meaning in professional activity: «There is no such situation in which life does not give us the opportunity to find meaning.And there is no such person for whom life does not have some kind of business in store. The opportunity to realize meaning is always unique. And a person who uses this opportunity is always unique» (Frankl, 2016).
Procedures of self-construction in the form of tasks, intensive practices present the personality, correlating with all the realities of life. Such tasks are determined by the mechanisms of self-presentation and self-questioning and the resolution of a certain basic conflict. The personality resolves this conflict by solving the problems of achieving self-identity and forming the boundaries of the «I», demonstrating its own authorship. In the future, the basic conflict is formalized as the polarity of a specific past and a multivariate future. The main problems are the ability to transform and the ability to transcend. (Титаренко, 2018).
The motivational factors of self-reinforcement and selfregulation in (Bandura, Freeman, & Lightsey, 1999) as central modes of social-cognitive theory convince that new forms of behavior can be acquired without external reinforcement.
This is how four interrelated components arise: attention (understanding of the model), when a person follows the behavior of the model and accurately perceives this behavior; preservation (memory of the model), when a person remembers (longterm preservation) the behavior of people that was observed before.
The two main internal representational systems by which people's behavior is stored in memory include: 1. Image coding (the emergence of stable and easily reproduced images of people in the process of sensory learning), which contributes to learning patterns of behavior that are not subject to verbal coding.
2. Verbal coding (a person mentally repeats the sequence of performing the simulated activity).
Through motor-reproductive processes, which are presented in the form of translation of information symbolically encoded in memory into appropriate actions. The end point is the actual motivational process - from observation to action. Although the theory of social-cognitive reinforcement does recognize the role of external reinforcements, it postulates the existence of a wider range of reinforcing influences, including: the influence of experience gained as a result of one's own activities; regulation of behavior based on individual consequences; self-reinforcement
This is how the components of self-construction (self-building) of personnel arise within the framework of organizational and economic activity: self-observation ^ self-evaluation ^ evaluation of one's own activity ^ self-response ^ self-criticism ^ self-efficacy. Self-efficacy judgments influence which activities are chosen and avoided, how much effort is exerted, how persistent they are, and how long they continue to perform the task. An important aspect of self-efficacy is its subject area - the specific task of the production situation. People with high self-efficacy experience difficulties and actively react to failures. They set higher goals and make more efforts to achieve them. They are more self-constructive, use more cognitive and metacognitive strategies (high-level thinking), showing an understanding of what is needed to successfully complete a task. People with low self-efficacy are more likely to avoid difficult tasks and have low commitment to goals.
According to V. Vroom (Vroom, 2003), the motivation model is based on the assumption that a person directs his efforts to achieve any goal only when he is sure of a high probability of satisfaction due to his needs or goal achievement. At the heart of this idea is the idea that people tend to prioritize certain goals or outcomes, hoping for a sense of satisfaction when the desired outcome is achieved. As for self-construal, in the expectancy model of motivation, interrelationships and relationships between expended effort and results are important; a certain reward or incentive for the achieved level of results and satisfaction with the reward (valence). Unlike instrumentality, which is an outcome-outcome relationship, expectancy implies an action-outcome relationship.The degree of relative satisfaction or dissatisfaction with receiving a certain reward is also taken into account (Vroom, 2003).
A model that draws heavily on expectancy theory but goes beyond the limited notion of motivational force for performance in general. This is a complex theory of motivation, containing elements of previous theories. According to the authors, motivation is simultaneously a function of needs, expectations and employees' perception of fair remuneration. The components are logically arranged as follows: the results achieved by the employee (6) depends on the efforts made by him (3), abilities and character (4), his assessment of his role in the work process (5). The amount of effort expended depends on the employee's assessment of the value of the reward (2) and confidence in the existence of a relationship between effort expenditure and reward (1). Achieving the required level of performance (6) can lead to intrinsic reward (7a) (sense of satisfaction from work performed, sense of competence and self-esteem) and extrinsic reward (7b) (praise from supervisor, bonus, promotion).
The psychological characteristic of the subject of personal self-construction of the personnel of organizations is leveled (toward harmonization) by meditation of consciousness, promoting well-being, increasing work productivity, strengthening team spirit, and reducing work stress.
A constructive motivational element is the recognition of achievements, positive feedback that initiates the subject of self-construction, focusing on well-performed tasks, harmonious team cooperation, the opportunity for career growth and self-development.
Local structure-forming characteristics of the personal self-construction of the organization's personnel in the motivational dimension are the behavioral capabilities of employees implemented in the Lifelong learning system (regular advanced training courses, seminars and other training that allow you to feel your value and get satisfaction from work). Work-life balance, flexible working hours or the option to work from home improves employee well-being and reduces stress levels. A positive working environment supports positive emotions, makes employees happier and more productive. The feeling and understanding of the meaning and purpose contributes to the achieve-ment of the company's goals, provides additional motivation for the personal self-development of the organization's personnel.
The psychological characteristic of the subject of personal self-construction of the personnel of organizations is leveled (toward harmonization) by meditation of consciousness, promoting well-being, increasing work productivity, strengthening team spirit, and reducing work stress.
A constructive motivational element is the recognition of achievements, positive feedback that initiates the subject of self-construction, focusing on well-performed tasks, harmonious team cooperation, the opportunity for career growth and self-development.
Local structure-forming characteristics of the personal self-construction of the organization's personnel in the motivational dimension are the behavioral capabilities of employees implemented in the Lifelong learning system (regular advanced training courses, seminars and other training that allow you to feel your value and get satisfaction from work). Work-life balance, flexible working hours or the option to work from home improves employee well-being and reduces stress levels. A positive working environment supports positive emotions, makes employees happier and more productive. The feeling and understanding of the meaning and purpose contributes to the achieve-ment of the company's goals, provides additional motivation for the personal self-development of the organization's personnel.
The operationalization of the psychological phenomenon of motivation of personal self-construction of personnel is largely determined by the elements it consists of. Most often, in Ukrai-nian psychological science and foreign sources, there are definitions that relate to the driving force of employees to work better: better, faster, more efficiently. Motivational phenomena of personal self-construction of personnel are mainly distinguished in the intangible sphere - everything that an employee receives
from the company, except for salary, as a result of internal deep motivation (subjectivity of self-construction) and effective functioning of the organization. The main directions of further research lie within the study of the values of personnel and the organization in the paradigm of organizational structures of personal self-construction of personnel.
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