Service culture as a factor of the sustainable development of the restaurant business

Consideration of the features of identifying weaknesses in serving casual dining restaurants. Analysis of ways to develop recommendations to improve the level of service culture as one of the main factors in the development of the restaurant business.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 13.07.2020
Размер файла 1,7 M

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Table 9. Staff rotation in the Tabasco restaurant

In 2018, staff turnover amounted to 52.8%, by the end of 2019, it decreased by 15.1% (amounted to 38%). As a rule, young and promising employees aged 20 to 30 years who have higher or incomplete higher education leave. The main reason for their dismissals is low wages and lack of career opportunities.

There are many information streams in the Tabasco restaurant that provide the managerial staff and functional units with the necessary information in the field of solving the problems of technical preparation of production, long-term planning and forecasting of production development, marketing research, operational management of material, labor and financial resources, marketing and sale of finished products production, accounting and analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. Sources of such information are the following software packages used by the enterprise:

1. 1.Garant

2. 2.Consultant +

3. 3.1C Enterprise

4. 4.1С Accounting

5. 5.1С Storage

6. 6.1С Salary and staff

Also, one of the important and frequently used sources of information is the Internet, which allows the company to find new ones and keep in touch with existing customers and partners. Of all the Internet features available at the enterprise, e-mail is most actively used, mainly for business correspondence. The company has 6 computers, they have the MS Windows operating system and MS Office 2010 installed. On the whole, the level of computerization can be described as satisfactory, therefore, for further successful work and development, more attention should be paid to this problem.

Project section

To better satisfy consumer demand and improve the restaurant, the organization's leaders constantly conduct market research. Analysis of the internal and external environment of the organization provides a complete picture of marketing research. An expert assessment is insufficient to draw conclusions about the quality of service, since it can often be subjective. In order to exclude this factor, a marketing study of restaurant guests was conducted.

The survey was conducted from 15.01.2020 to 01.02.2020, 578 respondents took part in the survey. The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the organization of service in the Tabasco restaurant. Table 10 shows the marketing research plan. The purpose of this study is to obtain primary information that will help determine further actions in the market and marketing policy of the Tabasco restaurant.

Table 10. Marketing research plan of the Tabasco restaurant

First, we present a socio-economic portrait of restaurant guests.

Diagram 1. Age category of the guests of the Tabasco restaurant

As can be seen from the above diagram, respondents aged 31 to 35 years occupy the largest share, people aged 36 to 40 are in second place, and people aged 26 to 30 are in third place. This distribution, aged 31 to 35 years, is the target audience interesting restaurant format.

To the question “How often do you visit the Tabasco restaurant?” The following results were obtained.

Diagram 2. Results of attendance at the Tabasco restaurant by guests

The results in the diagram show that 70% of respondents are guests who visit the restaurant several times a week, 21% of those surveyed several times a month, 5% of those surveyed visit the restaurant once every few months, and only 4% of those surveyed were in the restaurant at the time of the survey first time. From this we can conclude that most of the guests are regular guests, there are very few new guests in the restaurant.

To the question “Indicate the most significant factor when choosing a place for eating and resting”, the following answers were received.

Diagram 3. Factors in Choosing a Place to Eat and Rest

According to the results of the survey, the diagram shows that for the majority of respondents (37%) the main factor in choosing a place to eat is service, for 14% respondents the main factor is service speed, and for 21% respondents the main quality is the quality of the culinary products . For the majority of respondents, when choosing a place of eating, they are more guided by the quality and speed of service.

The following diagram shows the selection criteria for culinary products among the restaurant guests surveyed.

Diagram 4. Culinary Selection Criteria

The diagram shows that 48% of respondents are guided by the advice of waiters when choosing culinary products in a restaurant, 19% by their own opinion, 25% by the opinion of friends, and only 8% by advertising.

Assessment of the quality of service of the Tabasco restaurant is shown in the following diagram.

Diagram 5. Quality of Service Assessment

Evaluation of the quality of service in the restaurant. According to the results of a survey of guests of the Tabasco restaurant on the assessment of the quality of service, we can see from the diagram the following results 55% people were satisfied with the service, 16% people rated the service as excellent, 25% satisfactory and only 4% not satisfactory. The next diagram shows the results of an assessment of the speed of service in a restaurant.

Diagram 6. Estimation of Service Speed

Evaluation of the speed of service in a restaurant. From the diagram we see that 8% of restaurant guests rated the service speed “excellent”, 18% of the respondents rated “Good”, 45% of the respondents gave a satisfactory rating of the service speed, and 29% of the respondents were not satisfied with the restaurant service speed.

Thus, the assumption that the guests were satisfied with the service at an average level was justified. A number of conclusions can be drawn from the conducted marketing research: the main guests of the restaurant are regular guests who visit the restaurant several times a week, there are practically no new guests in the restaurant, the company needs events to attract new guests.

It was also revealed that most of the guests were interested not so much in the quality of cooking, but in the speed and quality of service, but in the restaurant the reverse system was observed, according to the results of a marketing research, and an expert assessment revealed that most of the guests of the Tabasco restaurant were not satisfied with the quality and speed of service.

The analysis of the restaurant “Tabasco” was carried out using the method of contact points by highlighting the main points of contact between staff and customers.

1. The guest comes to the door of the restaurant. At this stage, you can determine several possible service options: the visitor opens the door on his own, the doorman opens the door, the door opens automatically. In the Tabasco restaurant, automatic doors are installed at the entrance, which saves the company money by reducing the doorman position, increases the restaurant's presentation due to know-how (in Kaliningrad these are the first automatically opening doors used for restaurants), and increases hygiene for each visitor, excluding contact with the front door.

2. The guest enters the room where the administrator meets and greets the guest, after which he wonders if the guest made a table reservation. After clarifying the circumstances of the reservation, the manager offers the guest to use the wardrobe (in the autumn-winter period), escorts the guest to the previously selected table or to any free table. If there were no free seats at the time of the guest's arrival, the administrator offers the guest to sign up on the waiting list. The size of the table depends on the number of visitors (a table for two, for four). If there are more than four guests, then according to their mutual desire, you can move any number of tables together. Task execution time for the manager: 2-4 minutes. No flaws detected.

3. The visitor has taken a seat, and after that the waiter comes up to the guest and carries out a regulated list of actions: he greets the guest, lights a candle on the table, offers a menu and a wine list. After serving the menu, the waiter wonders if the guest can order immediately or if he needs time to decide on the order. The waiter also wonders if the guests need to bring an aperitif: cucumber water with ice. After clarifying the circumstances, the waiter leaves the guests to make a decision, serving the table along the way, or stands at the client's table and helps him choose the dish (drink), answering the client's questions and explaining the features of the dishes (drinks). Task execution time for the waiter: depending on the speed of decision making by the guest. Defects were revealed: customers often have to wait for a menu for 5-7 minutes, which is unacceptable.

4. The customer makes an order. The waiter remembers the customer's order exactly and writes it into the notebook, taking into account all the customer's wishes, repeats the order separately for each of the guests, and wonders whether the account will be shared or separate. The waiter also clarifies the format of serving dishes: by readiness or by time. The waiter places an order through the electronic "Waiter Station" restaurant management system "iiko". The order is automatically divided into two parts: data on all ordered drinks goes to the bar, and data about all ordered dishes goes to the kitchen. Task execution time for the waiter: 2-3 minutes. Defects have been identified: customers sometimes have to wait for a waiter to make an order or him them up by themselves.

5. The bartender receives the order. The bartender makes a cocktail (pours beer, makes coffee, makes tea). Decorates the drink. Signals to the waiter about readiness. Lead time for the bartender: 4-8 minutes. No flaws detected.

6. The cook receives the order. The cook prepares the ordered dish (salad, main course, soup, dessert). Decorates the dish. Signals to the waiter about readiness. Lead time for the cook: 12-30 minutes. No flaws detected.

7. The waiter serves the dish to the guest (brings a drink from the bar, or a dish from the kitchen). By announcing the dish, the waiter serves the dish. Task execution time for a waiter to serve one dish (drink): 1-2 minutes. Shortcomings were revealed: the waiters do not always promptly bring drinks from the bar (customers see that their order is ready, and the waiter does not bring it, doing other things).

8. The guest eats food and drinks. A waiter is always nearby, does not interfere with the client and at the same time is always ready to come to help when necessary. Shortcomings were revealed: dirty dishes are not always promptly taken away, which leads to the fact that customer tables sometimes are “overfilled” with dishes, napkins are not replenised on time.

9. The client has finished eating and asks to bring the bill. The waiter goes to the bar and asks the administrator to provide him with a cashier's check. The administrator gives the waiter a check, he carefully checks whether there is an error. If everything is in order, the waiter takes the folder and brings it to the guest. Task execution time for waiter and head waiter: 4-5 minutes. No flaws identified.

10. The guest pays and leaves the restaurant. If he does not need change, then leaving the money in the folder, he leaves the room. If the guest has paid and is waiting for the change, the waiter takes the folder with the bill and money, receives the change at the cashbox from the administrator, and then returns the change to the client. The client picks up the change (he can tip part of it if he is happy with everything) and leaves the restaurant. No flaws detected.

11. When leaving the hall, the waiter and the administrator of the hall say goodbye to him. Defects revealed: waiters are not always goodbye to guest.

Thus, the analysis of the customer service of the Tabasco restaurant shows that it is necessary to improve the quality of service, since the identified shortcomings affect customer satisfaction. In addition, the problems identified are primarily due to the work of the maintenance staff. Firstly, it is obvious that the staff does not have a single system of behavior when serving visitors. Secondly, it is obvious that it is necessary to conduct a series of trainings that will avoid future annoying oversights in staff work. In addition, the restaurant staff and its management need to work to optimize the customer service process in order to reduce customer service time.

To make changes to the organization, the following change strategies are used:

1. directive (imposition of opinion by management);

2. based on negotiations (recognition of the legitimacy of the interests of others);

3. regulatory (use of external consultants);

4. analytical (clear definition of the problem, involvement of experts);

5. action-oriented (great involvement of people).

Restaurant Tabasco will be chosen directive strategy of change, as the solution to this issue is in the competence of management.

Since the main activity of the Tabasco restaurant is the sale of products, in order to avoid losses and generate profit, it is necessary that the company is constantly engaged in improving the management of quality of service and production. Improving the quality of service management in a restaurant can be achieved by applying the “General Quality Control” model, which will allow the restaurant to create a whole system for improving service quality management, prevent losses and constantly generate profit from the sale of services and products. The main indicator is the turnover, the gross income of the enterprise depends on it, with the increase in turnover, the turnover of money invested in current assets accelerates, which means that there is a real possibility of generating profit and increasing the value of net assets, as well as increasing the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise.

Summarizing the analyzed data, it becomes possible to identify lagging areas in which improvements are needed. Thus, the direction for increasing the turnover is due to the need to increase the profit of the restaurant, because if the company makes a profit, there will be funds for implementing a service quality management system. In addition, an increase in turnover is necessary to attract a new target audience, which can be formed through the implementation of the following activities. Marketing events aimed at increasing brand awareness are determined by the fact that the age category of visitors is people over 31 years old (according to Diagram 1). Accordingly, the restaurant is losing potential profits from customers aged 18-30 years. Attracting the target audience of this age through the following activities will bring the restaurant additional income. The issue of strengthening control over the quality of manufactured and sold products is formed based on the survey data, which shows visitors' dissatisfaction with the speed and quality of service. Given the personally conducted study on the quality of service in the restaurant, which also confirms the average rating of visitors, it can be noted that the improvement in the indicated direction will have a positive result. Further, activities that were carried out as part of improving each of the selected areas will be disclosed in more detail.

To achieve the improvement of the quality of service management of the Tabasco restaurant, it is necessary to apply the following recommendations for improving the quality of service:

The first direction. First of all, it is necessary to increase commodity circulation. In the Tabasco restaurant, this can be done by providing additional high-quality services provided to the consumer, which are not provided by all catering establishments, but which create convenience for visitors, and which are an additional “tick” for choosing this particular restaurant:

? catering service of banquets and stand-up meals;

? providing discounts at lunchtime for all menus (not only for kitchen products, but also for bar);

? the cafe should also have services that create convenience for the visitor and save his time (the availability of wireless Internet, receiving information about ongoing events in the city, charging the phone).

The second direction. The distribution of advertising through radio, television, the Internet, the media in which will be described in detail about the activities of the enterprise and all sorts of new products, which also helps to increase trade, as new customers and visitors are attracted through advertising. Advertising should carry the following information:

? that the Tabasco restaurant is located in the city center and the infrastructure is well developed, and you can get to the restaurant in 30 - 40 minutes from any end of the city, and about the availability of parking;

? in the evenings, in the restaurant "Tabasco" there are all kinds of parties and events that will help the visitor, plunge into the atmosphere of the "city" and feel like an always welcome guest in this institution and leave with a lot of pleasant impressions;

? that the Tabasco restaurant can organize celebrations of holidays, banquets, receptions, corporate parties, etc. with the additional participation of actors, musicians, clowns, dances and other extensive entertainment programs that the restaurant staff will help you organize.

The third direction. It is necessary to exercise control over the quality of manufactured and sold products not only in the process of its preparation, but also in the process of serving it to the guest:

? the waiter must know the cooking time of each dish in order to navigate through in how much time it will be ready, that will not allow the dish to cool on the distribution rack;

? the waiter must know the serving temperature of each dish and drink offered in the Tabasco restaurant not to violate the rules for serving them;

? the waiter should know the standard of food dispensing, which will help him not to give the guest a dish that does not meet the standards for the quality of ready meals.

Thus, it is clear that if you apply this system to improve the management of the quality of service of the Tabasco restaurant, the company will significantly increase the staff's interest in the quality of their work and reduce staff turnover, which negatively affects the quality of service. Therefore, the interest of the staff will lead to high quality guest services, which will enable the company to acquire new ones and not lose regular customers. Attracting new ones and the constancy of regular visitors will allow the company to increase the turnover on which the gross income of the enterprise depends, with the increase in turnover, the turnover of money invested in current assets will accelerate, which means that there will be a real opportunity to generate profit and increase the value of net assets, as well as increase liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. And all this can be achieved by applying the model of "General quality control", which will allow the company to create a whole system to improve the management of quality of service, prevent losses and constantly generate profits from the sale of services.

After analyzing the activities of the Tabasco restaurant, we can conclude that outdated technologies are used in the production process, the competitiveness of the enterprise has decreased, and staff turnover has increased. To improve the quality of service, it is necessary to draw up a program to improve the quality of restaurant services by introducing a new staff motivation system. Increasing staff interest will lead to high-quality personnel performing their work and reduce staff turnover, which negatively affects the quality of service. Also, the interest of the staff will lead to high quality guest services, which will enable the company to acquire new ones and not lose regular customers. Attracting new and regular customers will allow the company to increase the turnover, on which the gross income of the enterprise depends, with an increase in turnover, the turnover of money invested in current assets will accelerate, which means that there will be a real opportunity to generate profit and increase the value of net assets, as well as increase liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. The introduction of new technologies is also achieved through staff development, which is part of the staff motivation system.

Beginning of the program on 01.02.2020 - end of the program on 01.04.2020

The following actions were taken within the framework of the areas chosen for improvement:

Table 11Direction for improvements

Next, it is necessary to specify each action that was taken in the framework of improving the selected areas of activity.

? Holding outdoor banquets and events. The Tabasco restaurant served outdoor banquets for corporate events; for this, venues for banquets were organized, decoration was carried out, optimal seating arrangements were arranged for the guests, a field kitchen was developed for preparing meat dishes and roasts. The restaurant also provided catering services for city events, which allowed to increase sales and conduct an advertising campaign among those present.

? The loyalty system was to create special “cards” with which you could get a free business lunch (Appendix 2). Thus, it was possible to stimulate customers to visit the restaurant at lunchtime every working day for a week.

? Additional functionality has been added to increase guest comfort. Power Banks (devices for wireless charging the phone) and all possible types of connectors for each of them were purchased (Appendix 3). Chargers were given to visitors upon request, which helped them to avoid the problem of finding sockets and remove the problem of “charging the phone on the bar” when the client is worried about his property and does not have access to communication.

? Thanks to targeted advertising on instagram, the target audience of which were potential clients of the age category from 16 to 30 years, the number of unique subscribers has increased (Appendix 4). The advertising response was determined by counting the number of uses of the QR code for a free cup of coffee for any order above 500 rubles, which new subscribers received by direct mail to Direct (messaging service by Instagram).

? Advertising in other social networks (VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki) was not commercial success and did not attract the expected flow of new visitors, which indicates the inappropriateness of such product placement.

? Giving away prizes in the Instagram account affected the increase in the target audience of subscribers (more than 1000 reposts were made based on the results of the raffle).

? Certification of managers and waiters for knowing the time of serving food and drinks without prior training showed that 40% of the staff do not own or use this information in their work. Emphasis on this problem has increased productivity, speed and performance quality, which had a positive impact on the time of customer service, respectively, on the reaction of customers to the quality of service.

The comparison table, which determines the profit growth after the implementation of recommendations, demonstrates the effectiveness of the measures taken. Comparison is made for 1 full month of customer service after the implementation of all recommendations in the restaurant.

Table 12. Comparative analysis of indicators before and after the implementation of recommendations

Restaurant revenue, according to net profit indicators, increased by 25%. The amount of revenue for business lunches increased by 36%, which also determines an increase in the percentage of average carriage (the lowest carriage indicator was observed in the morning and after-lunch daytime hours of the restaurant) and an increase in the average number of checks per day.

The average amount of a check did not increase much, by 11% (which is also explained by the increase in the number of business lunches sold, which are inexpensive), but the cost of 1 position in a check increased by 32%, which indicates the willingness of customers to order more expensive and difficult to maintain dishes.

Therefore, after conducting a comparative analysis, it is possible to unambiguously determine the success of the measures developed in the framework of the recommendations, which increased the importance of the considered indicators. To confirm the effectiveness of the measures taken, as well as to uniquely link the profit growth and the implementation of recommendations, it is necessary to analyze the restaurant's revenue by months over the past years (table 13).

Table 13. Monthly revenue

For a more visual representation of how revenue increased, based on the data in table 13, graph 1 is drawn up.

The graph clearly shows the dynamics of revenue growth by months, the average rate of which is 5% compared to last year. In the context of the year, the indicator ranges from 1 to 9% growth compared to last year. The graph also clearly shows the expected increase in January 2020 by 6% and in February 2020 by 8%. However, in March there was a sharp jump in revenue, which amounted to 26% compared to last year. Given the average profit growth per month, which is an average of 5%, the real revenue growth from ongoing activities was 21%.


The modern market economy makes fundamentally new demands on the quality of products. This is due to the fact that now the survival rate of any company, its stable position in the market of goods and services are determined by the level of competitiveness. In turn, competitiveness is associated with the action of several dozen factors, among which two main ones can be distinguished - product quality and quality of service. At the same time, the quality of service is gradually coming to the fore. Labor productivity, saving of all types of resources give way to the quality of service. The essence of the service quality management system is that it works only with high-quality implementation and strict control of all its components. In partial execution, it will also work, but not so efficiently and will not allow to create a stable quality of service and its management system.

Labor efficiency and increasing labor productivity depends on the qualifications of employees and the quality of work performed. Attracting new customers and increasing the frequency of their visits will allow the company to increase the turnover, on which the gross income of the enterprise depends, with an increase in turnover, the turnover of money invested in current assets will accelerate, which means that there will be a real opportunity to generate profit and increase the value of net assets, as well as increase liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. The company currently has a fairly high financial stability, however, to strengthen sustainability, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at strengthening the economy of the enterprise.

Based on the analysis, it was established that the Tabasco restaurant is quite serious in ensuring the quality of the services provided, which are controlled both at the external and internal levels of management. However, shortcomings were identified in the restaurant's activities, the elimination of which was the fundamental goal of the thesis. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, improve the quality of the services provided and increase the turnover, it is recommended to implement measures consisting in a more effective marketing policy, expand the target audience of the restaurant, attract new visitors, increase turnover through the introduction of new methods of remote service and improve the quality of service.

Thus, the proposed program of recommendations can be estimated economically feasible in connection with an increase in the growth of key indicators by 21%. The described events are universal and equally suitable for restaurants with any economic situation, because in their implementation they do not require large investments and have a quick and permanent response from visitors.

Reference list

restaurant improve culture

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  • Использование коммуникационных стратегий для расширения сбыта, создания положительного рыночного имиджа организации. Особенности работы официантов и администраторов кафе в сфере личных продаж в ресторанном бизнесе. Примеры рекламных акций холдинга.

    контрольная работа [51,9 K], добавлен 10.07.2017

  • History of Nokia, its role in the telecommunications market and impact on the international business. Exit closed companies to market. Foreign direct investment and business strategy. Mergers, acquisitions and co complex. Foreign Exchange impact on Nokia.

    контрольная работа [29,8 K], добавлен 11.12.2010

  • An essence of marketing in the industry of hospitality. The role, place of hospitality in the sphere of services. The modern tendencies of development of the world industry of hospitality. The marketing concept, franchising, development of a new product.

    курсовая работа [57,8 K], добавлен 19.06.2011

  • Crisis in Russia and international tobacco enterprises. International tobacco companies in the Russian market. Рroper suggestions with the purpose to adapt them to the Russian tobacco market in the new circumstances to maintain the level of profit.

    реферат [15,4 K], добавлен 15.05.2016

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