Ефект хронічного прикладання німодипіну на кальцієвий гомеостаз у нейронах дорсального рогу спинного мозку щурів за умов розвитку діабетичної нейропатії

Вплив хронічного введення німодипіну на розвиток сенсорних полінейропатій у щурів зі стрептозотоцин-індукованим діабетом. Вплив терапії на зміни кальцієвої сигналізації у вторинних сенсорних нейронах дорсального рогу спинного мозку, викликані діабетом.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2014
Размер файла 49,9 K

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Диссертация посвящена исследованию изменений кальциевой сигнализации в нейронах дорсального рога спинного мозга СТЗ-диабетических крыс под влиянием длительного и регулярного введения нимодипина. Показано нормализующее влияние введения нимодипина на болевые поведенческие реакции диабетических животных, а именно: уменьшение болевой чувствительности при реакции на острую боль при проведении формалинового теста и частичная компенсация термической гипоалгезии. Выявлено нормализующее влияние введения нимодипина на диабет-индуцированные нарушения Ca2+ гомеостаза во вторичных сенсорных нейронах. В частности, обнаружено достоверное увеличение высвобождения Ca2+ из кальциевых депо ЭР нейронов ДР спинного мозга диабетических животных. Доказано, что обнаруженные эффекты от хронического введения нимодипина имеют место только в условиях развития экспериментального диабета. При сравнении эффектов хронического введения нимодипина и эналаприла обнаружено, что нормализующее действие нимодипина опосредовано как процессами, связанными с прямым действием на нейроны, так и с его вазодилаторным эффектом.

Ключевые слова: диабет, нейропатия, Ca2+ каналы, рианодин, дигидропиридины .


Shutov L.P. The effect of nimodipine on calcium homeostasis in dorsal horn neurons of diabetic rats. - Manuscript.

Thesis for Ph.D. degree on specialty 03.00.02 - biophysics. - Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NASc of Ukraine. Kiev-2006.

The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of influence of chronic nimodipine treatment on the calcium signaling in secondary sensory neurons from the spinal cord of rats with diabetic neuropathy. The pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy is a complex phenomenon, the mechanisms of which are not fully understood. Our previous studies have shown that the intracellular calcium signaling is impaired in nociceptive neurons in rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. Here, we investigated the effect of prolonged treatment with the L-type calcium channel blocker nimodipine on diabetes-induced changes in neuronal calcium signaling and pain sensitivity. Diabetes was induced in young rats (3-4 weeks old) by streptozotocin injection. After 3 weeks of diabetes development, the rats were treated with nimodipine (20 mg/kg daily) for another 3 weeks. Group of age-matched control rats were treated with nimodipine in the same way. The effect of treatment on calcium homeostasis in nociceptive dorsal horn (DH) neurons of spinal cord slices was examined with videoimaging techniques using Fura-2AM. Resting levels of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]I) in DH neurons did not significantly differ in nimodipine-treated diabetic rats vs. non-treated ones. However, the amplitude of either caffeine or ionomycin-induced transient elevation of [Ca2+]I in calcium-free extracellular solution was significantly larger in neurons of nimodipine-treated diabetic rats. Nimodipine treatment significantly decreased the amplitudes of depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i transients in DH neurons from SC slices of STZ-diabetic rats. Nimodipine treatment didn't affect calcium signaling in neurons of control rats. The ability of nimodipine treatment to improve impaired sensory reactions of STZ-diabetic rats was examined using ''Hot Plate test'' and ''Formalin test''. Nimodipine treatment partially reversed STZ-induced thermal hypoalgesia in diabetic rats and significantly reduced the intensity of the first phase of formalin response. The intensity of the second phase of formalin response was not changed and its duration was shortened by nimodipine treatement. Nimodipine treatment didn't affect sensory reactions of control rats. To clarify whether the effect of nimodipine was due to its neuronal or vasodilating action, a groups of STZ-diabetic and control rats were treated with the vasodilator enalapril (5 mg/kg daily). Resting levels of [Ca2+]i and the amplitude of depolarization-induced [Ca2+]i transients in DH neurons did not significantly differ in enalapril-treated diabetic rats vs. non-treated ones. The amplitudes of either caffeine or ionomycin-induced transient elevation of [Ca2+]I in calcium-free extracellular solution was significantly larger in neurons of enalapril-treated diabetic rats. In tested neurons from STZ-diabetic rats the normalizing effect of enalapril treatment on amplitudes of caffeine- and ionomycine-induced [Ca2+]i transients was far less significant than the normalizing effect observed following nimodipine treatment. Enalapril treatment didn't affect calcium signaling in neurons of control rats. Enalapril treatment partially reversed STZ-induced thermal hypoalgesia in diabetic rats. Enalapril changed neither the intensity nor the duration of either the first or the second phases of formalin response. Enalapril didn't affect sensory reactions of control rats. The results of this study suggest that chronic nimodipine treatment may be effective in restoring diabetes-impaired neuronal calcium homeostasis as well as reduction of diabetes-induced thermal hypoalgesia and noxious stimuli responses. The nimodipine effect may be mediated through a direct neuronal action combined with some vascular mechanism.

Key words: diabetes, nimodipine, calcium; dorsal horn neurons, endoplasmic reticulum

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