Генетично змінені штами мікроорганізмів у системі етапної оцінки мутагенної активності косметичних засобів і їхніх інгредієнтів

Встановлення особливостей і закономірностей індукції генних мутацій деякими косметичними засобами й їхніми інгредієнтами в системі етапної оцінки їхньої безпечності в альтернативних тест-системах (генетично змінені штами Salmonella typhimurium).

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2014
Размер файла 53,8 K

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Jalovenko O.I. The generically changed strains of micro-rganisms in a system stage of an estimation of mutagen activity of cosmetic means and their ingredients. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for the degree of candidate of a biological science on specialty 03.00.15 - genetics (biological sciences). Research Center for Radiation Medicine of Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, Kiev, 2006.

The dissertation is dedicated to analysis of features of induction of genic mutations in geno-engineering methods, generically changed with the help, microorganisms in a system stage of an estimation of mutagenic activity of cosmetic means and their ingredients. Is investigated of regularity of a development of capacity of shades balms, permanent hair dyeing and their ingredients, shampoos and their ingredients to induce genic mutations on different gears of mutagenic operating. Established, that some of investigated shaded balms have - mutagens of a „mean” degree of activity (“A Red tree”, “Black” and “Chestnut”), property which one conditioned by presence in their mud formulations of matters which are capable to induce of mutation for the test - system of a different level of organization. A permanent hair dyeing (contain coloring and oxidizing components), compared with shaded balms, are more powerful mutagens: 13 of 23 studied permanent hair dyeing have exhibited genetic activity of „mean” force (“Brown”, “Ruby”, “dark - chestnut”, “Bogole”, “Blue-black”, “Eggplant”, “A cyan velvet”, “A pink tree”, “Cherry”, “Ashy”, “Маchagon”, “Red gold”, “Chestnut”). The system of metabolic activation in some cases was effective, that testifies to presence in paints, which one are oxidized, both “direct” and „indirect” mutageno-fissile of matters. In all cases the test - strain TA 98 was more sensing to operating chemical agents.

Established, that the genetic activity of permanent hair dyeing depends on two compound: from presence in mud formulation of paints of mutagens (it in the main stains) and from creation of a complex of chemical agents, which one are received during attachment of peroxide of hydrogenium before its applying.

Is rotined, that the shampoos have not mutagen properties, despite of presence in their mud formulations sodium laurylsulphate - known mutagen.

Keywords: shaded balms, permanent hair dyeing, shampoos, Surfactants, mutagenic activity, mutations.

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