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Kovalchuk L.I. Hygienic evaluation of the impact of seashore protection constructions on the marine environment and population health. - A manuscript.

Dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences in speciality 14.02.01 - Hygiene and occupational pathology. -Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky, Ministry of Public Health, Ukraine, Donetsk, 2010.

The theses are devoted to the hygienic problem of safeguarding seashore recreational resources, and in particular, assessing the impact of seashore protection constructions on marine environment and population health, determining risk factors while utilizing seashore zones for treatment and rehabilitation purposes.

There was provided the sanitary-hygienic evaluation of the conditions of seawater usage and the state of marine environment, substantiated and developed hygienic parameters of seashore protection constructions to minimize their effect upon seashore recreational qualities. There was demonstrated that with the absence of non-organized terrigenic drainage and unrestricted water exchange with open sea of sea, the beach basins don't suffer from unfavourable influence of the seashore protection contructions. On the contrary, closed schemes of seashore protection constructions and restricted water exchange result in the increased pollution of sea water and beach sand with the maximum in the summer period. The regularity of the distribution, behavior and survival of pollutants in the environment in the vicinity of seashore protection constructions, the particulars of self-cleaning process, the interrelationships of contamition levels of seawater and beach sand were revealed.

There was substantiated the methodical approaches for the improvement of preliminary and current sanitary surveillance on the state of seashore beaches in the vicinity of seashore protection constructions, to prevent their negative effect upon the population health.

The results of the research were introduced in the educational process, used by architects when developing recreational objects, as well as sanitary-and-epidemiological services while carrying out preliminary and current sanitary surveillance on the state of recreational zones and marine environment.

Keywords: recreational resources, seashore protection constructions, marine environment, population health, risk factors.

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