Початкові сенсоневральні порушення слуху при наявності судинних чинників

Стан слухової функції, мозкового кровообігу, стовбуромозкових та коркових структур у хворих з початковими сенсоневральними порушеннями слуху та наявністю судинних чинників. Інформативність хворих у ранній діагностиці сенсоневральних порушень слуху.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.07.2015
Размер файла 77,9 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Dissertation for obtaining of scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences by speciality - 14.01.19 - otorhinolaryngology - State institution “Otorhinolaryngology Institute named after Professor О.S. Kolomiychenko of the AMSU”, Кyiv, 2010

The Dissertation is devoted to studies of state of various hearing analyser sectors, cerebral hemodynamics and bioelectrical activity of the brain of patients with various vessel factors with the purpose of increase of early diagnostics quality of sensorineural disorders of hearing of vessel genesis and their prophylactics.

In the work given are results of examination of 128 patients with vessel factors (periodic increase of arterial pressure, vegeto-vascular dystonia of hypertonic type, I stage essential hypertension - 1, 2 and 3 group) and 15 practically healthy well hearing persons, as a control group.

It is specified, that at practially normal showings of tonal audiometry within the range of (0,125-8) kHz, but increased thresholds within the range of (10-16) kHz, patients 1, 2 and 3 groups there is continued (P<0,01) latent peak period component of N2 long latent hearing caused potentials up to (268,3±2,3); (284,4±2,2) and (277,9±3,4) at ipsilateral tone stimulation of 1 кHz, which is the proof of malfunction in hearing analyser cortical structures of such patients.

It is shown, that the most unfavourable vessel disorders amongst the researched in terms of development of sensorineural hearing disorders is vegeto-vascular dystonia of hypertonic type. This patients had visible malfunction in central (trunk brain and cortical), which was proved by true facts (P<0,01) compared with control group continuing of latent period of peak (LPP) V wave of short latent hearing caused potentials up to (5,73±0,03) ms; inter-check interval І-V and ІІІ-V short latent hearing caused potentials up to (4,09±0,03) and (1,92±0,05) ms, and also latent peak period component of N2 long latent hearing caused potentials at ipsilateral tone stimulation of 1 kHz up to (284,4±2,2) ms. At the same group, the most evident were also changes in brain bioelectrical activity by electroencephalography data (true decrease of alpha-rhythm amplitude in neck and temple parts, correspondently up to (49,1±4,6) and (36,3±3,8) mkV and redistribution of main rhythms of the electroencephalography) and disorder in brain blood circulation (existamce of brain vessel spasm, their tonus increase, complication of venous outflow) by data of rheoencephalography, which should be taken into account at such patients treatment.

There are specified “risk” groups amongst patients with ulterior vessel disorders as for development of their hearing function disorders, which allowes their timely diagnostics and treatment and prophylactic measures, preventing sensorineural disorders development.

Proved is the expediency of audiometry examination, both in conventional (0,125-8) kHz, and, specifically, in broadened frequency volumes (10-16) kHz, for all patients with vessel disorders, which as well may not have any complaints for hearing disorders but who notice existance of subjective noise in ears, increased irritability, headache.

Key words: sensorineural deafness, hearing analyser, brain blood circulation, vegeto-vascular dystonia.


АТ - артеріальний тиск

ВСД - вегето-судинна дистонія

ГХ - гіпертонічна хвороба

ДКІ - дикротичний індекс

ДСІ - діастолічний індекс

ДП - диференціальні пороги

ДСВП - довголатентні слухові викликані потенціали

ЕЕГ - електроенцефалографія

КСВП - коротколатентні слухові викликані потенціали

ЛПП - латентний період піку

МПІ - міжпіковий інтервал

Рі - реографічний індекс

РЕГ - реоенцефалографія

СНП - сенсоневральна приглухуватість

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