Клінічне значення еходоплерографії щитоподібної залози та йодурії для оптимізації лікування хворих на дифузний нетоксичний зоб

Вивчення та аналіз йодного забезпечення організму у хворих на дифузний нетоксичний зоб різних вікових груп шляхом дослідження йодурії. Виявлення закономірностей змін кровотоку в щитоподібній залозі під впливом лікування препаратами йодиду калію.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 19.07.2015
Размер файла 44,6 K

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Мы предлагаем алгоритм диагностики и лечения ДНЗ: 1 этап - ультразвуковая волюмометрия, допплерография ЩЖ, определение содержания ТТГ, АтТПО в плазме крови. 2 этап - пациентам с верифицированным диагнозом ДНЗ назначаются йодиды в течение четырёх месяцев. Суточная доза йодидов: до 18 лет - 100 мкг; у возрастной группы 19-45 лет - 200 мкг; после 45 лет - 150 мкг. 3 этап - по завершении предыдущего этапа, исследовать объём ЩЖ определять AVE-VEL в ней, RI.

Ключевые слова: диффузный нетоксический зоб, йодурия, эходопплерография, сонография, щитовидной железы, йодиды.


Ibrahim Mahmoud Younes Abu Ayyash. The clinical significance of echodopplerografy of thyroid gland and ioduria for optimization of treatment of patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter. - Manuscript.

Thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, for the specialty 14.01.14 - endocrinology. - State Institution «V.P. Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, 2010.

Thesis research is devoted to study the efficacy of use echodopplerografic control of iodide treatment of patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter (DNTG).

We examined 90 patients with the DNTG (2-nd degree) between the ages of 13 to 73 years. All patients were divided into 3 age groups: Group 1-st - children (13-18 years), Group 2-nd - young persons (19-44 years) and Group 3-d - patients in mature age and elderly (over 45). Each group consisted of 30 patients: 20 women and 10 men. The volume and structure of the thyroid gland was studied with the help of apparatus for ultrasound examinations Aloka SSD-1700 with a linear 7.5 MHz transducer. Measurement of gland volume was conducted by the method of Brunn in cm3. The study included patients with enlargement of thyroid gland according to ultrasound date for more than 25 cm3 - males and more than 18 cm3 - females. These criterions were used for persons of 18 and elder. Tabulated indexes calculated for areas with sufficient iodine provision have been used for children.

Ioduria was investigated in the morning urine using ion-selective electrode for the determination of iodine in aqueous solutions «Ecom 1» connected to the device «ionomer universal EV-74». Linear flow velocity was investigated in the lower arterial vessels SHZH in the regime of real time. The study was conducted in the regimes of the reflected Doppler signal and color Doppler mapping. Average flow velocity in the end of pulsation (AVE-VEL) was determined in cm/sec. Index of resistance was also calculated. Analyzing ioduria in children (1-st group), we established that in the whole group, it ranged from 25 mg/l to 90 mg/l. Median ioduria 75 micrgram/l indicates mild iodine deficiency. Ioduria in young patients (2-d group) ranged from 25-75 mg/l, median ioduria was 55 mg/l. Patients of 3-d group were in a state of mild iodine deficiency according to ioduria index, which ranged from 25 micrograms per liter to 85 micrograms per liter. The volume of thyroid gland of patients of 1-st group ranged from 13.80 cm3 to 17.60 cm3. Males of 2-d groups had thyroid volume on the average 28.200.44 cm3 which have been significantly greater than in females - 18.640.63 cm3 (P<0.001). Males of the 3rd group, as in the 2-nd, had thyroid volume larger than in females. An average of thyroid volume in men was 29.220.14 cm3, women - 18.770.12 cm3 (P<0.001). We used preparations of potassium iodide in the following doses: children - 100 micrograms per day, young people - 200 micrograms per day, the people of mature age - 150 micrograms per day, for the treatment DNTG. After treatment in the group of children, the median of ioduria increased - from 75 to 100 mg/l, in the group of patients of young age - from 55 to 100 mg/l and a mature age group - from 75 to 90 mg/l. The thyroid volume in children during therapy have not been changed and did not exceed the upper limits of age norm. The use of iodides in young persons had positive effect. In young men thyroid volume decreased from 28.200.44 cm3 to 14.491.20 cm3 (P<0.001). In young women thyroid volume also decreased but from 18.640.65 cm3 to 16.870.43 cm3 (P<0.05). In persons of mature age the same trend have been observed. In males, the size of goitre had halved from 29.220.14 cm3 to 14.610.13 cm3 (P<0.001), in female, it decreased from 18.770.12 cm3 to 17.110.34 cm3 (P<0.05). AVE-VEL was the lowest in children - 4.400.17 cm/s, increased at a young age - 7.800.02 cm/s and decreased slightly in the group of persons of mature age - 7.500.03 cm/sec. The rate of blood flow in the vessels of thyroid gland under the influence of potassium iodide treatment significantly increased in patients of all groups. In patients of group 1-st from 4.400.17 cm/s to 7.000.03 cm/s (P<0.001), in 2-nd group - from 7.800.02 c/s to 9.700.02 cm/s (P<0.001), in 3-d group - from 7.500.03 to 8.600.03 cm/s (P<0.001). RI decreased in all age groups: in patients of group 1 - from 0.680.02 to 0.40±0.01 (p<0.001), in 2-nd group - from 0.780.02 to 0.520.06 (P<0.001), in 3-d group - from 0.930.04 to 0.640.02 (P<0.001). RI and AVE-VEL in the vessels of thyroid gland can be the standard signs of control after efficiency or, perhaps, duration of treatment by potassium iodide. AVE-VEL (11.00±0.06 cm/s), RI (0.55±0.01), which are defined in patients without pathological changes in the thyroid are the indicators that monitor the course of treatment of goiter iodide.

We offer Standard scheme of diagnostic and treatment of DNTG: Step 1 - ultrasound volumometry, echodopplerografy of thyroid gland, determination of TSH, AtTPO level in blood plasma. Step 2 - iodides are prescribed within four months to patients with a verified diagnosis of DNTG. Daily intake of iodides is: up to 18 years - 100 mcg ; 19-45 years - 200 mcg; after 45 years - 150 mcg. Step 3 - at the end of the previous step, to investigate the volume of thyroid gland and to determine AVE-VEL therein, RI.

Key words: diffuse non-toxic goiter, ioduria, echodopplerografy, sonography, thyroid gland, iodide.

Перелік скорочень

АтТПО - антитіла до тиреопероксидази

ДНЗ - дифузний нетоксичний зоб

ТТГ- тиреотропний гормон

ЩЗ - щитоподібна залоза

AVE-VEL - середня швидкість кровотоку наприкінці пульсації

3 - вільний трийодтиронін

4 - вільний тироксин

RI - індекс резистентності

VD - кінцеводіастолічна швидкість

VS - кінцевосистолічна швидкість

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