Парціальні оклюзійні хірургічні методи в профілактиці емболії легеневої артерії

Застосування кава-фільтрів у різні терміни після імплантації. Фізичні моделі системи нижньої порожнистої вени. Зміст тромбовловлюючих властивостей протиемболічних модифікацій. Реакція стінки каудальної жили тварини в певні періоди після їх введення.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.07.2015
Размер файла 79,6 K

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На основе механико-математических расчетов и полученных результатов экспериментального исследования мы разработали интравенозный| противоэмболический кава-фильтр „Антел М”, который всеми своими ножками создает минимальное давление на стенку сосуда, тем самым уменьшает отрицательное влияние на| стенку и повышает эффективность хирургической профилактики ТЕЛА.

Ключевые слова: эмболия легочной артерии, кава-фильтр, профилактика, эксперимент.

Popadyuk O. Ya. Partsial occlusal surgical methods in the prophylaxis embolism|embolizing| of pulmonary artery|arteria|. - Manuscript.

Dissertation|thesis| on the receipt|gaining| of scientific|science| degree of candidate of medical sciences after speciality 14.01.03 is surgery. Lviv National Medical University by Danylo Halytsky, Lviv, 2010.

In basis|foundation| of work|wrk| an inspection is fixed 185 patients with the implanted cava-filters|kill-file| |coffee-break| in an early period after implantation and the repeated inspection 24 patients in remote|distant| periods after implantation of cava-filters|kill-file||coffee-break| of different|diverse| modifications. Inspection of patients allowed to find|expose| out such problems of application of filters|kill-file| of coffees|coffee-break| in different|diverse| periods after implantation as: output of retort of cava-filter| outside a cava - 4 (21,1%), perforation of filter| wall|paries| of cava legs - in 17 (89,5%) patients, penetration of legs of cava-filter| in nearby|neighbouring| organs|viscus| - aorta 9 (47,4%), mesenterial| artery|arteria| in 2 (10,5%) patients, ureter in 1 (5,3%) case, |C|kithin|fine-bored| bowel 5 (26,3%), duodenum|dodecadactylon| 1 (5,3%), colon 1 (5,3%), in the muscles of the back|dorsum| - 1 (5,3%), and also angulation| - in 18 (94,7%), oclusion| of vena cava inferir - in 3 (15,8%), stenosis of vena cava inferior - in 13 (68,4%), contact of leg with a neurocentrum and formation of bone callosity - in 9 (47,4%), destruction of cava-filters - in 4 (21,5%). Computer tomogram of scan-out is conducted 5 patients from cava filter „Cordis|” allowed to find|expose| out the difference of diameters of NPV in the places|seat| of intentions|intendment| and angulation| of cava-filters „Cordis|” in 2 patients. Measuring results testify to the insignificant|trace-level| exceeding of diameters of vena cava inferior in the area of location|disposition| of body of cava-filter „Cordis|” above|over| the diameters of vena cava inferior distal| and proximal| from him. For the study of Properties| and descriptions already known stop a trombs| built on by us analytical computer| is developed Program| of „KAF”. On the basis of findings|information| of clinical diagnostics and job of the computer program performances it is developed new|firsttime| antiembolic cava-filter|kill-file| of „Antel”, which consists of proximal| twotier catching, distal| leveler parts|portion| which are equipped restrictively fixings by elements on the ends|end-point| of all legs. Study of stop a trombs| properties|virtue| of cava-filters „Osot|sowthistle|”, „Antel” and „Greenfield|”, on the experimental|brassboard| physical|physics| model of postcava allowed to set advantages of cava-filter| of „Antel” above|over| already by кnow| devices and due to his|its| structural features to provide|secure| the best stop a trombs| properties|virtue| | and improve|bootstrap| efficiency of surgical prophylaxis embolism|embolizing| of pulmonary| artery|arteria|. On the basis of mechanical|mechanics| and Mathematics| calculations|computation|, got|receive| results of experimental|brassboard| study, it is developed by us the improved cava-filter|kill-file| of „Antel M” which|what| creates legs minimum|underload| pressure on the wall|paries| of vessel|jar|, the same diminishes|reduce| influence on a wall|paries| and improves|bootstrap| the prophylaxis embolism|embolizing| of pulmonary artery|arteria|.

Key words: embolism|embolizing| of pulmonary artery|arteria|, prophylaxis, cava-filter|kill-file|, experiment.

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