Хронічні продуктивні риносинуїти: особливості перебігу і діагностики

Особливості клініко-лабораторних і променево-діагностичних проявів хронічних продуктивних пансинуїтів. Цитогенетичні показники назального епітелію у хворих на продуктивні риносинуїти. Розробка схеми комплексної діагностики продуктивних пансинуїтів.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 158,6 K

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Diagnostic criteria of productive pansinusitises were determined and included clinical-endoscopic (sex, age, character and prevalance of pathological alterations in sinuses, type and severity of the disease), X-ray (features of SCT anatomy and semiotics) and genetic (type of inheritance, cytogenetic indices of functional state of genome) characteristics.

Diagnostic algorithm was developed based on the determined characteristics and includes 3 stages: clinical-roentgenological diagnostics, if needed - SCT of paranasal sinuses in frontal projection, clinical-genealogical and cytogenetic investigation. Implementation of this algorithm allows to diagnose multifactorial nature of the lesion in 29,09 % of patients with productive processes, and in 19,16 % of in-patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. It is very important in medical practice. In case, if beginning and espacially progress of sinusitis is stipulated by multifactorial mechanisms, timely complex diagnostics will allow to conduct appropriate treatment measures and prevent progression of the disease and in future - possibly to prevent the disease itself.

Key words: chronic rhinosinusitises, productive pansinusitises, complex diagnostics, multifactoriality of pansinusitises.

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