Експериментальне обґрунтування комбінованого застосування похідних глюкозаміну з кверцетином при різних варіантах перебігу остеоартриту

Сумісне застосування похідних глюкозаміну з кверцетином. Виникнення ефекту фармакодинамічного синергізму у вигляді потенціювання дії. Запобігання, уповільнення загибелі хондроцитів в суглобовому хрящі. Механізми реалізації хондропротекторного потенціалу.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.08.2015
Размер файла 327,5 K

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On the models of different variants of OA (posttraumatic, nonspecific and systemic steroidal osteoarthritis) the composition containing the mixture of aminosugars and quercetine showed the higher antiinflammatory and chondroprotective activity in comparison with its monocomponents, diclofenac sodium and Teraflex. Such composition's properties stipulate possibility of it subsequent clinical study in patients with different variants of OA. The posttraumatic OA is characterized by local changes in joints with prior destructive elements; nonspecific OA - local changes in joints with prior inflammative changes; steroidal OA - systemic generalized dystrophic degenerative character. These experimental models allow to encompass all etiopathogenetic factors of OA.

The application of composition promotes the normalization of biochemical parameters in rats blood serum. Histological and morphologic researches of animals' joint cartilage after treatment with composition confirm the decreasing of inflammatory and intensification of reparative processes in joints.

The investigated composition has proapoptotic effect, promotes the prevention and deceleration of chondrocytes death in joint cartilage, that can be interpreted as one of the possible mechanisms of chondroprotective activity realization. Composition decreases the number of apoptotic chondrocytes tо 7 %, aminosugars complex to 9,1 %; quercetine - to 16,3% and sodium diclofenac - tо 38,5 %.

Medical and preventive effect of composition is connected with the increase of chondrocytes protective properties against influence of apoptotic factors, enhansing the penetrating ability of chondrocytes plasmatic membranes for aminosugars and ability to store in more higher concentrations that will help to decrease the level of proteoglycan deficiency of matrix and to offset the processes of catabolism and anabolism of cell chonrocyte homeostasis.

The results of experimental research make it possible to recommend the further clinical study of composition for application in patients with diseases of musculoskeletal system. The recommended dose and regime of capsules application is the following: the daily dose - 14,0 mg/kg or 980 mg/day (according to the amount of active ingredients); 1 capsule 3 times a day during 6 weeks.

Key words: composition of glucosamine derivatives and quercetine, inflammation, osteoarthritis, chondrocyte apoptosis, joint cartilage.

Підписано до друку 2011 р. Формат 60x84/16.

Папір офсетний. Гарнітура Times ET. Друк ризографічний.

Ум. друк. арк. 0,9. Наклад 100 прим. Зам. №

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