Прогнозування функціонально-відновних можливостей блокованої нирки та тактики лікування при сечокам’яній хворобі

Дослідження особливостей кровотоку при гострому порушенні уродинаміки. Аналіз реноспецифічних ферментів. Вибір тактики лікування хворих при сечокам’яній хворобі. Розробка алгоритму діагностики функціонально-відновних можливостей блокованої нирки.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.08.2015
Размер файла 49,0 K

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Ключевые слова: блокированная почка, мочекаменная болезнь, функционально-восстановительные свойства, реноспецифическая ферментурия, алгоритм обследования, прогностическая карта, нефрэктомия.


Shcherbak D.A. Prognostication of function-restorative possibilities of the blocked ren and tactic of treatment at urolithiasis. - In manuscript.

Submitted D.Sherbak's thesis for a candidate's degree of medical sciences on major in occupation 14.01.06 - “Urology”. State Institute of Urology of AMS of Ukraine. Kiev, 2009.

Owing to the new algorythm it becomes possible to objectively estimate function-restorative possibilities of blocked ren at urolithiasis and make choice of rational tactic for treatment. Presented are the results of examination and treatment of 156 patients with blocked ren at urolithiasis. It has been discovered that phenomena of nephropathy arises after 6 hours from beginning of the block and achieves its maximum level after a period of obstruction from 3 to 10 days. Observation of blood stream in staggered ren at sharp violation of urodynamics like kidney colic led to this conclusion. After 10 days of obstruction decline of kidney filtration was noticed. It indicated negative prognostic criteria for probability of self-dependent discharge of concrement. No change to Index of Resistance has been found that would depend on duration of obstruction in condition of a chronical disorder of urodynamics. It had been proved that indexes of the two renal specific enzymes activity are well-proven. We discovered a linear dependency between the activity of the N-acetyl-в-D-glucosaminidasa and в-galactosidase and the duration and completeness of the block. It uncovers these enzymes as sensible and effective indicators of the functional state of an obstructed ren. The following quantitative analysis methods are proposed: roentgenography, radioisotope renography, ultrasonography in black and white mode, US-doppleroscopy of the blood stream of a ren, CDC of the extracts of urine from bee-entrances of ureters, the determination of activity of renal specific enzymes in the urine. After obtaining a quantitative estimate in form of rating we can create a prognostic map. This map serves as key instrument for algorythm building. Under the algorythm we can separate patients with blocked ren between three groups: for grade up to 10 nephrectomy is necessary, for grade 11-20 organ saving surgery is needed, for grade over 21 conservative therapy and non-traumatic invasion are indicated. Introduction of this algorythm will lead to the reduction in number of nephrectomies from 9,68±1,5% to 4,42±0,9% (p<0,05). It is proven that for the patients with grade 11-20 and higher the possibility of renewal of ren functioning in three months after liquidation of obstruction at urolithiasis does exist.

Keywords: blocked ren at urolithiasis, function-restorative possibilities, renal specific enzimuria, algorithm of examination, nephrectomy.

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