Особливості адаптаційних реакцій організму вагітних при ускладненому невиношуванням гестаційному процесі та їх корекція

Особливості варіабельності серцевого ритму при неускладненому перебігу вагітності та при загрозі передчасних пологів. Характеристика психоемоційного стану вагітних з обтяженим невиношуванням акушерським анамнезом та при загрозі переривання вагітності.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.08.2015
Размер файла 99,5 K

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Ключевые слова: адаптация, вариабельность сердечного ритма, катехоламины, серотонин, психо-эмоциональное состояние, преждевременные роды

Kornieko V.G. Features of adaptations reactions of organism of pregnant at the gestational process complicated by unmaturing and their correction. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences in a specialty 14.01.01 - obstetrics and gynaecology. Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine, Lviv, 2009.

The thesis covers theoretical fundamentals and offers a new approach to the scientific and practical obstetrics issues characterized by development of alleviation methods for obstetrical and perinatal consequences in pregnant women under the risk of preterm labour (PL) based on studying adaptation reactions, heart rate variability (HRV) and stressor hormones balance. 200 pregnant women under PL risk have been examined. It has been identified that 59.7 per cent among PL risk group show nonspecific markers of psycho emotional tension enabling further development of disadaptation processes. Women of PL risk group show a high level of personal alert reactions within complete gestation period which testifies to an advanced psychological stress. PL risk presupposes decrease of LF share, considerable decrease of high frequency (HF) waves which implies weakening of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system tonus, hence, smaller impact of reflectory vegetative regulation level. Most pregnant women (58.8 per cent) under the PL risk show lower adrenalin excretion and higher noradrenalin excretion as compared to normal gestation process. This testifies to insufficient intensity of adaptation reactions with activity of sympato-adrenal system mediator chain dominating over its hormonal chain activity which facilitates activation of contracting function of metra and endangers pregnancy termination. In 1/3 of cases pregnant women with PL risk show weakening of body stress limiting function which means the organism can not adapt to continuous influence of stressogenous stimulant because of overreaction to it. Introduction of phyto-metabolic medicine into a treatment complex for pregnant women with disadaptation syndrome and under the risk of PL enabled in 84.8 per cent of cases to achieve HRV normalization against basic parameters, normalization of stress realizing and stress limiting systems results which shows in adrenalin and noradrenalin excretion and the level of serotonin in blood serum in the level of normal pregnancy, to achieve positive clinical effect in 96.97 per cent of cases.

Keywords: adaptation, heart rate variability, catecholamine, serotonin, psychoemotion state, premature births

Перелік умовних позначень, скорочень та термінів



вегетативна нервова система



варіабельність серцевого ритму



передчасні пологи



частота серцевих скорочень



(англ.: high frequency) - високочастотний



(англ.: low frequency) - низькочастотний



(англ.: very low frequency) - дуже низькочастотний

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