Лікарський контроль при фізичних тренуваннях працівників водного транспорту в умовах рейсів

Обгрунтування, розробка і надання рекомендації з лікарського контролю при застосуванні професійно орієнтованих програм фізичної реабілітації. Оцінка відновлення фізичного стану, психофізіологічних показників і збільшення рухових можливостей моряків.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2015
Размер файла 108,7 K

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Ключевые слова: моряки, физические упражнения, психофизилогические, антропометрические показатели, биоритмы, коррекция, заболеваемость.


Maved O.O. The medical control during physical training of workers on the water transport of the conditions navigation. The manuscript.

The dissertation on getting scientific degree of candidate of science on speciality 14.01.24 - medical gym and sportive medicine. Dnepropetrovskaya State medical academy, Dnepropetrovsk, 2008.

The dissertation is devoted a questions of improvement of medical criteria of performance of physical exercises by seamen in a regimen of free time mode on sea vessels during navigation. In dynamic of employment by physical exercises it is observed positive changes of psychophysiological, physical parameters which correlate with response rate augmentation, decrease of fatigability, an animal force augmentation and processing rate of the mental information and also state of health improvement, activity, mood in the extremity of the working period and also in 6 months of performance of physical exercises. Efficiency of physical exercises of seamen was established during correction and normalization of biolodgical rhythms which breaches during a crossing of time girdles on a vessel. Vas reveals the different level of illness of seamen, as result of effectivness of the introduced exercise stresses on basic group of the seamen compared with people of control group. Economic effect of the programs that had used was formed 258%.

Keywords: seamen, physical exercises, psychophysiological, correction, biorhytmus, anthropometric, indexes, illness.

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