Хірургічне лікування дефектів хряща колінного суглоба

Діагностика магнітно-резонансної томографії для раннього виявлення пошкодження хряща колінного суглоба. Система відновного лікування хворих після оперативного лікування дефектів хряща. Розробка алгоритму лікування при різних розмірах дефектів хряща.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2015
Размер файла 38,1 K

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Ключевые слова: коленный сустав, дефект хряща, микропереломы, подхрящевая туннелизация, костно-хрящевая пластика, факторы влияния.

Yevsyeyenko V.G. surgical treatment of knee's cartilage defects. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a candidate degree by speciality 14.01.21 - traumatology and an orthopedics, - The Institute of orthopedics and traumatology Academy of Medicine Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2009.

The dissertation is devoted to questions of mathematical modelling of results of surgical treatment posttraumatic injures of a knee's cartilage depending on a degree and the size of injures. In the dissertation the differential approach is developed to optimum choice of a technique of surgical treatment of knee's cartilage defects. The value of influence is set on the results of surgical treatment of knee's cartilage injures of such factors as a technique of surgical treatment, age, a sex and body's mass, the area, depth and the location of knee's cartilage defects. Cross-correlation connections are specified between the clinical and instrumental information at a stage of early diagnostics of injures of an articulate cartilage on the basis of determination of sensitivity and specificity of a magnetically-resonance tomography to the knee's cartilage. The system of regenerative treatment after operative interferences is offered and advanced at inrures of a knee's cartilage. The basic results of work have found practical application in-process traumatologic departaments of public's institutions of health services of Kyiv.

Keywords: knee, defect of cartilage, microfractures, subchondral drilling, osteohondral autograft, factors of influence.

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