Функціональні особливості кардіореспіраторної системи слабозорих дітей дошкільного віку

Ознаки гіпервентиляції та зниження резервних можливостей дихальної системи. Формування гіпокінетичного типу кровообігу. Менш економічна робота серця в умовах відносного спокою. Реакція системної гемодинаміки слабозорих дітей на фізичне навантаження.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2015
Размер файла 51,0 K

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Ключові слова: слабозорість, кардіореспіраторна система, системна та церебральна гемодинаміка, кардіогемодинаміка, вегетативний гомеостаз.


слабозорий дитина гіпервентиляція дихальний

Редька И.В. Функциональные особенности кардиореспираторной системы слабовидящих детей дошкольного возраста. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук по специальности 03.00.13 - физиология человека и животных. - Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина, Харьков, 2008.

Диссертационная работа посвящена изучению параметров кардиореспираторной системы слабовидящих детей 4,5-6,5 лет в условиях относительного покоя и при физических нагрузках.

Установлено, что особенности кардиореспираторной системы слабовидящих детей дошкольного возраста характеризуются признаками гипервентиляции и снижением резервных возможностей дыхательной системы; формированием гипокинетического типа кровообращения; менее экономичной работой сердца в условиях относительного покоя; перераспределением мозгового кровообращения преимущественно на уровне магистральных сосудов и сосудов артериального типа среднего калибра; менее адекватной реакцией системной гемодинамики на физическую нагрузку; увеличением парасимпатических влияний на сердце, высоким уровнем централизации и функционального напряжения вегетативной регуляции сердечного ритма; снижением вегетативной реактивности и вегетативного обеспечения физической деятельности.

Ключевые слова: слабовидение, кардиореспираторная система, системная и церебральная гемодинамика, кардиогемодинамика, вегетативный гомеостаз.

Redka I.V. Functional features of cardiorespiratory system of preschool age children with weak eye-sight. - Manuscript.
Dissertation for taking the degree of a Candidate of Biological Sciences in speciality 03.00.13 - human and animal physiology. - V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2008.
This dissertation devoted to research of 4,5-6,5 years old weak eye-sight children's cardiorespiratory system both in the idle and physical loading state (active tilt-test, one level step-test) with spirography, spirometry, hypoxic tests, pulsometry, tonometry, electrocardiography, echocardiography, heart rate variability, rheoencephalography.

It is revealed that hyperventilation and reserve capacity of breathing reduce occur at the group of preschool age children with weak eye-sight namely: growth of breath frequency, decreasing of absolute lung vital volume parameter and inhalation breath-holding time.

It is determined that the heart of preschool age children with weak eye-sight works in increased post-loading with following morpho-functional features: reducing the aortic valve and ventriculus dexter diameter; intensification of myocardium contractility function in the idle state. It is proved that heart of the children with weak eye-sight works in less economical manner. System hemodynamics of preschool age children with weak eye-sight has a sign of hypokinetic type of blood circulation: lower indexes of cardiac beat frequency, pulse pressure, systolic and undulatory blood volume, beat and heart indexes, double results and increased systolic, diastolic and mid blood pressure, as well as general peripheral vascular resistance. These peculiarities of system's hemodynamic definitely inhere to weak eyes boys. Stable system hemodynamic indexes of girls related to increased efforts of regulatory systems.

In case of comparative idle state the cerebral hemodynamic of preschool age children with weak eye-sight shows increases regional arterial vascular summary tone due to hypertone of arterial mid size vascular in carotid area of both hemispheres as well as reducing of magisterial vascular tone in vertebro-basilar area of right hemisphere; reducing low size vein vascular tone in left hemisphere of both vascular area. The gender differences revealed regarding cerebral hemodynamics of preschool age children with weak eye-sight. Weak eye-sight boys have sufficient changes of vertebro-basilar area, and contrary weak eye-sight girls - carotid area. Major divergence between reoencephalographic indexes correlation structure of weak eye-sight children and normal eye-sight children took pace at vertebro-basilar area, particularly in the right hemisphere.

It is revealed reduction of indexes amplitude for system hemodynamics and variable heart rhythm, orthostatic index and vegetative reactivity index; increase of hypodiastolic reaction of system hemodynamics and sympathicotonic free type of vegetative reaction at active tilt-test, that characterize hemodynamic and vegetative reactivity reducing for preschool age children with weak eye-sight.

It is found out that functional reserves of cardiovascular system reduced during dynamic physical loading for preschool age children with weak eye-sight, namely: reducing of myocardium contractility capacity; physical activity indexes and maximal consumption of oxygen. During dynamic physical loading hemodynamics of preschool age children with weak eye-sight responses atypically increase blood pressure and general peripheral vascular resistance as well as of systolic and undulatory blood volume goes down.

It is indicated that heart rhythm vegetative regulation of preschool age children with weak eye-sight characterized by growth of parasympathy influence on the heart, high level of centralization and functional effort under idle state; decreasing of vegetative provision of physical activity.

It is revealed that preschool age children with weak eye-sight characterized by tense functional state of cardiorespiratory system, accompanied with inner system integration indexes intensification of cardiovascular and respiratory system.

The results of the research can be used to ground physiological and psychology-pedagogical tools to correct functional state of the organism children's at preschool age with weak eye-sight.

Key words: weak eye-sight, cardiorespiratory system, system and cerebral hemodynamics, cardiohemodinamics, vegetative homeostasis.

Підписано до друку 21.12.2008. Формат 60х84/16

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