Ультразвукова діагностика і клініко-біохімічні критерії розвитку паратонзілярного абсцесу

Вивчення стадій розвитку паратонзилярного абсцесу до та після його розтину на основі ультразвукових, клініко-біохімічних аналізів. Оцінка показників сироватки крові хворих на паратонзиліт. Застосування гепатопротекторів для відновлення функції печінки.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.09.2015
Размер файла 75,9 K

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Ключевые слова: паратонзиллярный абсцесс, диагностика стадий развития, ультразвуковые и биохимические критерии, микрофлора, эндогенная интоксикация, гепатопротекторы

The summary

Timoshenko Yu.V. “Ultrasonic diagnostics and клинико-biochemical criteria of development of paratonzillyarnogo abscess”. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on competition of graduate degree of candidate of medical sciences on speciality 14.01.19 - otorinolaringologiya. Charkov medical academy of postgraduated education, Charkov, 2008.

Dissertation is devoted to the problem of diagnostics of paratonzillyar abscess (PTA) deyelopment stages before and after his dissections on the basis of the use of complex of ultrasonic and biochemical criterias. Under the supervision 163 men were found (92 men and a 71 woman). Age - 19-66 years old. 15 healthy persons made a control group. All patients were inspected with the use of paratonzillyar region ultrasonic descriptions and blood serum biochemical indexes (general albumen, proteinogramm, the Veltmana test, cealic acidss, glikoproteins, gaptoglobin, hondroitinsulfates, srednemolekulyar peptides, the AlAT, AsAT activity). A new not- invazive method of diagnostics of stages of the PTA development on the basis of ultrasonic visualization of paratonzillyar space and biochemical criterias of the metabolic status of patient in the process of the PTA forming and during 1, 5-7, 14-24 and 30-45 days after dissection of abscess were developed. Intercommunications were proved between ultrasonic and biochemical indexes in dependence the stages of the PTA forming, and also between the level of biochemical tests and type of exposed infection. The set expedience of the application of gepatoprotektors for renewal of function of liver in row of patients with PTA after permission of abscess was performed. The declarative patent of Ukraine on “Method of early diagnostics of abscess of paratonzillyar tissue” is got.

Keywords: paratonzillyar abscess, diagnostics of stages of development, ultrasonic and biochemical criterias, infection, endogenous intoxication, gepatoprotektors.

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