Хронічні риносинусити хламідійної етіології: діагностика та лікування

Частота хронічного риносинуситу хламідійної етіології та мікробіоценози верхньощелепних пазух у хворих. Верифікація хламідійної інфекції у хворих на хронічний риносинусит, імунний статус хворих. Ефективність антибактеріальних препаратів при лікуванні.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.01.2016
Размер файла 53,0 K

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It is proved that patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with long - lasting course of disease (more than 10 years), with frequent exacerbations (for times yearly and more), with bilateral localization of process demand examination for presents of chlamydian infection with employment of designed method of prognosis of etiology of chronic rhinosinusitis. On receiving in result of clinico - anamnestic investigation of findings of high risk of chronic rhinosinusitis of chlamydian etiology it was recommended to make specific laboratory tests: polimerase chain reaction of excavated fluid from maxillary sinuses and in case of negative result to apply two or three tests (polimerase chain reaction and immunoferment analyse or polimerase chain reaction, immunoferment analyse and direct immunofluorescence). The treatment of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis of chlamydian etiology independent of presence of association of microorganisms requires complex therapy with antibacterial drugs of macrolid group and recombinant interferon. Simultaneous prescription “Klacid” and “Laferon” under definite scheme is recommended for treatment of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis of chlamydian etiology. Estimation of efficacy of treatment it is necessary to make by means of determination of titer of specific immunoglobulin G in serum (according to results of immunoferment analyse) before and after one month of treatment; diminish of titer or its absence after treatment proves its efficacy and contrary.

Key words: diagnostic, treatment, chronic rhinosinusitis, chlamydian infection.

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