Експериментальне обгрунтування застосування діакамфу для корекції основних складових метаболічного синдрому

Вивчення впливу діакамфу на складові метаболічного синдрому за наявності цукрового діабету. Застосування діакамфу в дозі вдвічі меншій за дозу метформіну як причина гальмування метаболічних проявів синдрому інсулінорезистентності на стадії переддіабету.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 01.10.2018
Размер файла 173,0 K

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Dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate's degree on pharmaceutical sciences, speciality 14.03.05 - pharmacology. - National pharmaceutical university, Kharkov, 2010.

The dissertation has been devoted to the research of diacamph influence on different metabolic syndrome components considering both the presence of diabetes and non-diabetes conditions.

It has been well-proven that, applied in a dose 50 % less than that of metformin, diacamph brakes metabolic presentations of insulin resistance syndrome for rats at the stage of pre-diabetes, the fact which is testified as follows: insulin susceptibility enhancement, improvement of tolerance to carbonhydrates, reduction of body mass increase rate, retrogression of free fatty acids level in the blood serum, pentose-phosphate pathway intensity growth, gluconeogenesis inhibition, suppression of initial non-enzimatic glycosilation reactions, oxidative stress relief.

It has been established that application of diacamph in the abovementioned dose, results in substantial lipid and carbohydrate metabolism improvement, reduction of lipid peroxidation primary products level as well as increase in antioxidant protection system activity level among rats with diabetes metabolic syndrome (relative insulin deficiency).

Besides, the study has identified positive influence of diacamph on glucose homoeostasis, lipid profile, oxidative stress, hypertension and cardiovascular fitness in the presence of diabetes mellitus metabolic syndrome (absolute insulin deficiency).

Educed pharmacological properties of diacamph in the case of relative and absolute insulin deficiency testify to its additional advantages, which are realized not only due to the glycemic control improvement, but they also contribute to the reduction of lipid toxicity and oxidative stress. The above-listed advantages can ensure pancreatic B-cells function protection and atherogenesis inhibition among patients with a metabolic syndrome in combination with diabetes type 2.

Accordingly, the outcomes of the research in fact substantiate the perspective of diacamph to be applied as potential pharmacological remedy for prevention and treatment of the principal metabolic syndrome components in the absence of of diabetes type 2 and at the stage of insulin deficiency.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, diacamph

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