Експериментальне вивчення простатопротекторних властивостей густих екстрактів лопуха великого

Антиандрогенна дія густих екстрактів лопуха. Перспективність подальшого вивчення з метою впровадження густих екстрактів коренів лопуха та листя лопуха великого до комплексної терапії доброякісної гіперплазії передміхурової залози та хронічних простатитів.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 01.10.2018
Размер файла 382,5 K

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The thesis for the scientific degree of the candidate of pharmaceutical science in speciality 14.03.05 - Pharmacology. - National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, 2013.

The work is dedicated to the experimental study of the prostatoprotective effect of the dense extracts of the burdock root and leaves.

The studies suggest that extracts of the root and leaves of burdock have prostatoprotective effects. It was carried out the conditionally effective dose of these extracts, which is 75 mg/kg.

It was found that the dense extract of the leaves of burdock in a dose of 75 mg/kg has anti-exudative, mild antiproliferative, analgesic, as well as a weak antimicrobial and anti-androgenic effects. The extract of the root of burdock (75 mg/kg) has antiproliferative, weak anti-exudative, mild analgesic and anti-androgenic effects. The anti-androgenic effect of the dense extracts of the burdock root and leaves occurs to be only in high testosterone levels and does not affect its physiological level. It was determined that prostatoprotective effect of the dense extract of the leaves of burdock is more prominent comparing to the dense extract of the root of burdock, but has less effectiveness according to its antimicrobial effect on experimental models of benign hyperplasia of prostate and chronic prostatitis.

Creating complex medicine, which contains both studied extracts and might have synergistic effect, is perspective. The mechanism of the pharmacological effects of the dense extracts of the burdock root and leaves primarily connected to their anti-oxidant activity and due to the presence in their structure organic acids, polysaccharides and flavolihnans.

Thus, the experimental work that was carried out proves the availability of further studding of the dense extracts of the burdock root and leaves in order to apply them in complex therapy of benign hyperplasia of prostate and chronic prostatitis.

Key words: the dense extracts of the burdock root and leaves, benign hyperplasia of prostate, chronic prostatitis, prostatoprotective action, anti-oxidant action, anti-inflammatory action, anti-androgenic action, antimicrobial action.

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