Діагностичне та прогностичне значення хромосомних аномалій і мутації JAK2V617F при мієлофіброзі

Визначення каріотипу специфічно стимульованої гранулоцитарним колонієстимулюючим фактором периферичної крові та нестимульованого кісткового мозку разом із генетичним дослідженням. Хромосомні та цитогенетичні аномалії в крові хворих на мієлофіброз.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 23.10.2018
Размер файла 472,4 K

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Ключевые слова: первичный миелофиброз, прогнозирование, хромосомные аномалии, полиплоидия, мутация JAK2V617F.


Diagnostic and prognostic significance of chromosomal abormalities and mutation JAK2V617F in myelofibrosis. - Manuscript

Lozynskyy R.Y.

Dissertation for the scientific degree of the Candidate of Medical Sciences on specialty 14.01.31 - hematology and transfusiology. - The State Institution "Institute of Blood Pathology and Transfusion Medicine of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Lviv, 2016.

The thesis shows the results of evaluation of the diagnostic and prognostic significance of karyotype abnormalities and JAK2V617F mutation in myelofibrosis using cytogenetic analysis of specifically stimulated peripheral blood with G-CSF and non-stimulated bone marrow along with the molecular genetic studies. The data of clinical examination, cytogenetic, molecular cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies of patients are summarized. No differences in the spectrum of chromosomal rearrangements between immature myeloid progenitor cells of peripheral blood stimulated in vitro with G-CSF and non-stimulated bone marrow were revealed. The most frequent karyotype abnormality in blood cells and bone marrow of patients with myelofibrosis was polyploidy (10.5 %) in small cell subclones. Polyploidy has particular importance in myelofibrosis, because it could result in mutated gene copy number increase, especially JAK2V617F. Such abnormalities possibly potentiate genetic instability in the hemopoietic cells through affecting chromosome disjunction. The lack of dominance of polyploid cells in blood and bone marrow in patients with myelofibrosis could be rather explained by more active involvement of these cells in pathological cytokine regulation, stimulation effect on accumulation of fibrotic changes in bone marrow and maintenance of favorable microenvironment for other tumor cells. However, taking into account the rarity of myelofibrosis, the statistically reliable correlation between polyploidy appearance and unfavorable clinical course of myelofibrosis was not found. Among individual chromosome abnormalities the monosomy of chromosome 7 and trisomy of chromosome 8 were the most often seen in myelofibrosis. The total frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities was 38.6 %. Additional cellular clone with normal karyotype was not found in only 13.6 % of patients with cytogenetic abnormalities. This allow to assume the coexistence of normal and pathological hemopoiesis in the majority (86.4 %) of individuals with myelofibrosis. The chromosomal abnormalities occurred significantly more frequently in combination with polyploid chromosome sets than without polyploidy. Cytogenetic abnormalities in the blood or bone marrow of patients with myelofibrosis were confirmed to be associated with shorter overall survival. The frequency of JAK2V617F mutation in the studied group of patients with myelofibrosis from Ukraine was 58.1 %. Significantly higher incidence of DIPSS-Plus unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities was found in the patients with mutations JAK2V617F. However, the existence of the mutation in blood alone did not affect the overall survival of the patients. Despite known more active proliferation of the cells with JAK2V617F mutation, the survival of the patients harboring it was not worsened, probably because of the lower need of erythrocyte transfusions. This study showed significantly higher dependence from transfusions in patients with myelofibrosis lacking mutation JAK2V617F. The necessity to monitor the karyotype dynamics in the blood stimulated in vitro with G-CSF was evident, because at 6-12 months after the initial study in 33.3 % of the patients additional cytogenetic abnormalities were developed. Cytogenetic study of blood stimulated in vitro with G-CSF in patients with dry marrow and the presence of at least 12 % of immature myeloid progenitor cells in blood smears is appropriate, because with the aforementioned approach in 50 % of such patients new chromosomal abnormalities could be detected (including prognostically unfavorable abnormalities according to DIPSS-Plus in 80 % of the patients with karyotype changes). Mitotic activity of peripheral blood cells during cultivation with G-CSF indirectly depicted by the quantity of metaphase plates in the cytogenetic preparation correlated with the intensity of the left shift in leukocyte morphology.

Key words: primary myelofibrosis, prognosis, chromosome abnormalities, polyploidy, mutation JAK2V617F.


ВООЗ - Всесвітня організація охорони здоров'я;

ДНК - дезоксирибонуклеїнова кислота;

Г-КСФ - гранулоцитарний колонієстимулюючий фактор;

МДС - мієлодиспластичний синдром;

МФ - мієлофіброз;

ПЛР - полімеразна ланцюгова реакція;

ПХТ - поліхіміотерапія;

ХМЛ - хронічна мієлоїдна лейкемія;

BCR-ABL - химерний ген, який утворюється при транслокації із залученням хромосом 9 і 22 при хронічній мієлоїдній лейкемії в людини;

CЕР - centromeric probes - ДНК зонди до центромерних ділянок;

FISH - флюоресцентна гібридизація in situ;

IPSS - англ. international prognostic scoring sysmem - міжнародна прогностична оцінювальна система ризику смерті хворих із первинним мієлофіброзом (2008 р.);

IPSS-Plus - модифікація IPSS (2011 р.);

DIPSS - англ. dynamic international prognostic scoring sysmem - динамічна міжнародна прогностична оцінювальна шкала;

DIPSS-Plus - модифікація DIPSS (2011 р.);

JAK2 - ген, що кодує нерецепторну тирозинкіназу JAK2 з родини янус-кіназ;

JAK2V617F - мутація екзона 12 гена JAK2 із заміною амінокислоти фенілаланіну на валін у 617 положенні кодованого ним білка-тирозинкінази.

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