The burnout syndrome on adiposity as cardiovascular risk factor, depression, anxiety, somatization and distress among family doctors, which is important for foreign and domestic psychology, family medicine. Comparative frequency of detection of burnout.
- 992. The developmental neuroendocrinology of reproduction and adaptation: lessons from animal research
Presented the results of animal research in the field of developmental neuroendocrinology of reproduction and adaptation in early ontogenesis. The sex differentiation of the brain and developmental programming of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Palpitation as an indicator of the viability of the fetus, monitoring its performance during pregnancy. Method, block diagram and description of the operating principle of the device being developed. Using digital filters to eliminate interference.
The analysis of heart rate variability. Proof of the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation program lumbosacral osteochondrosis in office workers. Impact on haraktersertsevoho rhythm physical rehabilitation program with elements medfitu, massage.
- 995. The dynamics of hemodynamic indexes in patients with consequences of mild traumatic brain injury
Characteristics and analysis of the consequences of an easy craniocerebral injury. Research and conducting of dopplerographic study of cerebral vessels. Detection of vascular reactivity disorders in the direction of reducing the velocity of blood flow.
The causes of the growing trend for complaints of gastrointestinal nature. General characteristics of functional disorders of the digestive system that trigger the subsequent development of chronic pancreatitis. Methods of treatment cholecystectomy.
Models and computer-based engineering tools were used to evaluate the effect of a patent or closed apical foramen on stresses that are produced within gutta-percha during condensation. The effect of apical foramen patency on apical condensation stresses.
Chlorhexidine gluconate is an effective oral antimicrobial agent and is used in periodontal therapy and for caries prevention. Mean leakage trends across time for each irrigant (sealer) combination. Effect of Chlorhexidine Gluconate on the Apical Seal.
Determine the effect of diacamph hydrochloride, an antihyperglycemic drug, on the cortisol content in the blood of animals with a combined model of diabetes mellitus and chronic stress. Analysis stress-protective properties of diacamph hydrochloride.
- 1000. The effect of raleukin on the values of glucose homeostasis of normoglycemic rats in glucose load
Results pharmacological screening hypohlykemycheskyh receptor antagonist properties of IL-1 in raleykyna normoglycemic rat in terms of test tolerance for carbohydrates. Analysis of the effect blockade of IL-1 receptor correction for hyperglycemia.
Finding out the reasons for the increase in the number of people with back pain in modern society. Swimming is one of the best sports for the treatment of the lumbar spine. Development of an auxiliary device for the practice of swimming exercises.
The dependence of the severity on the degree of endogenous intoxication, the effectiveness of complex treatment of calves using sodium thiosulfate-based drugs for gastrointestinal diseases. The course of severity on the degree of endogenous intoxication.
- 1003. The effects of ammonia and glutamine on mitochondrial respiration of rat pancreatic acinar cells
Analysis of glutamine oxidation when respiratory rate increased compared to control, independent of acetylcholine or cholecystokinin exposure. Determination of formation of a toxic amount of ammonia necessary for inhibition of mitochondrial respiration.
The effect of a high-calorie diet in obesity on the morphological structure of the kidneys. Correction of their condition with using melatonin. Evaluation of pathological changes in the tubules, glomeruli of the kidneys in comparison with obese animals.
Comparing the electromyographic activity level and signs and symptoms in patients with myogenous temporomandibular disorders treated with type of occlusal device. An anatomic occlusal device that maintained the anatomy of the original occlusal surfaces.
The leading role in addressing public health belongs to physical therapy specialists, the purpose of professional activity of which is the comprehensive restoration of the functional state of the person by means of physical and health technologies.
Microbiota of the oral cavity. The healthy oral cavity. Root canal infection. Biofilm on root surfaces. Bacteria in perapical lesions. Microbiota of refractory lesions. The main microorganisms isolated from mucosa, alveolar bone and periapical lesion.
Analysis of the model of acute pancreatitis with the formation of an internal pancreatic fistula. The study of the pathogenesis of the formation of the internal pancreatic fistula and the development of tactics for the treatment of acute pancreatitis.
Rating of efficiency of the immunobiological solution "Candidocyde" with the adjuvants studied in prevention of candidiases. Substantiation experimentally advisability of introducing an adjuvant to the composition of the immunobiological solution.
Laboratory-based investigation of the ferrule effect. Studies with and without use of artificial crowns. Modified collar and buccal dentine thickness. Bonded posts and broken down teeth. The ferrule effect in vivo, preoperative tooth assessment.
Creation of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography in St. Petersburg. Acquisition of the F. collection F. Ruijsch for the Kunstkamera in 1717. The historical significance of the scientist's preparations for modern researchers in the field of anatomy.
- 1012. The foundation of psychotherapy system of somatic patients with non-psychotic mental disorders
The results of psychological characteristics of patients with attacks of a stenocardia in coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis in patients with arterial hypertension, stroke and transient ischemic attacks were investigated.
Study of the problems of music therapy associated with dementia. Music therapy is a non-pharmacological approach for the treatment of patients with dementia. Use of musical instruments to improve communication between a music therapist and clients.
- 1014. The generation of reactive oxygen species by cord blood nucleated cells during cryopreservation
Study of the generation of reactive oxygen species in different populations of nucleated cells during cord blood cryopreservation. Maintaining the activity of antioxidant enzymes to exogenous hydrogen peroxide inactivation in cryopreserved cell.
Description of the military and political situation in Southern Sudan. The most common causes of death among South Sudan children. Analysis of the most common diseases in Southern Sudan. International organizations promoting healthcare in South Sudan.
- 1016. The Hippocrates Oath
Hippocratic Oath - one of the oldest binding documents in history is still held sacred by physicians: to treat the ill to the best of one's ability, to preserve a patient's privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on.
Diagnostic research method of sounds that occur in the body. Description of the method of auscultation the french scientist R. Laennec. The invention of the stethoscope and modern microstethophone. Advantages and disadvantages of flexible stethoscope.
Structure of the human circulatory system, structure of the heart. Features of blood circulation, the role of the heart in this process. Disorders of Circulatory System. The concept of blood pressure, systolic, diastolic pressure. Blood Clotting Problems.
- 1019. The immune system
Cells of the Immune System. Active and Passive Immunity. Lymphocytes are activated by antigens on the surface of pathogens. Eradication programme Smallpox. The mechanism of Allergy. The etiology and pathogenesis of measles. Bronchial Asthma Syndrome.
The adoption of rotary nickel-titanium instruments has renewed concerns regarding instrument fracture and its consequences. Clinical and radiographic follow-up. The determination of the prevalence of retained fractured instruments following treatment.