Characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis as one of the risk factors for adverse cardiovascular events. Evaluation cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Analysis of additional factors of cardiovascular risk in patients with arthritis.
Medical documentation tracks the patient's path during the diagnostic and treatment process. Patient relationship-health services-regulatory requirements. The documents created in hospital: normative and internally institutional, general and specific.
The correlation between occupations and possible diseases. Atmospheric pollution control. Sanitation: sources of communicable diseases. Sewage and sewage treatment. Factors involved in the transmission of the infectious entirety. Toxic food infections.
Naum Singerman as a pathologist, educator, organizer and a remarkable man, who will always inspire hard work, creativity and progress. Analysis of the basic historical background for the Department of pathology Chernivtsi state medical Institute.
Review selected articles on the prognosis of initial endodontic therapy of apical periodontitis. Follow-up studies on the outcome of initial endodontic therapy in teeth with apical periodontitis, appraised for inclusion/exclusion in this review.
This study was performed in order to report the clinical features of internal resorption cases and evaluate their prognosis after endodontic treatment. The surgical therapy was unsuccessful in one case due to extensive loss of marginal alveolar bone.
To study prognostic value of gated SPECT VPM passive group with destinationsa lesions of the coronary functions. Assessment predictors of ischemia, regardless of the size and severity of perfusion disorders and complications in the coronary system.
The value of the index of abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) as a functionally significant predictor of early development of organ dysfunction. Assessment of the severity of the condition casualties with the use of the scale MODS-II and decreased APP.
The study of results obtained. Determinate the value of abdominal perfusion pressure index. Qualimetric evaluation of victim condition severity using the MODS-ІІ scale. Prediction of probable lethality already during the early hospitalization stage.
The cardia little is known about the causes of gastro-oesophageal reflux. In patients with hiatal herniae the timing and duration of reflux are not known and inevitably management remains mainly empirical. Clinical and radiological assessments of reflux.
Periodization of old age. Pharmacokinetics - fate of the substance in the body. Prescription of drugs in seniors - possible risks. Drug absorption. "Overuse". Inappropriate prescription of medicines. Reduced use of medicines. Safe therapeutic regime.
The research paper studies good practices in the pharmaceutical industry at the different stages. Good practices in the industry are specific principles that establish requirements for the quality assurance system at of the each stage of drug circulation.
The work on prophylaxis and therapy of steroid-induced Impaired glucose tolerance with metformin preparation having a number of therapeutic effects on human organism besides main hypoglycemic activity in patients with skin diseases was carried out.
JNK inhibitors in biomedical experiments. The study of the molecular mechanisms of development of damage and adaptation of cell systems at the pathological conditions of different genesis. The apoptosis and the imbalance of oxidative metabolism.
Defining symptoms for diagnosing anorexia. Repeated bouts of overeating and an excessive concern the controlling body weight, leading the patient to adopt extreme measures to mitigate the "holds" the impact of the food eaten. Loss of sexual desire.
Peculiarities of disorders of psychomotor function and psychoemotional state of ischemic stroke patients according to primary examination data; development of the methodology of physical rehabilitation of ischemic stroke patients at the inpatient stage.
Characteristics of disorders of psychomotor function and psycho-emotional state of patients with ischemic stroke. Compensation for a function that had disorders is based on the development of a new dynamic stereotype one during physical rehabilitation.
А controversy over whether psychological stress contributes to development of peptic ulcers is discussing and investigating in the article. The authors collected data on features of life stress and ulcer risk factors from a defined population in Denmark.
Оbtained by COVID-19 pandemic in the whole world. In Ukraine people began to use more psychoactive substances. It should be noted at once that under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic human behavior acquires a sufficiently explicit eco-attribution.
- 830. Psychosocial characteristics of tuberculosis patients in Russia and treatment compliance factors
The influence of psychological, social, cultural, ethnic, and geographical factors on the spread of tuberculosis patientsis and the effectiveness of its treatment. The psychosocial characteristics of some tuberculosis patients, their interrelationships.
The consequences of the use of psychoactive substances - diseases that lead to mental, somatic and social decompensation. Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of surfactant users. Fundamentals of drug addiction and psychotherapeutic assistance.
The system of psychotherapy and psychoprophylaxis in the complex treatment of persons, who use psychoactive substances and have somatic consequences in the family medicine practice. The system of provision of primary medical care to such patients.
The Ministry of Health - a central executive body in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analysis of the main medical universities that educate students. The features of the Kazakh state program on liquidation of a epidemic of diabetes.
Результати емпіричного дослідження щодо питань реалізації права громадян на охорону здоров’я під час карантину в Україні. Розгляд думки медичних працівників та працівників, які здійснюють епідеміологічний нагляд про загрози для громадського здоров’я.
The results of experiments suggest that direct capping of a vital pulp with the modern resin-based composite systems may be as effective as capping with calcium hydroxide, because they not to provide an effective long-term seal against bacterial factors.
The different levels of fracture amongst dental traumas in the permanent dentition, from the most superficial ones only affecting the enamel to the deepest ones with pulp exposure. Evaluating the pulp response to trauma and to the subsequent treatment.
- 837. Pulpal diagnosis
Correct pulpal diagnosis as the key to all predictable endodontic treatment. Describe the current knowledge of the pulp and periapical status as it relates to the diagnosis. Familiarisation with the most common diagnostic tests and critical reviews.
- 838. Pulpal irritants
Mechanical irritants to the dental pulp, operative procedures, orthodontic movement. Chemical irritants to the dental pulp. Microbial irritants, bacteria colonize the cavity floor and the arrows depict aspirated odontoblasts in the dentinal tubules.
The value of biologically active compounds for the creation of new pharmacologically effective medicinal substances. The use of new biologically active compounds for the creation of drugs aimed at combating infectious, fungal and oncological diseases.
Проведение in silico анализа базы данных Microbial Genome последовательности для определения распространения рРНК-генов, гомологичных генам рРНК-оперона S. globisporus 1912-2 в геномах актиномицетов. Таксономическое распределение видов актиномицетов.