Підготовка вчителя до формування естетичних орієнтацій молодших школярів на цінності народного мистецтва в умовах позакласної діяльності

Використання аксіологічних рис народного мистецтва як засобу естетичного виховання молодших школярів у позакласній діяльності. Розробка критеріїв визначення рівнів готовності студентів до формування ціннісних орієнтацій учнів засобами народного мистецтва.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 17.09.2013
Размер файла 47,3 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

An important role in this process belongs to elementary school teachers, whose actual professional task is acquainting the children with the world of the beautiful, joining them to the values of national and world art. Aesthetic education, especially forming younger pupils aesthetic orientations on values of folk arts provides not only inculcation of ethnological and folk arts elements into the school educational process but realization of the actual task of the Ukrainian nation reviving - preservation of the national culture and arts, protection them from demoralization and vandalization, increasing the peoples spiritual heritage.

The given scientific analysis reflected the level of elaboration to the problem of forming substantial orientations of an individual.

It is clearly seen that the most important elements of spiritual culture of an individual are his substantial orientations.

Choosing any of the values, a person forms his long-term plan of behaviour and activity. When motivation answers the question why the person behaviours in a certain way and the valuable orientation reflects the aim of the certain behaviour, the aesthetic orientation determines qualitative indices of this process in the spiritual sphere. While considering this problem, the major importance is the readiness of a tutor to form this spiritual phenomenon for younger generation.

It is admitted that the necessary part and parcel of it is aesthetic upbringing juniours, based on the values of folk arts, as during many centuries the values have been formed which gave sources for main up-to-day realities, making our life more colorful. We find wise folk philosophy, moral behests, aesthetic norms and values in various materials from the history of people's life.

The results of the research gave the author data to define up-to-day personal level of orientation and readiness of future teachers to firm pupils aesthetic inclinations at the values of folk arts.

There approved certain contradiction between the form and content of the organization of younger generation's aesthetic upbringing to modern demands of development of present-day youth valuable orientations.

The author gives grounded experimental pedagogical conditions and technologies of activisation for training students for the above-mentioned kind of their professional activity, rising of teacher's readiness level to form aesthetic orientations of younger pupils aimed at the values of folk arts during their out-of-curriculum work.

Key words: aesthetic orientations, values of folk arts, valuable orientations, out-of-curriculum work.

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