Диференціація фізичного виховання школярів 11-14 років, які проживають у різних зонах радіаційного забруднення

Вивчення фізичного стану і підготовленості хлопчиків середнього шкільного віку, які проживають в зонах радіаційного забруднення. Поліпшення можливостей організму засобами фізичного виховання. Зв'язок між захворюваністю та фізичною підготовленістю.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.04.2014
Размер файла 63,8 K

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The dissertation is submitted for the Candidate degree in physical education and sports on the speciality 24.00.02 - Physical Culture, Physical Education of Various Groups of People. - National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2001.

The following issues were highlighted and researched in this dissertation: physical development, physical preparedness, psychophysiological status, sickness rate of 11-14 years schoolboys, which live in Kyiv negative environmental conditions.

The results of 11-14 years boys' research, which live in zone of radioactive control IV (Fastiv) on the one hand, and Kyiv "clear" zone research results, on the other hand were compared. The children research data, concerning the kids, who were living in Kyiv before and after the Chernobyl disaster, is compared.

The modern program ensuring and physical education rules in school were analyzed. Moving activity increase ways for the lessons of physical culture were determined. Physical preparedness level increase ways also were determined with the assistance of the most effective program on physical upbringing process correction. The program is up to the physical condition of boys.

20-point rating system of physical preparedness of schoolboys was elaborated and embodied.

The key results of this dissertation are embodied in the practice of physical education lessons of the school-gymnasium № 143 in Kyiv.

The key words: physical condition, physical development, physical preparedness, level of morbidity, moving activity, estimating system, program ensuring.

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