Формування у молодих сімей навичок усвідомленого батьківства засобами соціально-педагогічної підтримки в північній Ірландії

Теоретичні засади й практичний досвід соціально-педагогічної підтримки молодих сімей у процесі підготовки до усвідомленого батьківства в Північній Ірландії. Потреба дитини як основний фактор в процесі формування навичок в діяльності соціальних служб.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.07.2014
Размер файла 44,8 K

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The manuscript, on a basis of scientific researches, specifies the essence of the notion of „conscious parenthood”. It is taken up as social-pedagogical phenomenon which reflects the form of conscious parenthood and includes parental qualities, acquired habits and concerns teaching upbringing and development.

The origin of philosophical and pedagogical as well as psychological concepts of forming conscious parenthood factors is observed. Research of the notion „young family”, social programmes of skills forming of conscious parenthood in national and international aspects are carried out, brought to life the backbone of child's needs as a basis for forming skills of conscious parenthood in Northern Ireland.

The study summarizes theoretical and practical experience of Northern Ireland, which touches upon the problem of skills forming conscious parenthood; experience of service-department support of parents and early age children is examined. Basic ways of social-pedagogical support to young families are studied as well as ways of their carrying out.

The description of fundamental trends of young families' training for conscious parenthood is given; the methods and forms of the work with parents in this process are shown. In the given research practicable ways of application positive Northern Ireland experience in Ukraine are defined, functioning of social organisation was described and scrutinized, specific examples of introduction of the described experience into our country are given.

Key words: conscious parenthood, young family, skills of conscious parenthood, social-pedagogical programs, social-pedagogical support in Northern Ireland.

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