Організаційно-педагогічні засади діяльності полілінгвістичної гімназії

Визначення педагогічних умов діяльності багатомовної гімназії у полікультурному середовищі. Формування якостей полілінгвістичної особистості випускника. Впровадження програми виховної роботи. Підвищення комунікативності та культури гімназійної освіти.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2014
Размер файла 764,0 K

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A set of technologies of Dialogue of Cultures scientific-methodological and upbringing program helps creating polylingual and polycultural environment in the gymnasia and forming the qualities of a polylingual gymnasia graduate. The pedagogical substantiation of the implementation of the suggested program into polycultural education and upbringing process ensures achievement of strategic objectives and tasks of a polylingual gymnasia.The experimentally proved effectiveness of assessment of students' activities (by rating) allows to determine the effectiveness of the content realization of polycultural education and facilitates the formation of a creative, linguistically active, communicative, polyculturally developed personality of a polylingual school graduate.

The obtained data proved the effectiveness and expediency of the level-functioning managerial structure of а polylingual gymnasia, which enables realization of the state-and-civic principle of school management. According to this structure, the first managerial level is accomplished by all-gymnasia conference; the second level - by gymnasia council equally represented by teachers, students and their parents, as well as by the head teacher and all deputies, the head of the polylingual and polycultural orientation and international cooperation centre, the head of the charitable fund and the students' president; the third level - by three councils (teachers', research-methodists', and research students'); the fourth level - by the students' self-government system, children's diplomacy centre, and the parents' council. The structure in question provides an effective control over the work of the gymnasia administration, also determining the responsibility scope for joint decisions. All these factors guarantee democratic management process.

Also, worked out, substantiated and classified was the complex of pedagogical conditions for effective polylingual gymnasia functioning. Among the most important conditions in question are cultural, scientific-methodological, material and sanitary-hygienic. Experimental validation proved that on average effectiveness realization level of pedagogical conditions in a polylingual gymnasia has increased by 22%. Due to the provided level of these conditions the students are guaranteed a high level of education, a complex of extra-curricula activities, polylingual and polycultural environment, qualities of polylingual and polycultural gymnasia graduate.

Key words: organizational and pedagogical fundamentals of polylingual gymnasia functioning; polylingual and polycultural environment; policultural education; polylingual gymnasia, polycultural education and upbringing process.

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