Психологічні засоби профілактики "професійного вигорання" вчителя

Теоретичне обґрунтування та експериментальна перевірка ефективностей психологічних засобів профілактики "професійного вигорання" вчителів. Програма навчально-практичного тренінгу-курсу. Систематизація, кореляційний та однофакторний дисперсійний аналіз.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2014
Размер файла 62,2 K

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It is proved that “ professional burnout” of the teachers is presented by the “reduction of the professional duties”, “widening of the sphere of economy”, “overcoming of psychotraumatized circumstances”, “psychosomatic and psychovegetative breaking”.

It has been cleared up that there exist statistically meaningful links between “professional burnout” and assertive actions, entering into social contact , search for social support, avoiding manipulative, non-social and aggressive actions; flexibility, spontaneity, perception of aggression and cognitive abilities; between demonstrative, excitable and hyperthymia, dysthymia and anxious, exalte types ? character and temperament accentuation directed to oneself, relations and tasks due.

Outlined here are also the directions of psychological and prophylaxis means of “professional burnout” of teachers: organizational and managerial restoration and rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical.

Singled out in this study are psychological and prophylaxis programs of preventing “professional burnout”; local actual and operative psychoprophylaxis program and the program of “individual psychoprophylaxis”.

The complex attraction to the program of the educational and practical training-course of the prophylactic of “ professional burnout” of the teachers of the causal psychotechnical implements together with theological oriented and personal resources - reception of the subjective self-influence gave the possibility to level the risks of the above spoken phenomenon and optimize the self-control of the pedagogic activity to enhancing self-reliance, strengthening sociability and social adaptation alongside with weakening sensitivity, harmonizing I concept and accentuation smoothening in accordance with excitable type.

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