Організаційно-педагогічні умови діяльності освітніх округів на регіональному рівні

Теоретичні та історико-педагогічні засади, соціально-економічні умови, сутність і зміст функціонування освітніх округів регіонального типу. Розробка системи науково-методичного забезпечення організації та діяльності освітніх округів регіонального типу.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.09.2015
Размер файла 68,1 K

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Proskunin V. Organizational-pedagogical terms of activity of educational districts on regional level. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on gaining a scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences after speciality 13.00.01 - general pedagogics and pedagogics history. The Taras Shevchenko National University of Lugansk, 2008.

Historical and pedagodical works about a problem of organizing of educational okrugs on the regional level have been analysed, conceptual proposition of organizing of educational okrugs on the regional level and working out of organizationally pedagogical terms, the optimum activity have been formulated in educational space in master's thesis. The system of factors, that influence the process of organizing of educational okrugs of a regional type, realization orgazationally pedagogical terms, their functioning have been explored. Theoretically methological bases of organizating and activity of educational okrugs of the regional type in educational space have been worked out. Organizationally pedagogical gears of interaction subjects of educational okrugs have been worked out on the basis of them.

Key words: educational district of regional type, progecting model, functional model, subject of educational district, machineries of co-operation of subjects of educational district, supporting school, professionally-orientation work, pedagogical monitoring, educational environment, structurally-functional cooperations.

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