Формування в майбутніх педагогів умінь роботи з іншомовною літературою засобами інформаційно-телекомунікаційних технологій

Аналіз сучасних проблем роботи студентів педуніверситетів з навчальною іншомовною літературою. Розробка моделі формування вмінь працювати з електронною іншомовною літературою засобами ІТКТ та її впровадження в практику підготовки майбутніх педагогів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2015
Размер файла 347,4 K

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Педагогические условия составили основу для разработки модели формирования у будущих педагогов умений работать с иностранной литературой посредством ИТКТ. Разработанная модель применения компьютерной технологии в процессе работы студентов с иностранной литературой включает три взаимосвязанных компонента: содержательный, функциональный и оценочный. Содержательный компонент представлен описанием видов компьютерных технологий и их программно - аппаратной реализацией. Функциональный компонент представлен комплексом функций в системе «преподаватель - компьютерная технология - студент».

Оценочный компонент включает два блока оценки качества использования компьютерной технологии в процессе работы студентов с иностранной литературой: педагогической эффективности и педагогической целесообразности.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка, информационно-телекоммуникационные технологии, иноязычная литература, умения, педагогический условия, эффективность, учебный процесс.

Ignatova O.M. Forming of skills by future teachers to work with the foreign literature by means of information-telecommunication technologies.

The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of the Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.04 - theory and methods of professional education. - Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky, Vinnytsia, 2009.

The dissertation is dedicated to determination, theoretical proof and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions of the forming by future teachers skills to work with the foreign literature by means of information technologies as an important cause of upgrading professional preparation of future teachers.

The psychological, pedagogical, methodical literature and also dissertations on issue of forming of skills to work with foreign literature by means of information technologies in professional training were analyzed.

A solution of problem of the usage of information technology in a process of forming skills by the students to work with foreign literature is most effective on the basis of theoretical-methodological strategy, which is represented in the research as: personally - oriented, contextual, technological, professionally -personal and innovative approaches. Contextual approach allows designing of subject maintenance of educational activity by means of information technology. The personally-oriented approach provides the intercommunication of personally and subject sides of educational activity of future teacher in the process of forming skills to work with a foreign literature. Technological approach provides the orientation of process of professional training on the assured eventual result. Professionally-personal approach allows to consider forming of personality of student as professional, to design direction and matter of the professional formation of student on the basis of mastering the information technologies. Innovative approach allows building the process of professional training on the basis of integrative educational technologies.

There were developed and theoretically proved pedagogical conditions of the effective usage of information technologies by the students of Higher University as means of forming of skills to work with foreign literature: providing of innovative orientation of teaching; inclusion of students to unite productive activity on development and introduction of information technologies, oriented to the increase of efficiency of work with educational foreign literature; the forming of readiness by the teachers to use the information technologies in the educational process.

Pedagogical conditions made basis for development of model to form by the future teachers of skills to work with a foreign literature by means of information technologies. The developed model of usage of information technology in the process of working of students with foreign literature includes three associate components: substantial, functional and evaluative. The substantial component is presented as description of types of information technologies and their hardware realization. The functional component is presented as the complex of functions in the system «teacher - information technology - student». The evaluative component includes two blocks of quality estimation of the usage of information technology in the process of student's work with the foreign literature: pedagogical efficiency and pedagogical expediency.

A pedagogical experiment showed that realization of complex of pedagogical conditions within the framework of the model of the use of information technologies in the process of working with the foreign literature promoted efficiency of professional training of students, influences on forming of positive dynamics of motivational processes of students, on upgrading knowledge, increase of level of mastering of theoretical knowledge, ability to solve tasks and do exercises, on the redistribution of working time of teacher and his role in organization of educational process in new conditions.

Methodological problems of the university students training for forming of skills to work with educational foreign literature in the educational process were revealed.

There were introduced ways of improvement of the contents, organization forms and methods of education on different stages of professional training of the teachers.

Generalized results of the research, confirmed by the mathematical methods of treatment of results, show that output methodology was correct, the tasks of research are fulfilled, a hypothesis is proved, a research purpose is achieved.

Key words: pedagogical conditions, professional training, information technologies, skills, educational foreign literature, effective usage, educational process.

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