Формування готовності майбутніх учителів гуманітарного профілю до педагогічної комунікації

Критерії та рівні готовності майбутніх учителів гуманітарного профілю до педагогічної комунікації. Перевірка моделі формування та основні педагогічні умови ефективної реалізації моделі формування готовності майбутніх учителів до викладання в закладах.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2015
Размер файла 261,0 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Ключевые слова: коммуникация, общение, готовность к педагогической коммуникации, коммуникативные умения, будущий учитель гуманитарного профиля, готовность будущего учителя к педагогической коммуникации.


Mishchuk I. M. The formation of readiness of future teachers of humanitarian type to pedagogical communication. ? Manuscript.

The thesis on obtaining the scientific degree Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences on specialty 13.00.04 ? Theory and Methodology of Professional Training. ? Cherkassy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnitskyi, Cherkassy, 2009.

In dissertation the research of the theoretical principles of the preparation of future teachers of humanitarian type to pedagogical communication is carried out.

On the analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical literature the concepts “communication”, “intercourse”, “readiness to pedagogical communication”, “communicative skills” have been substantiated. The structure of all these concepts is also described. The state of this problem has been considered on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature. Lack of works related to the formation of readiness of future teachers of humanitarian type to pedagogical communication is set in the dissertation.

A model of the formation of readiness of future teachers of humanitarian type to pedagogical communication has been created. Valued-motivational, communicative-informative and processional-technological components have been characterized. The efficiency of the scientific-methodological providing of the formation of readiness of future teachers of humanitarian type to pedagogical communication has been worked out, substantiated, approved, experimentally tested and proved.

Criteria and levels of the formation of readiness of future teachers of humanitarian type to pedagogical communication are developed. Pedagogical terms of the realization of the model are substantiated in the dissertation.

Keywords: communication, intercourse, readiness to pedagogical communication, communicative skills, a future teacher of humanitarian type, readiness of a future teacher to pedagogical communication.

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