Implementation of effective formative assessment methods in the process of teaching English for professional communication

Theoretical approaches, innovative ways and methods of improving the content and technology of assessing students’ achievements in the process of learning English. Two main types of assessment, summative and formative, and their characteristic features.

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Дата добавления 01.12.2017
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Tetiana Vorobiova

The article deals with theoretical approaches, innovative ways and methods of improving the content and technology of assessing students' achievements in the process of learning English. This article shows manageable and sensitive ways of dealing with assessment taking into account diverse needs of the students who study English for their professional needs. A brief overview of the main assessment issues is provided. Two main types of assessment, summative and formative, and their characteristic features have been described. The usage of both summative and formative assessment in the foreign language classroom is analyzed and compared. The emphasis is put on the formative assessment as the assessment for learning, an integral part of the learning process and its main principles and peculiarities. The article provides theoretical background on formative assessment and explores innovative ways of developing formative assessment tasks in order to assess students' skills in foreign language learning aimed at the formation of the professional communicative competence. The author highlights assessments in all language skills and investigates how assessment can contribute to the development of foreign language competence, and proves that it provides feedback to both teachers and students about how the course is going. The main types of formative assessment activities are outlined as well.

Key words: assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, foreign language competence, language skills, learning process, English for professional communication.

english learning assessment

Воробйова Тетяна. Впровадження ефективних методів формувального оцінювання в процес навчання англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням. Аналізуються різні підходи, шляхи та методи удосконалення змісту і технологій оцінювання якості навчальних досягнень студентів у процесі вивчення англійської мови для своїх професійних цілей, їх основні характеристики. Автор представляє порівняльний аналіз використання двох основних видів оцінювання, підсумкового і поточного (формувального), та обґрунтовує їх значення у формуванні іншомовної комунікативної компетенції. У центрі уваги - новітні підходи до впровадження в процес навчання англійської мови основних принципів, методів і видів формувального оцінювання та їх роль у підвищенні мотиваційного фактора у процесі формування усіх видів іншомовних мовленнєвих навичок студентів (читання, письмо, говоріння). Автор доводить, що оцінювальна діяльність потребує врахування багатьох аспектів та рівнів навчальної діяльності: особистісні досягнення студента, результативність та процесуальна сторона засвоєння навчального матеріалу тощо. Поточне (формувальне) оцінювання як складова навчального процесу дозволяє викладачу розробляти та імплементувати різноманітні альтернативні методи оцінювання і забезпечує рефлексію щодо ефективності вивчення курсу, сприяє створенню стимулюючого навчального середовища.

Ключові слова: англійська за професійним спрямуванням, оцінювання, поточне формувальне оцінювання, підсумкове оцінювання, іншомовна компетенція, мовленнєві навички, навчальний процес.

Воробьева Татьяна. Внедрение эффективных методов формирующего оценивания в процесс обучения английскому языку для профессиональных целей. Анализируются различные подходы, методы и способы усовершенствования содержания и технологии оценивания качества учебных достижений студентов в процессе изучения английского языка для профессиональных целей. Автор представляет сравнительный анализ итогового и текущего (формирующего) оценивания знаний студентов, аргументирует их значение для формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. В центре внимания - особенности формирующего оценивания в процессе изучения английского языка, его основные принципы и методы, а также значение для повышения мотивации учебной деятельности. Доказано, что оценочная деятельность должна учитывать множество аспектов и уровней учебной деятельности: личностные достижения студента, результативность и процессуальная сторона усвоения учебного материала, а также другие факторы. Текущее формирующее оценивание позволяет преподавателю разрабатывать и внедрять разнообразные альтернативные методики оценивания и обеспечивает рефлексию в контексте эффективности изучения курса, способствует созданию стимулирующей обучающей среды.

Ключевые слова: английский для профессиональных целей, текущее формирующее оценивание, итоговое оценивание, иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, языковые навыки, учебный процесс.

Formulation of a research problem and its significance. Nowadays much attention is paid to what type of assessment can promote students' learning foreign languages. This question is the one that language teachers are highly concerned with. It has been acknowledged that examinations often result in teachers teaching to the test, which inevitably restricts what foreign language students learn. One of the outstanding features of studies of assessment in recent years has been the shift away form concentration on the properties of restricted forms of test which are only weakly linked to the learning experiences of the foreign language students. Following the emergence of formative assessment as a valuable practice in assisting learning, a number of investigations have been conducted to research whether its implementation in a particular educational context, namely in teaching English for professional communication, actually succeeds as it is claimed to.

Analysis of the research into this problem. For several years, there have been varying and often conflicting viewpoints and definitions of what formative assessment is. The research literature even offers multiple, sometimes conflicting, definitions of formative assessment that evoke a range of perspectives among teachers, school principals, and district leaders. Influenced by earlier and less comprehensive but equally compelling reviews, the definitive study of formative assessment came from D. Wiliam and P. Black. They conducted a research review of 250 empirical studies on classroom-based assessment practices and their impact on a mixed set of student populations from a variety of academic settings and grade ranges. In their review, Black and Wiliam found that student gains impacted by formative assessment practices were “among the largest ever reported for educational interventions” [4]. Further investigation of the problem of formative assessment was conducted by J. Dodge, B. Marshall, R. J. Stiggins, H. Torrance, H. Tuttle, S. Bogolepova, N. Sheverun, L. Sherstyuk and other researchers and practitioners around the world.

The goal and the specific tasks of the article. The goal of the article is to clarify some of the key terminology, to define the role of formative assessment in the process of teaching English. In focus of this article are practical methods of formative assessment and activities undertaken by English language teachers to improve learning.

Statement regarding the basic material of the research and the justification of the results obtained. Any discussion of assessment is inextricably linked to the process of learning.

Indeed, it is important that assessment is seen as an essential part of the whole teaching cycle. B. Marshall defines two broad functions of assessment. The first and most commonly understood function is that of recording attainment, or more particularly assessing what has already been achieved or learned. The second purpose of assessment is to aid progression or learning [6, 1].

Both summative and formative approaches to assessment are important. The learning-to-learn skills emphasized in the formative model - such as the ability to define goals, adjust learning strategies, and to assess one's own and one's peer's work - are sought after in the world beyond school. At the same time, students' marks, diplomas and certificates serve as important currency in the wider community. Summative assessments are an efficient way to identify students' skills at key transition points, such as entry into the world of work or for further education. Yet high visibility summative assessments are a significant barrier to formative practice.

Usually, when people think about assessment, they mean summative assessment: end-of-term exams, final projects and practical demonstrations etc. This is what Rick J. Stiggins calls “assessment of learning” and what teachers use to see whether their students are meeting standards set by the state, university etc [5, 4; 7].

Summative assessment is normally carried out at or towards the end of a course. It is always a formal process, and it is used to see if students have acquired the skills, knowledge, behaviour or understanding that the course set out to provide them with. It gives an overall picture of performance.

Summative assessment invariably leads to the award of qualifications: grades, diplomas and certificates and students are seeking to obtain them for a number of reasons. For some, a qualification may lead to new employment or changes to existing employment. Others may need a qualification in order to progress to a higher level of educational provision. Yet, it is not just students and tutors who are concerned with the results of summative assessment: employers, award bodies and funding agencies all have an interest in them. Qualifications are undeniably important. They act as a form of currency in the employment market and are used by a variety of bodies (employers and educational or training institutions) to predict the future performance or capacity of the student.

The uses of summative assessment are as follows:

- to record achievement, through the award of certificates or diplomas;

- to anticipate further achievement;

- to allow students to progress to higher level of education (e.g. a student has to pass a particular course before he or she can move to the next level) etc.

When considering assessment, it is worth mentioning that students will respond differently to the assessments that they are asked to complete. Variety of method can help make summative assessment more accessible for the largest possible number of students. It can also make assessment more valid and reliable.

While the assessment of learning is very important if we are to ascribe grades to students and provide accountability, teachers should focus more on assessment for learning, i.e. formative assessment [7].

In teaching English for professional communication formative assessment, monitoring learners success and accomplishments is the most important factor of learning process. In higher education well-designed assessment sets clear students expectations, establishes a reasonable workload and provides opportunities for students to practice and receive feedback on their progress. The principles of formative assessment in the context of teaching English for professional communication is responsive to students' needs and may be considered as a fundamental one for reforming the system.

Formative assessment takes place during a course or program of study, as an integral part of the learning process, and it is down to the teacher to design and implement it. It is often informal: that is to say, it is carried out by teachers while teaching and training. It provides feedback to both teachers and students about how the course is going.

Since formative assessment is considered as a part of the learning process, it does not need to be graded as summative assessment does. Rather, it serves as practice for students, just like a meaningful homework assignment. It checks for understanding along the way and guides teacher's decision made up about future instruction. It also provides feedback to students, so they can improve their performance. Formative assessment helps teachers differentiate instruction and thus improve students' achievements.

Teachers' assessments should inform teaching plans in a seamless way, and not be preserved as bolt-on or peripheral. On the contrary, feedback from the learning process through appropriate and sensitive assessment is an entitlement for all students, helping them to progress from one year to another and to inform a subsequent learning. It is very important to work out teaching and assessment strategies aimed at the development of the community of effective modern foreign language practice, a community that needs to embrace formative practices as a part of its continuing developing exercise.

The two approaches to assessment, formative and summative are often contrasted. Among the characteristics of summative as well as of formative assessments we can outline several specific features. The summative assessment is formal, final, written/oral, individual/group, judging, monological, often stressful for students, systematic, regulated. It has a wide range, provides a mark/status, measures learning. The formative assessment is informal, continuous, oral/written, individual, scaffolding/improving, dialogic, flexible and intended to motivate. It has narrow focus, provides feedback, suggestions and furthers learning.

Thus, formative assessment, defined by Black and William [4, 2] as “all activities undertaken by teachers, and by the students themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged” does not dispense with elements of summative assessment, simply defined as “any assessment made at the end of a period of learning to evaluate the level of understanding or competence”. Indeed, summative assessment can and should be useful both as a part of formative framework and as a part of the learning process. The challenge is to achieve a more positive relationship between the two [4, 55-56]. The aim is to find, select and create worthwhile activities and tasks that will enhance assessment as learning, and that will provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge. Teachers need to be clear about the criteria for success and share these with students.

Formative assessment, characterized by its focus on furthering students' learning, has many key features that distinguish it from simply good teaching practices. All of these features encourage students to be critical about their goals and abilities: teachers take time to clarify and share learning objectives; teachers and students share knowledge of success criteria; appropriate and effective questioning during and after activities; feedback following the activity (oral and written); effective, useful, personalized feedback; promoting self- and peer-evaluation; encouraging students to be autonomous learners

Teachers can adapt various techniques and design ones of their own. The important thing is to ensure that they are comfortable with such techniques and can use them purposefully for the benefit of progressing students' learning. Students also need to feel comfortable with self- and peer- assessment. They need time to develop confidence in these roles and benefit from rehearsing the technique and discussing success criteria.

Feedback for the teacher is paramount and thus assessment provides an opportunity to find out students' difficulties and gives some idea about how effective the classes are. Foreign language classes are a rich source of diagnostic assessment material as evidence can be gathered during any class on the basis of observations of students' work and behaviour, and questioning the students about what they are doing can be done in a relaxed manner. Areas of strength and weakness can be identified for the purposes of differentiation.

To sum up, there are several potential uses of formative assessment that are worth noting:

- to facilitate learning;

- to see whether learning has taken place;

- to provide feedback to teachers on how learners are progressing, clarifying for the teacher what can be done to improve, extend or enhance learning;

- to diagnose students' needs or barriers;

- to introduce any necessary changes to the course or programme of study [1-3].

Researchers and practitioners constantly stress the importance of maintaining a variety of teaching and learning activities. If teachers restrict their choices of teaching and learning activities to exercises that simply rehearse for summative assessment then they run the risk of failing their students during the teaching and learning process as a whole. There are other pitfalls as well: working to the assessment can encourage “aiming-low”, when students concentrate simply on doing the bare minimum needed to guarantee a pass.

By varying the type of assessment he uses over the course of the week, teacher can get a more accurate picture of what students know and understand. Using at least one formative assessment a day enables teacher to evaluate and assess the quality of the learning that is taking place in his or her foreign language classroom.

There is a variety of quick ways to check understanding and gather “evidence” of foreign language learning in the classroom. Four main types of formative assessment are outlined.

The first is Summaries and Reflections. Students stop and reflect, make sense of what they have heard or read, derive personal meaning from their language learning experiences, and increase their metacognitive skills. These require to use content-specific language.

The second type is Lists, Charts and Graphic Organizers. Students organize information (e.g. topical vocabulary), make connections and note relationships through the use of graphic organizers, applying the method of mind mapping.

Visual Representations of Information is the third type of formative assessment. Students use both words and pictures to make connections and increase memory, facilitating retrieval of information later on. This “dual coding” helps teachers address classroom diversity, preferences in learning style and different ways of “knowing”.

And the last one is Collaborative Activities. Students have the opportunity to move and communicate with others as they develop and demonstrate their understanding of language concepts [9]. There are differences in emphasis as to which skills are assessed, reflecting different teaching programmes and teacher's beliefs on these issues. Whilst some teachers stick to their belief that foreign language learning should be almost exclusively oral and aural, others introduce reading and writing with different intensity and at various stages. This is clearly mirrored in the choice of assessment activity.

In listening, for example, a simple assessment as well as a practice activity would be to “listen and mime”. This could be organized as a self- or peer- assessment as well as a general check for the teacher. In the context of speaking, for instance, more advanced students would be able to take part in conversations with grammatical accuracy and good pronunciation. Teachers can identify together with students, specific points to look for before engaging in peer assessment of the performed conversations.

Students progressing in reading skills would show whether they understand different texts and dialogues made up of familiar language. The teachers can make reading cards with a range of differentiated exercises for both consolidation and assessment. It would be wrong for teachers to expect and rely on a set of ready-made assessment instruments from whatever source since there is a danger that it would lead to a fixation with the instrument and the “teaching for the test” syndrome. Teachers need to identify and create assessment opportunities as part of their own planning, teaching and learning cycle. Torrance and Pryor argue that assessment “ more to do with the quality of teacher - student interaction and the feedback provided by teachers during the course of such interactions” [8, 35]. This means reacting to students' feedback about their learning and interacting in such a way that enhances the dialogical nature of assessment.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Review of the literature on different types of assessment allows us to define the notion of formative assessment. Formative assessment may identify misunderstandings in student learning, provide regular corrective feedback and allow teachers and students to reflect on progress and adjust instruction and learning accordingly. It encompasses a variety of strategies, which can be used selectively to accomplish one or more educational purposes.

Still there are clear implications for further research investigations. There is a need for determining specific ways in which strategies of formative assessment can be incorporated into the classroom practice of teaching English for professional communication. There is also a demand for the development of theoretical models for formative assessment of learning English for professional communication and of the prospects for the improvement of foreign language learning practice.


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4. Black P. Assessment and Classroom Learning / Paul Black, Dylan William // Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. - Vol. 5, Issue 1. - 1998. - P. 1-65.

5. Dodge J. 25 Quick Formative Assessments For a Differentiated Classroom / Judith Dodge. - Scholastic Teaching Resources, 2009. - 98 p.

6. Marshall B. Assessment in English [Electronic resource] / Bethan Marshall // ITE English: Readings for Discussion. - November 2007. - Access mode: .

7. Stiggins R. J. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right-Using It Well / Richard J. Stiggins, Judith A. Arter, Jan Chappuis, Stephen Chappuis. - Allyn & Bacon, 2009. - 480 p.

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2. Sheverun, Nadiia. 2013. “Osoblyvosti Otsinyuvannya ta Sertyfikatsiyi Navchalnykh Dosyahnen Studentiv z Inozemnykh Mov v Universytetakh Polshchi”. sheverun.pdf.

3. Sherstyuk, L.V. 2010. Realizatsiya Tekhnolohiyi Kompleksnoyi Dyferentsiatsiyi Navchannya Inozemnykh Mov Studentiv Nefilolohichnykh Spetsialnostey Vyshchykh Navchalnykh Zakladiv: Metodychni Rekomendatsiyi.

Mykolayiv: Vyd-vo ChDU Imeni Petra Mohyly.

4. Black, P., and Wiliam, Dylan. 1998. “Assessment and Classroom Learning”. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 5/1: 1-65.

5. Dodge, Judith. 2009. 25 Quick Formative Assessments For a Differentiated Classroom. Scholastic Teaching Resources.

6. Marshall, Bethan. 2007. “Assessment in English”. ITE English: Readings for Discussion.

7. Stiggins, Richard J., and Arter, Judith A., and Chappuis, Jan, and Chappuis, Stephen. 2009. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right-Using It Well. Allyn & Bacon.

8. Torrance, H., and Pryor, J. 1998. Investigating Formative Assessment. Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Classroom. Buckingham: Open University Press.

9. Tuttle, Harry Grover, and Tuttle, Allan. 2013. Improving Students' Foreign Language Speaking Through Formative Assessment. Routledge.

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