Social and personal development of preschoolers through the lens of parental religious educational models
Analysis of models of religious parental education, attitudes towards the social and personal development of children. Requirements for Teaching staff at an educational institution. Choice of forms of educational influence, social activity of children.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 42,4 K |
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National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Social and personal development of preschoolers through the lens of parental religious educational models
Viktor Vus, Tetiana Kychkyruk, Elena Lokutova
Viktor Vus,
PhD, associate professor, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 52-A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, Research Fellow, MFC-APS Maendeleo for Children (NDSAN Network)
Rome, Italy, e-mail: Tetiana Kychkyruk, PhD, associate professor, Department of Philosophy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
e-mail: tatiyanak@i. ua
Elena Lokutova,
PhD, associate professor, Department of Extension and Tourism, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
The paper aims to analyze religious parental educational models, parental expectations and attitudes toward children's social and personal development. It sets forth the findings of an empirical research into the specifics of a parental socio-psychological child-rearing model. The sample involved 68 parents of the children at an educational establishment based on the principles of religious-moral pedagogy. The data were collected by means of Parent Questionnaire (Vus, 2014) which consists of questions on personal and demographic data of the respondents, questions that reveal the profile of their parental-pedagogical model in the conditions of religious-moral education. The empirical research covered parental expectations (in the context of religious-moral education) for their children's social and personal development; attitudes toward children's development at an educational establishment (the nature of relationship with educators and peers); selection of forms of educational influence and social activity of children; and the individual nature of parents' attitudes to themselves and society. The paper examines the parental overriding priorities for child's social and personal development. It identifies the factors determining parental attitudes to their children and criteria for assessment of their social success, social health in religious families. The parental socio-psychological model of child development includes a number of mandatory requirements to the teaching staff, others and children. There is a visible focus on the development of an “internal” form of interpersonal interaction culture. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the dependence of parents ' inner peace, harmony on the degree of their self-actualization in their children. The essential factors that determine the specifics of parental attitude to the child are as follows: accordance to the expectations of adults; emotional perception of interaction with the child; characteristics of creative and cognitive activity.
Keywords: social health of personality, educational process, religious upbringing, social and personal development of preschoolers, parental expectations.
Віктор Вус,
кндидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри психології, Національна академія педагогічних наук України, 52-A, вул. Січових Срільців, Київ, Україна, науковий співробітник МЕЄ-АРБ - Maendeleo for Children (NDSAN Network)
м. Рим, Італія, е-mail: Тетяна Кичкирук,
кандидат філософських наук, доцент кафедри філософії, Національний Університет Біоресурсів та Природокористування України,
вул. Героїв Оборони, 15, м. Київ, Україна, е-mail: tatiyanak@i. ua
Олена Локутова,
кандидат с-г наук, доцент Інституту післядипломної освіти,
кафедра консалтингу та туризму, Національний Університет Біоресурсів та Природокористування України,
вул. Героїв Оборони, 15, м. Київ, Україна, e-mail:
Метою статті є аналіз моделей релігійної батьківської освіти, батьківських очікувань та ставлення до соціального та особистісного розвитку дітей. Вона висвітлює висновки емпіричного дослідження особливостей батьківської соціально-психологічної моделі виховання дітей. Вибірку дослідження склали 68 батьків вихованців дошкільного навчального закладу (що навчалися за експериментальною програмою релігійно-моральної педагогіки). Дослідницька інформація була зібрана з використанням методики «Батьківський опитувальник» (В.І. Вус, 2014), яка містила запитання особистого та демографічного рівнів. Аналіз відповідей респондентів дозволив скласти емпіричний профіль батьківсько-педагогічної моделі в умовах релігійно-моральної освіти. Емпіричне дослідження охоплювало батьківські очікування (в контексті релігійно-моральної освіти) щодо соціального та особистісного розвитку їхніх дітей; ставлення до розвитку дітей у навчальному закладі (характер відносин з вихователями та однолітками); вибір форм виховного впливу та соціальної активності дітей; індивідуальний характер ставлення батьків до себе і суспільства. Зазначається, що батьківська модель соціально-психологічного розвитку дитини містить ряд обов'язкових вимог до викладацького складу, оточуючих та самих дітей. Батьки менш вимогливі до власного особистісного розвитку. Актуальні бажання батьків полягають у формуванні особистості дитини в «фарватері» своїх ідей, пріоритетів, цінностей та ідейних настроїв. Спостерігається зосередженість респондентів на розробці «інтерналізованої» форми культури міжособистісної взаємодії. Результати кореляційного аналізу вказують на залежність психологічної гармонії та соціального здоров'я батьків від ступеня їх самореалізації у власних дітей. Батьки схильні розглядати внутрішній спокій, гармонію, думку інших, схвалення результатів їх діяльності суспільством як критерії визначення їх успіху в житті. Суттєві фактори, що визначають специфіку батьківського ставлення до дитини: рівень відповідності очікуванням дорослих; емоційне сприйняття взаємодії з дитиною; характеристики творчої та пізнавальної діяльності їх дітей. Дослідження проводилося в рамках експериментальної організації навчального процесу - дитячого навчального закладу на базі релігійно-орієнтованої педагогіки.
Ключові слова: соціальне здоров'я особистості, навчальний процес, релігійне виховання, соціальний та особистісний розвиток дошкільнят, очікування батьків.
children parental education religious
The urgent need of contemporary humans is to return to a central spiritual principle about which they can orient their lives (Cairns, 1962). Thus, the issue of spirituality and morality of the younger generation is that important. Spiritual and moral values and priorities of young people act as significant correlates that will determine the direction and nature of the society in the near future (Danylova, 2017). A large number of educational programs and social projects are aimed at resolving this important issue (Samfira, 2017). “The major agents of socialization family, school, peers, mass media, public opinion, and religion exert pressure on each of us. The evolution of “self' emerges from this mix of social forces. This is particularly true during the formative years from kindergarten through high school. The impact of these forces can vary dramatically from person to person. The consequences can be life altering and severe" (Perrino, 2000). The Church is also involved in this process. Since religious educational institutions are an integral part of modern culture, and society cherishes the hope that activities of these institutions have a positive effect on the youth, it is necessary to determine characteristics of the formation of spiritual values and worldview of modern preschoolers in the course of religious education (Byrne, 2014).
As a result of observations, it can be claimed with certainty that the majority of children completing religious program lose interest in religion, its moral values that entails such pathological manifestations as believing in omens, ritualism, rites, etc. However, it is not only the shortcomings of the educational process in religious educational institutions. At the early stages of childhood, personality development is determined by psychological expectations of parents (caregivers, educators) the parental socio-psychological child-rearing model determines the specifics of child personality's sociogenesis in many areas (Vermeer, 2010).
1. Aim and Tasks
The paper aims to analyze religious parental educational models, parental expectations and attitudes towards children's social and personal development. The main tasks of research are as follows: to study the parental overriding priorities for child's social and personal development; to identify the factors determining parental attitudes to their children; to identify criteria for the assessment of children' social success, social health in religious families.
Research Methods
This research was carried out at an educational establishment based on the principles of religious-oriented pedagogy (Preschooler's Educational Institution No. 372, Kyiv, Ukraine). The study involved 68 parents of the children studying at this institution.
The empirical research covered parental expectations (in the context of religious-moral education) for their children's social and personal development; attitudes toward children's development at an educational establishment (the nature of relationship with educators and peers); selection of forms of educational influence and social activity of children; and the individual nature of parents' attitudes to themselves and society (Vus, 2014).
Data were collected with a technique “Parent questionnaire” (Vus, 2014) which includes questions on personal and demographic data of the respondents, questions that reveal the profile of their parental-pedagogical model in the conditions of religious-moral education. The answers of the respondents were spun off into semantic areas using the content analysis method. Statistical data analysis was carried out based on these areas.
Research Results
The educational process in a religious pedagogical model is composed of the following constructs: the individual state of educators/parents (the nature of their attitudes to God, society, and themselves), sociopsychological model of child spiritual and religious development (expectations from child's psychological, social and religious development), forms of educational influence (selection of forms of relationship with children, teaching/learning, development and religious activity), assessment of the educational influence effects (emotional perception and cognitive appraisal) and adjustment of the educational influence forms.
Statistical analysis of the results of exploring the specifics of the parental education influence on the genesis of the respondents' personalities enabled to reveal that a passive form of social competence (М=2.17) and moral qualities (М=1.65) are the priority areas of expectations of preschoolers' personal development (see Table 1).
Table 1 Priority Areas of Expectations of the Child's Personality Development
№ |
Indicators |
М |
a |
1 |
Social competence (passive form) |
2.17 |
1.64 |
2 |
Moral qualities |
1.65 |
1.02 |
3 |
Volitional powers |
1.47 |
1.12 |
4 |
Personality development harmony |
1.34 |
1.15 |
5 |
Social competence (active form) |
0.95 |
0.92 |
6 |
Cognitive activity |
0.30 |
0.47 |
For parents, the level of development of child's cognitive activity is the least significant (М=0.30).
That is to say, parents are inclined to perceive a result of the teaching and educational process organization in formation of a docile, patient, low-active (socially and politically) personality, instead, with highly developed moral qualities, moral responsibility. It is possible here to talk of the development of an “internalized” form of interpersonal interaction culture; the parents' desire to cultivate in their children an understanding of the dependence of their external (social) well-being on the quality and degree of their inner world.
The correlation analysis results also demonstrate the parents' dependence on qualitative indicators of the development of their children's intellectual sphere on the moral culture maturity (r=0.61 at р<0.01).
However, in modeling social activity of their children, parents bring personal happiness, personal selfScience and Education, 2018, Issue 1 that the level of the development of child's cognitive The child's communication skills (М=2.43) and sphere and forms of organization of educational activities moral qualities (М=1.69) are the most attractive features are of low axiological value for parents. (see Table 2).
Table 2 Child's Attractive Qualities
№ |
Indicators |
М |
a |
1 |
Communication skills |
2.43 |
1.07 |
2 |
Moral qualities |
1.69 |
1.29 |
3 |
Creative activity |
0.73 |
0.81 |
4 |
Cognitive activity |
0.34 |
0.57 |
5 |
Attitude to parents |
0.34 |
0.71 |
As perceived by parents, communication skills of their children are related to the level of development of their volitional sphere (r=0.53 at р<0.01), social independence (r=0.44 at р<0.05) and level of embracement of Christian piety (r=0.46 at р<0.05), while the specifics of morality development determine quality of personality career and professional advancement (r=0.44 at р<0.05).
Parents tend to assess the level of independence (М=7.55) of their own children and the degree of satisfaction with interaction with them (М=6.04) above the average.
Based on the correlation analysis results, it was found that the degree of emotional satisfaction with interaction with children is associated with the stance in such interaction and level of activity/passivity they manifest. Obedience and resignation to the parental will receive full positive emotional approval on the part of parents (r=0.64 at р<0.01).
Creative (r=0.47 at р<0.05) and cognitive (r=-0.51 at р<0.05) activity are essential factors that determine the specifics of the parental attitude to children.
Development of child's independence is determined by the level of general harmony of personality genesis (r=0.49 at р<0.05) and the degree of social competences (r=0.57 at р<0.01).
The quantitative results of studying the specifics of the educational strategies used by parents indicate that they tend to accept children as they are and develop their inherent potential and abilities (М=3.13). They believe the personal example (М=1.39) is the best way to reinforce the formal influence. Least of all, parents accept liberal upbringing methods (М=0.13).
At the same time, parents expect the formation of adequate skills in interacting with adults, their children's harmonious integration into the adult world (М=1.91). An inclination to conform child's activity to requirements and rules of adults, ability to meet expectations of adults they treat as a priority.
The correlation analysis results confirm these ideas. Thus, statistically significant correlation links of the indicated scales are revealed (r=-0.69 at р<0.01).
The result should be seen as antagonism and inadmissibility, in the perception of parents, of child's free internalization of cultural meanings without adult guidance. The desire of parents to form child's personality justness the tendency to conform their activity according to requirements and rules of adults, as well as the ability to meet expectations of adults. The current desire of parents is to shape child's personality in the “fairway” of their own ideas, priorities, values and ideological settings.
There is a visible focus on development of an “internal” form of interpersonal interaction culture; the respondents tend to associate the degree of social success, social fulfillment (generally, social health) with personal and moral development. Child's independence development is determined by the level of general harmony of personality genesis and the degree of social competences.
The degree of parents' emotional satisfaction with the interaction between them and children is related to the position that children take in this interaction and with the level of manifestation of their activity/passivity. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the dependence of parents' inner peace, harmony on the degree of their self-actualization in their own children. Parents tend to consider inner peace, harmony, opinions of others, ap in the “fairway” of their own ideas, priorities, values and paradigms is manifested. Accordingly, parents put forward certain requirements for the activities of the educational staff in the educational institution.
First of all, they seek to see in the educator:
• a harmoniously developed personality (М=2.22);
• a competent professional (М=1.63);
• an individual loving and respecting children (М=1.22);
• a social-minded personality with an active position in life (М=0.86);
• maturity and possession of moral virtues (М=0.45);
• high-grade intelligence (М=0.40);
• sincere and active faith; life according to their beliefs (М=0.04).
Parents tend to consider inner peace, harmony (М=2.21) and approval of their activity results by society (М=0.65) as the most important criteria for determining success in life and social health.
Parents are prone to give the lowest priority to the level of the development of scholarship, intellectual sphere (М=0.04) and specifics of their spirituality (М=0).
The results of the correlation analysis indicate the dependence of inner peace, harmony of personal development of parents on the degree of their self-actualization in their own children (r=0.64 at р<0.01).
Parents are inclined to consider the following as important factors determining the nature of the experience of social health:
• distinctiveness of ethical qualities and attitudes within the structure of personality activity determination (М=2.97);
• the degree of emotional satisfaction with the social interaction results (М=0.21);
• conformance of internal values and convictions to social standards and priorities (М=0.08).
The parental child socio-psychological development model includes a number of mandatory requirements to the teaching staff, others and children themselves. Parents are less demanding to their own personal development. The priority is seen in forming in children's conscious- actualization experiences (М=2.81) and harmonious relationship with others and society (М=0.86) to the fore.
At the same time, parents are not inclined to emphasize the impact of the material sphere (М=0.27) and career aspirations (М=0.04) on child's harmonious social health.
According to the results of the correlation analysis, it can be argued that there are linear relationships (as perceived by parents) between the level of social success, social realization (in general, social health) and the quality of child's personal development (r=0.57 at р<0.01).
Low statistical values of the scales of the intellectual and training and educational spheres can be interpreted as a low axiological value for parents of the level of development of child's cognitive sphere and learning activity organization forms.
Low statistical indicators of the scales of the intellectual, training, and educational spheres can be interpreted
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2. Cairns, G. E. (1962). The Philosophy and Psychology of the Oriental Mandala. Philosophy East & West, 11(4), 219-229.
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4. Danylova, T. (2017). Searching for the True Self: The Way of Nondual Wisdom. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, 12, 7-15, doi 10.15802/ampr.v0i12.119069 cal Measurements of Philosophical Research. 2017. №12. P. 7-15, doi 10.15802/ampr.v0i12.119069
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6. Samfira, E.-M. Farm-Based education: comparative study of Romania and Ukraine / E.M. Samfira, H . Arslan, V. Vus // Proceedings Volume: Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice. 2017. P. 761771.
7. Vermeer, P. Religious Education and Socialization / P. Vermeer // Religious Education. 2010. №105. - P. 103-116. Vus V.I. Modem psychological and pedagogical V.A. Vihrovskaya // Nauka i studia. 2014. Vol. 10. models of the spiritual realm of a child / V.I. Vus, N° 1 5 9 . P. 87-90.
8. Byrne, G. Why religious education has an important role to play in our society / G. Byrne // The Irish Times. - 2014. [Online] Available at:
9. Cairns, G. E. The Philosophy and Psychology of the Oriental Mandala / G.E. Cairns // Philosophy East & West. 1962. Vol. 11. №4. P. 219-229.
10. Danylova, T. Eastern Mysticism and Timothy Leary: Human Beyond The Conventional Reality / T. Danylova // Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research. 2017. №11. P. 135-142, DOI: 10.15802/ampr.v0i11.105498.
11. Danylova, T. Searching for the True Self: The Way of Nondual Wisdom / T. Danylova // Anthropologiproval of their activity results by society as criteria for determining success in life and social health. The essential factors that determine the specifics of parental attitude to the child are as follows: accordance to the expectations of adults; emotional perception of interaction with the child; characteristics of creative and cognitive activity.
12. Perrino, R.G. (2000). The Socialization Process and Its Impact on Children and Learning. Washington Family. Retrieved from enrichment/private_schools_preschools/article_bcd83188f039-58dd-a996-e07aafffcd2f.html
13. Samfira, E.-M., Arslan, H., Vus, V. (2017).\ Farm-Based education: comparative study of Romania and Ukraine. Proceedings Volume: Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice, 761-771.
14. Vermeer, P. (2010). Religious Education and Socialization. Religious Education, 105, 103-116.
15. Vus V.I., Vihrovskaya V.A. (2014). Modern psychological and pedagogical models of the spiritual realm of a child. Nauka i studia, 10(159), 87-90.
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