Educational adaptation of students towards creditrating system: new understanding of knowledge control in the educational process
Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the organization of the educational process at the university. The introduction of credit ratings in the educational process, their advantages and difficulties. Psycho-didactic control of students' knowledge.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
Размер файла | 17,6 K |
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Educational adaptation of students towards credit rating system: new understanding of knowledge control in the educational process
Koudentsova S.N.
New requirements towards the organization of the educational process at high school institution and especially towards knowledge control in the educational process, generates a number of psycho-pedagogical problems. This credit-rating system has obvious advantages; however its introduction into the educational process is going with difficulties. From teachers and students' side there is misunderstanding of the system and negative attitudes towards it. The causes are hidden in the incorrect organization and control of the students' success, which leads to their educational maladjustment. It is necessary to elaborate a range of the psycho-didactic recommendations for the successful realization of this system of the control in the real practice of the educational process at high school.
Keywords: adaptation, maladjustment, academic adaptation, personality growth, modernization of the knowledge control, credit and rating system.
Over the last years, the modernization of the high education, is realized by the society as the most important compound of the civil society, the great attention in pedagogical and psychological literature (I.V. Аbakoumova, А.N. Аntonova, А.g. Аsmolov, I.А. Baeva, S.V. Belov, V.Т. ganzhin, P.N. Ermakov, Т.М. Krasnianskaya, Н.А. Lize, N.N. Moiseev, А.V. Nepomniashii, V.М. Rozin, V.V. Roubtsov, А.А. Rean, V.V. Semikin, К.V. chernov, L.I. Shershnnev), is paid to the problems of the personality disorders and students' adaptation to new requirements towards educational standards and reality of the educational process. The learning maladjustment, or, disorders of the learning maladjustment, is mainly the reaction of the students' maladjustment towards his inadequate development, personal activity and personality growth under conditions of studying at high school.
The learning maladjustment is a socio-psychological and pedagogical phenomenon of student's failure in the educational environment (learning, we group, communication with the teachers and etc.), connected to the insoluble student's conflict between the requirements of the educational environment and his psychological abilities and possibilities, corresponding with the age sensitive period, level of the mental development. having the learning disadaptation, the student can't find his place in the high school environment, experiences considerable difficulties in the learning activity, doesn't achieve academic success, and very often is disappointed by the chosen profession.
Students' adaptation to the educational process is an important part of his personal development, the necessary attribute of his «psychological health». The most part of the psychologists distinguish the notions of the «mental health» and «psychological health» (B.S. Bratous, I.V. Doubrovina, V.I. Slobodchikov). The mental health suggests the healthy flow of the mental processes, and psychological ones - healthy personality displays. V.I. Slobodchikov distinguishes the two most important factors, determining the psychological health of the educational process of the participants - subjective reality and event belonging.
The internal world and, or subjective reality, includes such important characteristics as, «life scenario», «self-concept», «life-purpose strategies». «The result of the integration of these qualities in the process of the education is the personality and spirituality» [10, p. 172]. Man's psychological health is limited by the harmony of his subjective world. Achieving this harmony is the necessary element of the personal and spiritual growth.
The personal growth is the process of creating and exercising the man's mental function. In the process of the personality growth the man realizes and forms his social needs, enlarges the ways and means of their coming true, understands and forms their own autonomy, becomes responsible for his choice of the decisions while interacting with the surrounding people. Personal growth consists of two stages at the minimum:
1) realizing needs and enlarging the ways and means of their plan implementation,
2) forming man's autonomy, self-determination, self management and responsibility for the displays of the autonomy.
The perspective of the personal growth becomes the harmonization of the man's interrelations with the society.
The spiritual growth is the process of the transcendental realization of the man's mental functions. In the process of the spiritual growth the man becomes aware of his life creator, studying his unconscious; it widens the awareness of the life, time, and environment. Accepting and knowing himself the person starts in a new light referring to his singularity, autonomy. he establishes the eventful links with relatives, creating spiritual relations with them.
Personal and spiritual growths mutually condition each other. The spiritual growth, in its turn, is the new level of the personality growth. The personality growth is the necessary condition of the spiritual growth. Correspondingly, the process of the personal and spiritual growth represents a spiral, in the opinion of N.P. Pattourina, each circuit of which testifies about man's self-improvement.
From the point of view of N.P. Pattourina, the notion «deep» event system reflects human ability to keep the full-blooded contact with the others, and organize it. The deep event system is elaborated in the process of the personality and spiritual growth of the participants of the interaction process, which arises between the teacher and the student, pupil and his classmates, teacher and representatives of the school administration and etc. There are two levels of the deep event system: the event system, reflecting the individual's ability to endure events by him, and the deep event system, reflecting the ability to survive some events together with the other people. «The first level includes such particular abilities as, individual's awareness of the existence and tuning into the internal feeling. The second level of the deep event system includes the particular ability towards understanding of the other and involvement into the contact. This ability is the condition of creating uniting events; it means a space, in which the development of the man's subjective reality happens» [10, p. 172-174]. If in the process of learning we can observe disorders (stagnation) of the personal and spiritual growth, then it interrupts the event community of all the participants of the educational interaction, and it becomes the reason of disruption of the psychological security and as a consequence the learning maladjustment of the student appears as a psychological barrier, preventing the student from the academic success. psychological didactic ratings student
It is very important that, the stimulus of the classroom and self-directed work, which influences the quality of the training of the specialists, is the interest of the students towards the contents of the assimilating subjects. On the part of organizing the students' classroom and self-directed work, it is important to support students' interest to the educational subjects, the technology of organizing control, which includes the types of the controlled student's activity, overcoming the stages of the control and elaborating the individual forms of the control.
To flow up the quality of the education at high institutions of the USA and Western Europe they created and still use module and rating system of the knowledge control, where you can find such pedagogical innovations as individual work with students, individualization of the control over received knowledge, systematic quality control over the knowledge and skills of the students. It is based upon the several components:
? priority of the written form of the assessment over the aural form,
? assessment using the classical five-point grading scale system,
? taking into consideration current and final progress,
? introduction of final rating of the learning process,
? introduction of the personal rating of the pupil as the essential index of the success in education,
? using the written and computer tests as the additional means, which make the examiner free from his routine work,
? reducing the time for examination session.
As the analogue of the module - rating system of the control credit-rating system of assessing students' knowledge exists at our high schools. The teacher is passing to the new level of using educational technologies:
? building the model of the differentiated contents of the educational material,
? Individual approach towards the learners' educational activity,
? Activating the students' work during classes, ? Forming the skills of self-directed studies, ? Efficient system of the rating indices.
The problems of the five-point grading scale of the knowledge assessment were discussed many times and well summarized by B.G. Yoganzen and A.I. Kouvshinova in 1969 [6]. It doesn't completely reflect the deepness of the students' knowledge, their intention towards the cognitive activity. If we use five-point grading scale there is no possibility to flexibly assess students' knowledge, his abilities and the industriousness. The teacher is obliged to assess the reply during the exam by only 4 criteria: unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good and excellent.
Though having a lot of limitations, the five-point grading scale stays the most long- lasting system of the learners' assessment in Russian Federation. The widespread and popularity of this system can be only explained by habit and availability of this system, not the efficiency. One of the essential advantages of the credit-rating system is the possibility to get:
? more objective assessment of the students' learning activity,
? analysis of the learning results,
? assessing in a more various way students' qualities associated to learning.
If we introduce the credit-rating system at high school we should internalize, that the credit-rating system represents a summary of rules and regulations, which allow accumulate the conventional units (points) and assess all the results of the students' controlled educational activity while studying a particular subject [9].
The priority of the introduction of the credit-rating system at high schools also consists of the fact that they have the possibility to assess the results of the students learning activity using the additional criteria:
? Quality of the educational assignments,
? Systematic students' work,
? Ability to work in the team,
? Student's logical thinking,
? creative activity during classes,
? Working with additional materials, ? Students' communicative skills.
In the functioning of the credit-rating system, the key point is giving the students information about the rules of studying the subject, time of the checking tests and particularities of getting additional points at the department.
The information availability for the student represents the additional stimulus to activate students' work:
? controlling and assessing themselves their learning activity,
? working taking into consideration the individual qualities,
? elaborating the pace and the style of learning,
? showing interest towards the studies, ? doing actively self-directed work, ? getting additional knowledge.
The openness of the system let the student to compare his results with the results of his classmates. This may stimulate the student for the activity and guarantees the quality of specialist training.
The credit-rating system of the control over students' knowledge at high school, changes the final evaluation in the subject. The final evaluation comprises the current students' academic results during all the period of learning of this subject, including the results of the current intermediate tests and examination control. The regulation about the final evaluation is defined by high school regulations, which establish the order of accumulating students' academic results into the students' final point.
Credit-rating system allows calculating students' academic rating. It is used to analyze students' work. Using this rating you can find out students' abilities, his knowledge and skills, attitudes to studies. Getting students' academic rating they count students results in all studied subjects. The way of calculating the academic rating can be different, but it should be the same for all the students of this University. The analysis of the students' work can be done according to the academic rating results after finishing the term, the course and after University graduating.
Examining the control as the way of getting the information about the quality state of the educational process, there is the possibility to make corrections and the improvement of the methods and forms of the organization process.
Using logically built system of the control, it is possible to decide a number of the current tasks for the high institutions:
? teaching students how to do self-directed studies,
? teaching the students to treat the material thoughtfully, to see it as a part of the unique educational system in correspondence with the chosen specialization, ? increasing the efficiency of the teachers' labour.
Though knowing all the advantages of the credit-rating system, its implementation into the educational process is going with a lot of difficulties. The teachers and students do not well understand the system and have negative representations about it. The reasons lie in the wrong way of organizing calculation and control over students' academic achievements, which leads towards its complication and blocks.
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