Дискуссионные вопросы внедрения предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения студентов профессиональному общению в России

Обосновано актуальность анализа лингводидактического потенциала предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения. Показан генезис подходов к обучению иностранному языку для профессионального общения. Описаны проблемные зоны выбора подходов к обучению.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 18.01.2021
Размер файла 47,7 K

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12. Сысоев П.В., Завьялов В.В. Элективный языковой курс «IntroductiontoLaw» в си-стеме профессионально ориентированного обучения иностранному языку в стар-ших классах // Иностранные языки в школе. 2018. № 7. С. 10-18.

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16. Сысоев П.В., Амерханова О. О. Влияние тандем-метода на овладение аспирантами иноязычным письменным научным дискурсом // Язык и культура. 2017. № 40. С. 276-288.

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19. Сысоев П. В., Завьялов В. В. Обучение иноязычному письменному юридическому дискурсу студентов направления подготовки «Юриспруденция» // Язык и культура. 2018. № 41. С. 308-326.

20. Sysoyev P. V., Zavyalov V. V. Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Law Students based on Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2019. T. 907. C. 237-244.

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25. Сафонова В.В. Изучение языков международного общения в контексте диалога культур и цивилизаций. Воронеж : Истоки, 1996.

26. Coyle D. Meaning-making, Language Learning and Language Using: An integrated ap-proach. Inclusive Pedagogy Across the Curriculum // International Perspectives on Inclusive Education / eds by J.M. Deppeler, T. Loreman, R. Smith, L. Florian. 2015. Vol. 7. P. 235-258.

27. Алмазова Н.И., Баранова Т.А., Халяпина Л.П. Педагогические подходы и модели интегрированного обучения иностранным языкам и профессиональным дисциплинам в зарубежной и российской лингводидактике // Язык и культура. 2017. № 39. С. 116-134.


Sysoyev P.V., D.Sc. (Education), Professor and Head of Foreign Language Multicultural Education Research Laboratory, Derzhavin Tambov State University (Tambov, Russia); Professor at the Foreign Languages Department, Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia).

Recently, scholars working in the field of teaching foreign languages in non- linguistic universities have paid greater attention to content and language integrated learning (CLIL). This approach, originating in Western methods in the 1980s, only now has begun to slowly spread in Russian universities. Its distinctive feature is the fact that a foreign language is both the goal of training and a means of mastering professional competencies. However, despite its language teaching potential, putting this approach into practice at Russian universities causes a number of difficulties. In this work, the author a) substantiates the relevance of the analysis of the language teaching potential of CLIL; b) describes the genesis of approaches to teaching a foreign language for professional communication (1) a foreign language for specific purposes; 2) bilingual education; 3) content and language integrated learning); c) defines and describes the problem areas of the selection of approaches to learning. The latter include: lack of motivation for students to learn a foreign language on the basis of CLIL; lack of motivation for the teacher to teach a foreign language on the basis of this approach; difficulties in selecting the subject matter of training a foreign language teacher; difficulties in selecting tasks that reflect the specifics of the students' future professional activity in a particular area of training and the profile of training; different levels of students' foreign language communicative competence; lack of textbooks developed on the basis of CLIL; lack of continuity in the content of training between a foreign language for professional communication and relevant disciplines; requirements for the competence of a teacher for the course “Foreign language for professional communication” based on CLIL. The paper describes in detail these problem areas of content and language integrated learning.

Keywords: content and language integrated learning; language for specific purposes; bilin-gual education; language in a university.


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