Scholarly Activity of Polish Researchers in Humanities in Kiev, Kharkov and Novorossiya Imperial Universities
Research of the scientific activity of Polish humanities scientists. Contribution of Polish researchers to Russian science, creation and development of humanitarian university scientific schools. Publication of translated works, subject of Ancient Greece.
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Encyclopaedia of Law and History of Russian Law
Antoni Stanislawski (1817-1883) was a lawyer, translator and poet. Since 1843, he was the acting Assistant Professor, then the Assistant Professor (1844) and the Associate Professor (1852) of the Department of the Encyclopaedia of Law at Kazan University. In 1857, the scholar became the Full Professor of the similar department, and later the Dean of the Faculty of Law (1858-1859, 1866-1868) and Rector of Kharkov University (18661868). Over 1868-1879, Stanislawski had been the Full Professor of the Department of Encyclopaedia of Law at Kazan University, where he also served at the Department of State Law (1876-1879). In 1879, he moved to Warsaw Kr-ii F. Stanislavskii, Anton Grigor'evich // Russkii biograficheskii slovar' T. XIX. St. Petersburg, 1909. P. 316-317; [Zagurskii L.N.] Opyt istorii iuridicheskogo fakul'teta Imperatorskogo Khar'kovskogo universiteta // Iuridicheskii fakul'tet Khar'kovskogo universiteta za pervye sto let ego sushchestvovaniia (1805-1905) / eds M. P. Chubinskii, D. I. Bagalei. Kharkov, 1908. P. 47, 85; Zifba A.A. Stanislawski Robert Antoni // Polski Slownik Biograficzny. T. XLII. Warszawa; Krakow, 2003-2004. P. 106-108..
Stanislawski studied civil law and general theory of law. His master's and doctoral theses -- “Ob aktakh ukrepleniia prav na imushchestva” (Kazan, 1842), “Issledovanie na- chal imushchestvennykh otnoshenii v drevneishikh pamiatnikakh russkogo zakonodatel- stva” (Kazan, 1855) -- became his most significant works. The earlier one examined the issue of the gradual development and strengthening of the property law, and its impact on the development of society. In doctoral research, the scholar analysed and explained the texts of those articles of Oleg's and Igor's treaties with the Greeks and of “Russkaya Pravda” which contained references to the property rights of individuals Kr-ii F Stanislavskii, Anton Grigor'evich. P. 316-317..
While in Kharkov, Stanislawski published his major work “O proiskhozhdenii polozhitelnogo prava” (1856). The researcher provided historical and legal analysis of the positive (i.e. set out in the legislation) law. He thoroughly reviewed the conclusions reached by Friedrich Carl von Savigny and his disciples, as well as the differences that emerged between them and the representatives of Roman school of law. Stanislawski was one of the first Russian lawyers who raised the question of the relationship between natural (philosophical) and positive law. He defined the concept of natural law as the rights that belong to the entire human race, and the positive law as a set of rules which are mandatory for a particular people, drawing on the works of Leopold Warnkonig and Georg Hegel. The researcher belonged to the historical school of law, but in reality he proposed a synthesis of philosophical and positive law. The concept of the law formulated by Stanislawski differed from the concept of positive law, particularly owing to the fact that it did not completely separate law and morality. On the contrary, this concept declared the moral law a basis for the universal element in law Pustarnikov V. F. Universitetskaia filosofiia v Rossii. Idei. Personalii. Osnovnye tsentry. St. Peters-burg, 2003. P. 612..
It is worth mentioning that in 1857 Stanislawski initiated the translation of Dante Alighieri's “The Divine Comedy” into Polish in blank verse. The translation with valuable annotation and comments was published in Dresden in 1870 under the supervision of a famous Polish writer Jozef Kraszewski. The book received a favourable reception from Polish critics. The second edition of the translation was published in Krakow in 1887. Stanislawski also wrote poems, songs, and dumas in Polish; some of them appeared in Polish publications Zigba A. A. Stanislawski Robert Antoni. P. 107-108..
Jan Sobestyjanski (1856-1895) was a historian of Slavic law. He served in Tiflis Trial Chamber (1878-1879); later he became the Instructor (since 1887), the acting Associate Professor (since 1890) and Full Professor (since 1893) at the Department of the History of Russian Law at Kharkov University Bandurka O. M., Hrechenko V. A. Naukovyi dorobok istoryka prava I. M. Sobestians'koho (1856-1895 rr.) // 2018. No. 1. P. 6.. The researcher focused mainly on the legal life of ancient Slavs, and at the same time analysed their national character and customs. His master's thesis studied the institution of esprit de corps among the Slavs Sobestianskii I. M. Krugovaia poruka u slavian po drevnim pamiatnikam ikh zakonodatel'stva. Kharkov, 1888.. The author critically evaluated the works of Frantisek Palacky, Nikolai Ivanishev, Waclaw Aleksander Maciejowski and others, reproaching them for the use of falsified monuments and a priori contraposition of Slavic law to Germanic. Sobestyjanski rethought the achievements of the school of Slavic law and came to the conclusion that esprit de corps of tribal and territorial unions was not unique to the Slavs. It was common among many peoples until the 19th century. In the scholar's opinion, the institution of esprit de corps was a product of a certain level of social development and did not have a national specificity Drinov M. Obzor uchenoi deiatel'nosti Ivana Mikhailovicha Sobestianskogo // Ivan Mikhailovich Sobestianskii (rod. 5 sent. 1856 g., f 8 dek. 1895 g.). S prilozheniem portreta. Kharkov, 1896. P. 8-9..
Sobestyjanski's doctoral thesis received a considerable response Sobestianskii I. M. Ucheniia o natsional'nykh osobennostiakh kharaktera i iuridicheskogo byta drevnikh slavian: istoriko-kriticheskoe issledovanie. Kharkov, 1892.. In the first part of this work, the author examined the views scholars had on the character and temper of ancient Slavs. Sobestyjanski believed that a balanced view of the Slavs' history had been dominant until the 18th century. Slavists of that time did not point out special national character traits among the Slavs and emphasized that militancy, bravery and cruelty were inherent to all primitive peoples. Herder's “Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Humanity” provided a decisive influence on further development of Slavic historiography. In this work, German philosopher presented Slavs as peaceful people who avoided violence. Herder's theory contributed to the Slavic revival, but at the same time, in Sobestyjanski's opinion, it set the Slavic history studies `on a false track'. The second part of the thesis examined the teachings about national peculiarities of the legal life of ancient Slavs. The author also analysed the sources in this part of his work and came to the conclusion that legal life of the ancient Slavs resembled the life of Germans, and that the democratic principles of freedom, equality and fraternity virtually didn't exist in the lives of ancient Slavs and Germans. However, the majority of Russian scholars did not accept the basic ideas of Sobestyjanski's monograph; criticism prevailed over the positive assessments. Foreign researchers, on the contrary, viewed the book favourably, emphasizing the importance of Sobestyjanski's discoveries Drinov M. Obzor uchenoi deiatel'nosti Ivana Mikhailovicha Sobestianskogo. P. 9-13..
Civil Law and Civil Procedure
Eugeniusz Waskowski (1866-1942) was a famous specialist in civil law and procedure, a lawyer and a judge. For ten years he practised law in Odessa. Then, he became an Instructor (l897-1904), Associate Professor (1904-1906) and Full Professor (1906-1909) of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, and since 1906 -- the Pro-rector of Novorossiya University. In 1909, Waskowski was removed from his post on charges of not taking repressive measures against students in 1905-1906. In 1917, he was reinstated as the Full Professor at the same department and was elected the Dean of the Faculty of Law. The scholar held these positions until 1920. Later he worked as the Professor and the Pro-rector of the Odessa Humanitarian and Social Institute (1920) and Odessa Institute of Public Education (1921-1924). After emigration, Waskowski became the Full Professor of the Department of Civil Law (1924-1939) and the Dean of the Faculty of Law (1925/26 academic year) at Stefan Batory University in Vilna. In 1938, he was elected the Corresponding Member of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences Kanzafarova I. S., Podrezova M. A. Evgenii Vladimirovich Vas'kovskii: stranitsy zhizni i nauchnogo tvorchestva // Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenii v sfere chastnogo prava: traditsii i sovremennost'. Odes-sa, 2016. P 7-12; Radzik A. Eugeniusz Waskowski (1866-1942). W siedemdziesiзciolecie smierci wybitego uczonego i adwokata // Palestra. 2012. No. 9-10. P 256-267..
Waskowski's research interests covered the problems of civil law and civil procedure, maritime trade law, history, organizational, legal and ethical fundamentals of advocacy, the judicial system issues, and the methodology of jurisprudence. On top of that, he translated into Russian the work of Hippolyte Taine “Les Philosophes franзais du xixe siиcle” and Rudolf von Jhering's “Der Besitzwille”. The first major work of Waskowski was the book about the organisation of the Bar Vas'kovskii E. V. Organizatsiia advokatury. In 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1893., which he defended as his master's thesis in 1897. The author examined the history of the establishment of the advocacy in Greece, Rome, France, England, Germany, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Holland, Italy, USA, and other countries. He also analysed the state of the contemporary Russian advocacy and formulated a number of recommendations on how to correct the problems in its organisation and operation which he saw.
Soon, Waskowski published a textbook “Uchebnik grazhdanskogo prava” (two issues, 1894-1896) and a book “Osnovnye voprosy advokatskoi etiki” (1895). In 1901, he defended his doctoral thesis on the very unusual topic: “Tsivilisticheskaia metodologiia: Uche- nie o tolkovanii i primenenii grazhdanskikh zakonov”. The reviews of this work by legal scholars were mixed. Although they praised certain chapters of the research, their opinion about the book in general was rather critical. However, according to modern specialists in civil law, this work is the best with regard to theory and practice of interpretation of legislative regulations Kanzafarova I. S., Podrezova M. A. Evgenii Vladimirovich Vas'kovskii: stranitsy zhizni i nauchnogo tvorchestva. P. 13..
In 1913, Waskowski published “Kurs grazhdanskogo protsessa” (vol. 1) and “Ru- kovodstvo k tolkovaniiu i primeneniiu zakonov dlia nachinaiushchikh iuristov”. The first edition of “Uchebnik grazhdanskogo protsessa” came out in 1914, and the second one appeared in 1917. The latter one has been repeatedly republished in the USSR and Russia Ibid.. His contemporaries called Waskowski's work the best textbook on civil process Bugaevskii A. E. V. Vas'kovskii. Uchebnik grazhdanskogo protsessa. Moskva. 1914 g. Str. X+571. Tsena 3 r. 50 k. [retsenziia] // Pravo. 1914. No. 10. Column 803-805; Iablochkov T. E. V Vas'kovskii. Ucheb-nik grazhdanskogo protsessa. Moskva. 1914 g. Stran. 571. Ts. 3 rub. 50 kop. [retsenziia] // Iuridicheskii vestnik. 1914. Vol. V (I). P 294-296.. After moving to Poland, the scholar continued his researches and published a number of serious educational and academic works in Polish.
Political Economy and Statistics
Leon Fiedorowicz (1854-1908) was an economist, specialist in political economy and statistics, a supporter of the historical school and social direction in political economy Khmeliarchuk M. I. Svitovi tsinnosti ukrains'koi ekonomichnoi dumky v rozvytku monetarnoi te- orii // Visnyk Universytetu bankivs'koi spravy Natsional'noho banku Ukrainy. 2008. Hruden'. No. 3. P 37.. He was the Assistant (since 1884), Associate Professor (1888) and Full Professor (1890) at the Department of Political Economy and Statistics at Novorossiya University. In 1908, Fiedorowicz finished his career after reaching the end of the required service Takhtarova N. S. Fedorovych Lev (Leon) Vasylovych // Profesory Odes'koho (Novorosiis'koho) un- iversytetu. Biohrafichnyi slovnyk. T. 4. Odessa, 2000. P. 283..
The scholar's research interests included a wide range of topics -- from the issues of value to credit policy. In 1881, Fiedorowicz defended his master's thesis, which examined new factory legislation. The author showed the importance of housing to improve everyday life and to form physical and moral qualities of workers. He also proved that state authorities must intervene in the solution of the housing problem in order to soften class antagonisms Fedorovich L. Zhilye pomeshcheniia rabochikh. St. Petersburg, 1881.. In 1888, Fiedorowicz defended his doctoral thesis on the theory of monetary policy Fedorovich L. V. Teoriia denezhnogo i kreditnogo obrashcheniia. Odessa, 1888.. The researcher explored in detail the nature, essence and value of money, revealed patterns and evolution of money turnover. He defended the advantages of the metal monetary system and suggested various ways of returning to it. The other major works by the scholar were “Istoriia i teoriia statistiki” (Odessa, 1894), “Teoriia politich- eskoi ekonomii” in two parts (Odessa, 1901) and “Kurs politicheskoi ekonomii” (Odessa, 1905). Fiedorowicz also wrote one of the first training courses on the history of economic doctrines, which was published under the title “Istoriia politicheskoi ekonomii s drevnei- shikh vremen do A. Smita” (Odessa, 1900).
Thus, the complex political situation in the country after the Polish insurrection of 1863/64 and the subsequent tightening of the restrictions on the selection of academics did not block the way for Poles to Kiev, Kharkov and Novorossiya universities. Each scholar made an important contribution to further development of Russian humanities and jurisprudence. The most significant group of Polish scholars were the specialists in classical philology (five professors). To some extent, a study of the distant historical epochs can be explained by the desire to disengage from the actual political situation in the country and from assessment of the developments of the recent past. An interesting observation follows the analysis of works of this group of researchers. They concentrated mainly on the themes of Ancient Greece, studying ancient Greek poetry, history, historiography, folklore, mythology, and morality. Jakubanis, who was a specialist in history of ancient Greek philosophy, should also be included into the group of professors that studied the antiquity. The next largest groups (two academics in each) represented Western European literature, world history, and Roman law. The encyclopaedia of law, the history of Russian law, civil law and civil procedure, political economy and statistics were represented by a different Polish academic each.
Alongside the studies on the subject of their specialization, some researchers were also engaged in translations. They did translations from Greek, German, Italian, French, English, and Swedish into both Russian and Polish. Such an interest was to some extent conditioned by the fact that translated works were not subjected to strict censorship, and it was easier to publish them. The publications of translated works greatly enriched Russian and Polish science and helped to popularize the famous works of foreign poets, philosophers and scholars. Thus, the Polish researchers in humanities who worked at Kiev, Kharkov and Novorossiya universities made a tangible contribution to the study of classical philology, literature, history, and jurisprudence. Further exploration of this issue will allow creating a holistic picture of the contribution of the Polish scientific thought to the development of humanities and jurisprudence in the Russian Empire.
1. Bandurka O. M., Hrechenko V. A. Naukovyi dorobok istoryka prava I. M. Sobestians'koho (1856-1895 rr.).
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3. Berezin S. E. Izuchenie antichnoi istorii v Novorossiiskom universitete: professor L. F. Voevodskii. Zapysky
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5. Berezin S. Ie., Izbash T. O. Voievods'kyi Leopol'd Frantsevych. Profesory Odes'koho (Novorosiis'koho) univer- sytetu. Biohrafichnyi slovnyk. T. 2. Odessa, AstroPrint, 2000, pp. 233-234. (In Ukrainian)
6. Berezin S. Ie. Novi materialy do biohrafii L. F. Voievods'koho. Zapysky istorychnoho fakul'tetu, 2016, iss. 27, pp. 466-487. (In Ukrainian)
7. Blaszczyk G. Pierwsi Polacy na Uniwersytecie Dorpackim w latach 1802-1832. Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, 2007, R. 52. No. 3-4, pp. 185-223.
8. Bugaevskii A. E. V. Vas'kovskii. Uchebnik grazhdanskogo protsessa. Moskva. 1914 g. Str. X+571. Tsena 3 r. 50 k. [retsenziia]. Pravo, 1914, no. 10, column 803-805. (In Russian)
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12. Derevitskii A. N. L. F. Voevodskii (nekrolog). Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia, 1901, iiul', pp. 32-38. (In Russian)
13. Derevitskii A. O. I. Pekhovskii (nekrolog). Filologicheskoe obozrenie, 1891, vol. 1, pp. 212-215. (In Russian)
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24. Iablochkov T. E. V. Vas'kovskii. Uchebnik grazhdanskogo protsessa. Moskva. 1914 g. Stran. 571. Ts. 3 rub. 50 kop. [retsenziia]. Iuridicheskii vestnik, 1914, vol. V (I), pp. 294-296. (In Russian)
25. Iakubanis G. Empedoklfilosof, vrach i charodei. Dannye dlia ego ponimaniia i otsenki. Kiev, Imperial University of St. Vladimir, 1906, [4], 184 pp. (In Russian)
26. Kanzafarova I. S., Podrezova M. A. Evgenii Vladimirovich Vas'kovskii: stranitsy zhizni i nauchnogo tvorches- tva. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenii v sfere chastnogo prava: traditsii i sovremennost'. Odessa, Astro- print, 2016, pp. 7-16. (In Russian)
27. Khmeliarchuk M. I. Svitovi tsinnosti ukrains'koi ekonomichnoi dumky v rozvytku monetarnoi teorii. Visnyk of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2008, hruden, no. 3, pp. 37-40. (In Ukrainian)
28. Kijas A. Polacy na Uniwersytecie Charkowskim 1805-1917. Wydanie drugie poprawione i uzupelnione. Poznan, Wydawnictwo Poznanskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Nauk, 2008, 284 p. (Poznanskie Towarzy- stwo Przyjaciol Nauk. Wznowienia. T. 30).
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40. Kuznetsov V. O. Vnesok pol's'koi intelihentsii u rozvytok mikrobiolohichnoi naukovoi shkoly v Odes'komu (Novorosiis'komu) universyteti imeni I. I. Mechnykova. Poliaky na Pivdni Ukrainy ta v Krymu = Polacy na Potudniowej Ukrainie i Krzymie. Eds T. Tsysel's'kyi, E. Chapevs'kyi, V. Kushnir. Odessa [et al.], Hermes, 2007, pp. 264-276. (In Ukrainian)
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45. Martseniuk R. Poliaky v Universyteti sv. Volodymyra (1834-1839): problemy kul'turnoi adaptatsii. Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 2011, no. 16, pp. 89-101. (In Ukrainian)
46. Marushkina I. M. Nauchno-prepodavatel'skaia deiatel'nost' pol'skikh uchenykh v universitetakh Ukrainy (konets XIX -- nachalo XX v.). Kul'turnye i obshchestvennye sviazi Ukrainy so stranami Evropy. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1990, pp. 195-211. (In Russian)
47. Maslov M. A. Valitskii Al'fons Osipovich. Istoriko-filologicheskii fakul'tet Khar'kovskogo universiteta za pervye 100 let ego sushchestvovaniia (1805-1905). Eds M. G. Khalanskii, D. I. Bagalei. Kharkov, A. Darre, 1908, pp. 175-183. (In Russian)
48. Mioduszewski J. Dynowski Konrad (1862-1930). Polski Stownik Biograficzny. T. V. Wroclaw [et al.], Polish Academy of Learning, 1948, pp. 67-68.
49. Netushil I. Osip Ivanovich Pekhovskii: Obozrenie ego ucheno-literaturnoi deiatel'nosti i biograficheskie dannye. Kharkov, Zil'berberg, 1902, 36 p. (In Russian)
50. Netushil I. V. Pekhovskii Osip Ivanovich. Istoriko-filologicheskii fakul'tet Khar'kovskogo universiteta za pervye 100 let ego sushchestvovaniia (1805-1905). Eds M. G. Khalanskii, D. I. Bagalei. Kharkov, A. Darre, 1908, pp. 200-202. (In Russian)
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