Use of biographical analysis methods in the training of future teachers: scientific and theoretical justification of the problem
A variety of methods of biographical analysis in the professional and pedagogical training of teachers for the advancement of their methodological competence were reviewed. The effectiveness of the instrumental capabilities of the method is described.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.01.2023 |
Размер файла | 18,7 K |
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Ihor Bai, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent, docent of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education,
Borys Savchuk, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Technologies named after B. Stuparyk,
Maria Kopchuk-Kashetska, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,
Malona, Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
The article updates the problem of using biographical methods in the training of future teachers. The purpose of the research is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the possibilities of using methods of biographical analysis in the professional and pedagogical training of future teachers to increase their methodological competence. Its solution involved a comprehensive analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the scientific understanding of the problem. The methods of analysis and synthesis, historiographical analysis, monographic analysis, selective analysis, and content analysis were used in the preparation of the research.
Based on the results of the analysis of representative foreign and Ukrainian psychological and pedagogical literature, a consolidated position was revealed, according to which biographical analysis methods should focus on the study of a person's mental states, which are the result and consequence of his life path and highlight the features of his social experience. From the point of view of biographical studies, mental states are considered as a special section of the psychological characteristics of an individual, which reflects relatively static and permanent manifestations of his mental experiences at various stages of his life path. This allows us to assert that the methods of biographical analysis have significant potential as a tool for studying the mental states of education seekers and finding out how the behavior and life activities of school students and university students depend on their changes. It was concluded that the conducted research substantiates the effectiveness of using the instrumental capabilities of the methods of biographical analysis in the preparation of future teachers for professional and pedagogical activities. They provide an important key for self-discovery and ordering of her inner world. Therefore, the task of the teacher-biographer is to help the student understand his own life, correct his self-esteem and make his life whole and happy. The prospect of conducting experimental studies, which should verify and confirm the expediency and effectiveness of using methods of biographical analysis in the organization of the educational process, is determined.
Keywords: methods of biographical analysis, future teachers, education seekers, mental state, professional and pedagogical training.
Використання методів біографічного аналізу в підготовці майбутніх учителів: науково-теоретичне обґрунтування проблеми. Борис Савчук, доктор історичних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту ім. Б. Ступарика, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна). Марія Копчук-Кашецька, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна). Cвітлана Мальона, кандидат наук з фізичного виховання та спорту, доцент кафедри теорії та методики фізичної культури та спорту, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна). Ігор Бай, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри фахових методик і технологій початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
У статті актуалізовано проблему використання методів біографістики в підготовці майбутніх педагогів. Мета дослідження полягає в теоретико-методологічному обґрунтуванні можливостей використання методів біографічного аналізу в професійно-педагогічній підготовці майбутніх учителів для підвищення їхньої методичної компетеності. Її розв'язання передбачало всебічний аналіз зарубіжного та вітчизняного досвіду наукового осмислення порушеної проблеми. У процесі підготовки дослідження використано методи аналізу і синтезу, історіографічного аналізу, монографічний, вибіркового аналізу, контент-аналізу.
За результатами аналізу репрезентативної зарубіжної та української психолого-педагогічної літератури виявлено сконсолідовану позицію, згідно з якою методи біографічного аналізу мають фокусувати на вивченні психічних станів людини, що є результатом і наслідком її життєвого шляху та увиразнюють особливості її суспільного досвіду. З позицій біографістики психічні стані розглядаються як особливий зріз психологічної характеристики особистості, що відображає відносно статичні та перманентні вияви її душевних переживань на різних етапах життєвого шляху. Це дає підстави стверджувати, що методи біографічного аналізу мають значний потенціал як інструмент вивчення психічних станів здобувачів освіти та з'ясування того, як від їхніх змін залежить поведінка і життєдіяльність учнів шкіл, студентів університетів. Зроблено висновок, що проведене дослідження обґрунтовує ефективність використання інструментальних можливостей методів біографічного аналізу в підготовці майбутніх педагогів до професійно-педагогічної діяльності. Вони дають важливий ключ для самопізнання і впорядкування її внутрішнього світу. Тому завдання педагога-біографа полягає в тому, щоб допомогти здобувачеві освіти розібратися у власному житті, відкорегувати свою самооцінку й зробити своє життя цілісним і щасливим. Визначено перспективу проведення експериментальних досліджень, які мають перевірити та підтвердити доцільність і ефективність використання методів біографічного аналізу в організації освітнього процесу.
Ключові слова: методи біографічного аналізу, майбутні вчителі, здобувачі освіти, психічний стан, професійно-педагогічна підготовка.
biographical professional pedagogical teacher
The problem formulation. The origins of the biographical method date back to antiquity. Its essence and tasks in the late nineteenth century formulated by the German philosopher W. Dilthey, and in the 1920's of the 20th century Representatives of the Chicago School of Sociology developed the first scientific and theoretical concept of the biographical method as a universal tool for studying the “life history” of various social groups and subcultures. In the second half of the 20th - early 21st century biographical method became an interdisciplinary phenomenon, consisting of a set of methods for studying philosophy, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and other fields of knowledge (MenzhuNn V.I., 2010).
The methodology of teaching foreign literature as a pedagogical science is a subject that directs the social process of educational training of schoolchildren in the classroom. The social significance of methods of teaching literature is due to the fact that they are considered an integral part of the educational process in the school as a whole, so the method is closely related to didactics, which develops a general theory and general principles of teaching.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Psychologists have made a fundamental contribution to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the biographical method and found significant opportunities for its use in the study and correction of various aspects of the psyche and mental activity (G. Allport, Y. Joynes, V. Klimchuk, Ya. Moisienko, I. Rozman, V. Stewart, etc.).
The study of this literature shows that the methods of biographical analysis have a significant potential for improving the methodical culture and professional competence of future teachers. However, in such a way, the specified problem remains understudied in Ukrainian pedagogical science. This actualizes the need for its substantive scientific and theoretical understanding as a basis for further practical work.
The aim and research tasks
The purpose of the research is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the possibilities of using methods of biographical analysis in the professional and pedagogical training of future teachers to increase their methodological competence. Its solution involves a comprehensive analysis of foreign and domestic literature on the problem.
Results of the research
We have noted the conceptual developments of scientists who define and substantiate methods and means of biographical analysis of human life (Rybnikov N. A., 1929); theory and practice of using personal documents in socio- psychological research (Allport, 1942); experience of psychobiographical research and psychoanalysis of events and experiences of early childhood (Frojd Z., 2015); ideographic approach to the analysis of human life from the standpoint of humanistic psychology (Buhler Ch., 1971); possibilities of using psychobiographical methods in the study and psychocorrection of personality (Joynes Y., Stewart V.; Klimchuk V., Moisienko Ya., 2007; Korzhova E., 1994; Rozman, 2020); tools of psychographic analysis of the student's personality (Klimchuk V., Moisienko Ya., 2007; Manokha, I. P., 1999; Rozman, I., 2020).
We supposed to be of considerable value the substantiation of experimental possibilities of using the biographical method in the study of personality. As a tool for collecting and analyzing data about the way of life of a person as an imdividual and a subject of activity, the biographical method opens significant opportunities to study personal character, self-awareness, life values, abilities, interests and psychophysiological features (Ananiev, A. B., 1969).
From the perspective of constructive psychology, effective methods of developing “positive biographical way of thinking” in the form of “correction of life schedule”, “stimulating memories of the best moments of life”, “stories about lineage”, “stimulating to plan future behavior”, etc. (Golovaha, E.I., Kronik, A.A., 1984). In the course of American practical psychology “Life Spring” developed original ideas and practical methods of helping people who have difficulty in selfregulation and self-realization in their lives (Hanley, J., 1989).
The indicated scientific studies reflect a consolidated position, according to the methods of biographical analysis should focus on the study of the mental states of a person as the results and consequences of his life path and social experience. From the point of view of biographical studies, we consider mental states as a special section of the psychological characteristics of an individual, which reflects static and permanent manifestations of his mental experiences at various stages of life. This allows us to claim that biographical methods have significant potential as a tool for studying the mental states of education seekers.
The methodology of pedagogical biography projects the comprehension of mental states through the prism of a retrospective of the way of life in the situations of modern life; as a form of response that reflects a person's attitude to their own mental phenomena and properties under certain conditions and at a certain stage of life; as a “state of mind”, which reflects the complex feelings, experiences, ideas of a person, i.e. a pupil, a student and a teacher.
The use of the biographical method in the study of mental states of students identified four of their features. They relate to 1) the integrity of mental states, which, although related to a particular area of the psyche (cognitive, emotional, volitional), characterize mental activity in general at a certain period of life; 2) mobility, variability, relative stability of mental states, which have their own dynamics, beginning and end; 3) the place of mental states in the structure of the psyche (as a result of brain activity, they affect mental processes and thus determine the selectivity of feelings, productivity of thinking, the nature of perception, etc.); 4) a wide range of typical and individually peculiarities, as a rule, ambivalent external manifestations of mental states i.e. confusion and concentration, hope and hopelessness, tension and calmness, determination and uncertainty, despair and indomitability, surprise and indifference, and others.
The basis of the formation of methodological knowledge and skills among student teachers is the use of biographical methods to study the mental states of students, it is appropriate to put the procedure of monographic research. It focuses on the individual, purposeful, comprehensive study of the student as a whole person with his own life path (experience). As follows from the scientific and methodological experience of scientists (Golovaha, E. I., Kronik, A. A., 1984; Hanley J., 1989; Joynes Y., Stewart V.; Klimchuk V., Moisienko Ya., 2007; Korzhova E., 1994; Rozman, I., 2020) for this it is appropriate to use the following tools:
1. The method “Personal file” involves the study of students' official personal (biographical) documents, which create a basis for further study of their mental states. In our interpretation, these formal biographical data form the basis of the biographical interview.
2. Implementation of the method “Biographical interview” (“biographical conversation”) based on a simulated roleplaying game. This leads to thorough preparation in the form of preliminary acquaintance with the personal file of the respondent; study of methods and techniques of “active listening”, entering into trust with the interlocutor, directing the conversation in the right direction (according to Sypachevskaya, 2011); developing an interview plan, mastering the rules of questioning and encouraging the interviewer to answer honestly. The information obtained as a result of the methods of “Personal Case” and “Biographical Interview” was systematized in such a way that significant events in a person's life were combined with his/her subjective experiences and mental states, reflected in self-characteristics and self-assessments. Such information can be structured in the “Chronological tables of mental states”.
3. The “Circle of Communication” technique is very significant, because about 44% of events in a person's life are related to communication relations. Its essence and tasks are to determine the circle of communication according to the following criteria: a) friendly relations (leisure and discussion of various matters, regular correspondence via the Internet and messengers, asking for help, etc.); b) hostile relations (communication is unpleasant, but forced due to various circumstances); c) the nature and intensity of interpersonal relationships. Analysis of these connections and relationships provides the teacher with important information to identify causal deviations in students' behavior, learning, and attitudes. This is the basis for determining their mental states.
4. The method of “Events” in our interpretation can be implemented not only in writing but also orally through a combination with the method of “Biographical interview”. They proceeded from the understanding of the event as an indicator of a person's individuality, so its perception, description, interpretation provide an important basis for determining his/her mental states and creating a holistic mental portrait. The events that the person reflected were divided into three categories: environmental events; behavioral events; events-impressions. According to their number, ratio and interpretation, indicators of a person's individuality were diagnosed: character types, will, social activity, openness or isolation, etc.
5. The method of “Impressions” outlines the scope of “inner experiences of the person”. This is manifested in vivid memories of past and present life, associated with the images and fears of childhood and subsequent victories and defeats, achievements and mistakes. This method allows you to look into the most secret “corners” of the inner “I” and determine the sources, causes and consequences of various mental states.
6. The method of “Testimony of a third party” involves working with individuals (parents, teachers, etc.) who had the opportunity to observe the behavior of students in different life circumstances.
7. Method of praximetry - shapes the experience gained by students in analyzing the products of student life on the basis of acquaintance with abstracts, individual projects, other results of educational activities of their peers. In our interpretation, it was combined with the technique of graphological analysis, which determined the character traits of a person by his handwriting.
Conclusions and prospects of further research
The conducted research substantiates the effectiveness of using methods of biographical analysis in the preparation of future teachers for professional and pedagogical activities. They provide an important key for self-discovery and ordering of a person's inner world, therefore the task of the teacher-biographer is to help the learner to understand his own life, correct his self-esteem and make his life self-valuable, integral. From this follows the perspective of conducting experimental studies, which should check the expediency and effectiveness of scientific and theoretical concepts of using methods of biographical analysis in the organization of the educational process.
1. Allport, G.W. (1942). The use of personal documents in psychological science. Social Scienct Research Councsl. New York. 236 p. URL: archive. org > details >.
2. Ananiev, A. B. (1969). Man as an object of knowledge in psychology. URL:
3. Golovaha, E.I., Kronik, A.A. (1984). Psychological personality time. Kyiv.
4. Hanley, J. (1989). Lifespring: getting yourself from where you are to where you want to be. NY.: Simon and Schuster.
5. Joynes Y., Stewart V. Life scenarios. URL:
6. Klimchuk V., Moisienko Ya. (2007). The life path of a creative personality; principles of biographical research. Social Psychology, 6, 32-44. Korzhova, E. Yu. (1994). The "Psychological autobiography" method in the psychodiagnosis of life situations. Kyiv: MAUP.
7. Manokha, I. P. (1999). Biographical method, teaching. Basics of psychology: a textbook / edited by O. V. Kyrychuk, V. A. Roments. Kyiv: Lybid. Menzhulin, V. І. (2010). Biographical approach in historical and philosophical cognition. Kyiv.
8. Rozman, I. (2020). Ukrainian pedagogical biography (second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century): monograph. Uzhhorod.
9. Rybnikov, N. A. (1929). Psychology and the study of biographies. Psychology, 11, 4-29.
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