The specifics of the language barrier in first-year students of philological faculties of higher education institutions: ways to overcome it

Formation of speech communication in a foreign language of first-year students of philological faculties. Causes of psychological barriers, their structural components. Creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of free spontaneous speech.

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Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

The specifics of the language barrier in first-year students of philological faculties of higher education institutions: ways to overcome it

L. Korolova


The article examines the specifics of the formation of the language barrier in first-year students of philological faculties of higher education institutions, which prevent the mastery of spontaneous communication in a foreign language. A review of the scientific literature, which highlights the problems of psychological barriers and identifies their structural components. The most common factors that cause the language barrier are considered and its close connection with psychological barriers is substantiated. Ways to overcome the language barrier are identified, which are aimed at eliminating the influence of personal psychological factors of the student, which cause it. It has been proven that the professional skills of a teacher, who provides the conditions for the development of free spontaneous speech, helps to overcome the language barriers of first -year students in the educational process.

Keywords: language barrier, psychological barriers, learning foreign languages, professional skills of a teacher.


Л.В. Корольова. Специфіка виникнення мовного бар'єру у студентів першокурсників філологічних факультетів закладів вищої освіти: шляхи його подолання

У статті досліджено специфіку формування мовного бар'єру у студентів першокурсників філологічних факультетів закладів вищої освіти, які перешкоджають оволодінню спонтанним спілкуванням іноземною мовою. Зроблено огляд наукової літератури, в якій висвітлюються проблеми виникнення психологічних бар'єрів та виокремлюються їх структурні компоненти. Розглянуто найбільш загальні чинники, які є причиною виникнення мовного бар'єру та обґрунтовано його тісний зв'язок з психологічними бар'єрами. Визначено шляхи подолання мовного бар'єру, які спрямовані на нівелювання впливу особистих психологічних чинників студента, які й спричиняють його. Доведено, що саме професійна майстерність викладача, який забезпечує створення умов для розвитку вільного спонтанного мовлення, сприяє подоланню мовних бар'єрів першокурсників у навчальному процесі.

Ключові слова: мовний бар'єр, психологічні бар'єри, вивчення іноземних мов, професійна майстерність викладача.


Л.В. Королёва. Специфика возникновения языкового барьера у студентов первокурсников филологических факультетов высшего образования: пути его преодоления

В статье исследована специфика формирования языкового барьера у студентов первокурсников филологических факультетов учреждений высшего образования, препятствующих овладению спонтанным общением на иностранном языке. Проведен обзор научной литературы, в которой освещаются проблемы возникновения психологических барьеров и выделяются их структурные компоненты. Рассмотрены наиболее общие факторы, которые являются причиной возникновения языкового барьера и его тесная связь с психологическими барьерами. Определены пути преодоления языкового барьера, направленные на нивелирование влияния личных психологических факторов студента, которые и вызывают его. Доказано, что именно профессиональное мастерство преподавателя, обеспечивающего создание условий для развития свободной спонтанной речи, способствует преодолению языковых барьеров первокурсников в учебном процессе.

Ключевые слова: языковой барьер, психологические барьеры, изучение иностранных языков, профессиональное мастерство преподавателя.

speech foreign communication student psychological barrier


The process of creating a common European space in education (European Dimension in Education) involves the convergence of teacher training systems in the European Community. Ukraine's integration into the European information and educational space determines the high demand for learning foreign languages. That is why the study of languages is especially important today.

The aim of the article is to investigate the specifics of the formation of the language barrier in first-year students of philological faculties of higher education institutions that prevent the mastery of spontaneous communication in a foreign language and identify ways to overcome it.

The main task of foreign language education is to form communicative competence, which allows a person to interact effectively in situations of language communication in the language being studied. The main problem in the formation of communicative competence in the teaching of future foreign language teachers is overcoming the language barrier, which usually arises after the admission of graduates of secondary education to the philological faculties of higher educational institutions. One of the main reasons for the emergence of a language barrier in the study of foreign languages is the difficulty of a psychological nature. In connection with innovative processes in education, the problem of psychological barriers in Ukrainian psychology began to be considered as part of the pedagogical process (V. Bessonenko, O. Vysotska, R. Granovska, Y. Kryzhanovska, A. Massanov, L. Pidlisna, N. Sopilko and others).

A. Massanov defines the concept of psychological barrier as a subjective reaction due to bias, negative attitudes, differences in interests of the individual with the requirements of the situation, personal beliefs, attitudes, misunderstandings, etc. (Massanov, 2010a, p. 19, 20) and identifies the following components (Massanov, 2010b, p. 63):

- experiences related to the rational and irrational assessment of the conditions and consequences of achieving the goal;

- experiences related to motivation to achieve the goal;

- the state of willpower in the situation of achieving the goal;

- emotional reactions to the situation of achieving the goal.

In general, the emergence of language barrier is closely related to psychological barriers, which are determined by: the degree of preparation of the individual for speech activity; personal qualities; external conditions of activity. Depending on the understanding of their nature and essence, psychological barriers in pedagogy are considered from different positions and are divided into three main groups: cognitive and psychological, communicative, emotional. Cognitive and psychological barriers are often associated with the cognitive immaturity of students, that is underdeveloped abilities of logical thinking, concentration, poor memory, etc. Communicative barriers can be manifested through: contradictions between the theoretical knowledge of students and the possibility of their practical application; insufficient stock of foreign words; insufficient mastery of oral skills in native language, which leads to the inability to express their thoughts in a foreign language. Emotional barriers are usually the strengthening of negative attitudes and experiences of the student, which may arise during tasks such as: low self-esteem, fear of making mistakes, feeling ashamed of mistakes, fear of criticism and ridicule from group mates, insecurity.

Thus, the language barrier can be defined as the personal inability of the student to use the existing knowledge and skills for communication activities. This manifestation of subjective emotional experience, which is associated with nervous tension, blocks the interaction, because the participant does not show himself due to the inability to express their ideas and thoughts. It is the internal psychological barrier, which manifests itself in reluctance, fear, confusion, anxiety and inferiority, does not allow the student to speak spontaneously.

We propose to consider once again the most common factors that cause language barriers in freshmen of philological faculties and prevent their spontaneous speech:

1. Lack of speech practice. According to the Standard Educational Program (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2018), 5 hours are allocated for learning a foreign language in specialized classes of secondary schools, and only 2 hours in non-specialized classes (standard level), which is insufficient for the practice of spontaneous speech. Also, the possibility of practicing a foreign language depends on other important factors such as: the professional level of the teacher, the availability of authentic textbooks and materials, communication outside the school (via the Internet, visiting language schools, clubs, etc.).

2. Fear of the unknown. The student is frightened by the uncertainty of how the interlocutor will react to his remarks, he does not know whether he will understand his language, or vice versa, how their dialogue will end, how the teacher will react.

3. The fear of sounding funny or stupid, is especially evident and hinders free communication when there are students in the group who are not afraid to make mistakes therefore speak a foreign language fluently. Thus, less courageous freshmen prefer to remain silent, fearing to be ridiculous because of an accent, slow speech, wrong accent, inappropriate use of words, or making grammatical errors.

4. Poor vocabulary and insufficient knowledge of grammar rules leads to the inability of the student to understand the language of the interlocutor in full or to express their thoughts during communication.

Professional experience with freshmen suggests that overcoming the language barrier is possible in the first year, but it all depends on many psychological factors, which include:

- individual psychological state of the student (temperament type, insecurity, low selfesteem);

- insufficient motivation of the student (enrolled because he passed the points or so parents wanted, etc.);

- previous negative communication experience;

- lack of faith in success;

- inability to practice speaking after classes, etc.

Ways to overcome the language barrier in first-year students of philological faculties of higher education institutions as a psychological phenomenon are mainly aimed at leveling the influence of personal psychological factors of the student that cause it. The leading role in this process belongs to the teacher, who organizes the learning process and helps freshmen in the period of adaptation.

To overcome the language barrier, a professional teacher:

- forms in students: positive motivation to learn a foreign language, interest in the process of learning a foreign language, adequate self-esteem;

- creates: appropriate language environment, friendly atmosphere conducive to mutual support and free communication in foreign language;

- chooses optimal strategies and applies an individual approach;

- provides an equal and tactical approach when correcting errors (grammatical, lexical, phonetic, stylistic) and evaluating the results of speech activity of the whole group of freshmen.

The formation of positive motivation and interest in the process of learning a foreign language is facilitated by individual and group work of students on projects, as well as the organization of debate tours, TED talks, conferences on a pre-announced topic. Search, collection, analysis and systematization of information with its subsequent organization in the form of a presentation develops cognitive and creative activity of the student, stimulates the study of new vocabulary, fixes correct pronunciation, gradually removes psychological blocks of fear of speaking to the audience.

Working in pairs and groups with constantly changing partners helps to create an appropriate language environment for the development of free spontaneous speech, but in the first year of philological faculties this process should be fully controlled by the lecturer, in order to evenly distribute weaker and stronger students. The work organized in this way in pairs and groups will allow weak students with the help of stronger groupmates to overcome difficulties in communication faster.

Building relationships on a democratic basis of partnership between teacher and students creates a relationship of trust, provides an equal and tactical approach to correcting mistakes, evaluating the results of speech activities by the teacher and adequate perception by students. In turn, an adequate attitude to the correction of mistakes made during speech activity leads to the development of communication skills and spontaneous speech.


Thus, language barriers that arise in first-year students of philological faculties of higher education institutions while studying a foreign language are closely related to psychological barriers. Overcoming the language barriers of freshmen in the learning process largely depends on the professional skills of the lecturer, who provides favourable conditions for the development of free spontaneous speech.


1. Ball, G.O., Bastun, M.V., Vidra, O.G., Voloshko, N.I., Gridkovets, L.M., Pybalka, V.V. (Ed.). (2005) Development ofpsychological culture of student youth in the system of continuous professional education, Kyiv: IPPPO APN of Ukraine, 298p.

2 Massanov, A.V. (2010). Psychological barriers in self-determination of personality, Odesa: Publisher MP Cherkasov, 371 p.

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 20, 2018 №408, "On approval of the standard educational program of general secondary education institutions of the third degree"

4. Sopilko, N.V. (2008). Features of overcoming psychological barriers in students in the learning process. (PhD dissertation) Khmelnytsky, 268 p.

5 Vysotska, O.L. (2002). Psychologization of the educational process in foreign languages (discourse considerations), Ya. Kusko, Discourse of foreign language communication (495p.), Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing House, pp. 445-452.

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