Blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions in conditions of full-scale armed aggression

Possibilities associated with the mixed study of foreign languages in universities during the full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Analysis of the adaptation of blended learning methodology. The importance of safety and sustainability.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 22.10.2023
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Head of the Department of Foreign Languages

English language lecturer, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia

Blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions in conditions of full-scale armed aggression

Nykyporets Svitlana Stepanivna

Stepanova Iryna Serhiivna, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor

Medvedieva Svitlana Oleksandrivna

Hadaichuck Nataliia Mykolaivna


This article investigates the challenges and opportunities associated with blended foreign language learning in technical universities during full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. The study explores the adaptation of blended learning methodologies, the importance of security and resilience, the provision of psychological and social support, the role of language learning in fostering international collaboration, and the development and implementation of evidence-based policies.

The article highlights the necessity of adapting blended learning methodologies to address the unique circumstances posed by armed aggression. By employing low-bandwidth and offline technologies, mobile learning platforms, and incorporating relevant themes and issues into course content, higher education institutions can ensure the continuity of foreign language learning even in conflict- affected environments. The study underscores the significance of security and resilience, outlining strategies such as data encryption, secure communication channels, resilient infrastructure, adaptive course design, and contingency planning to safeguard sensitive information and maintain educational continuity.

Psychological and social support are identified as essential components for students and educators involved in blended foreign language learning during armed conflicts. The study emphasizes the value of online communities, peer-to-peer support networks, trauma-informed pedagogy, and mental health resources in fostering resilience and well-being among affected individuals. Additionally, the article highlights the potential of blended foreign language learning in promoting international collaboration during armed aggression, exploring the use of collaborative online tools, project-based learning, cross-cultural exchanges, global citizenship education, and the establishment of partnerships and networks to facilitate communication, understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities.

Finally, the article discusses the importance of evidence-based policy-making for the successful implementation of blended foreign language learning programs during armed conflicts. Key policy recommendations include providing adequate funding and resources, developing context-specific curricula, investing in teacher professional development, and establishing partnerships between higher education institutions, governments, and international organizations.

By examining the various aspects of blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed aggression, this study contributes significantly to the understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this field. The findings provide a solid basis for the development of effective strategies and policies that can help institutions overcome the obstacles posed by armed conflicts and ensure the continuity of language learning. The article also highlights the role of blended foreign language learning in fostering international collaboration, promoting psychological and social well-being, and enhancing educational resilience, which has important implications for educators, students and researchers.

Key words: blended foreign language learning, non-linguistic higher education institution, armed aggression, security and resilience, psychological and social support, international collaboration, evidence-based policy-making, adaptive learning methodologies, trauma-informed pedagogy.


Никипорець Світлана Степанівна, викладач англійської мови, Вінницький національний технічний університет, м. Вінниця,

Степанова Ірина Сергіївна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов, Вінницький національний технічний університет, 21021, Україна, м. Вінниця

Мудведєва Світлана Олександрівна, викладач англійської мови, Вінницький національний технічний університет, м. Вінниця

Г адайчук Наталія Миколаївна, старший викладач англійської мови, Вінницький національний технічний університет, м. Вінниця,


У цій статті досліджуються виклики та можливості, пов'язані зі змішаним вивченням іноземних мов у технічних університетах під час повномасштабної збройної агресії Росії проти України. Дослідження вивчає адаптацію методологій змішаного навчання, важливість безпеки та стійкості, надання психологічної та соціальної підтримки, роль вивчення мови у сприянні міжнародній співпраці, а також розробку та реалізацію політики, заснованої на фактичних даних.

У статті наголошується на необхідності адаптації методологій змішаного навчання для вирішення унікальних обставин, спричинених збройною агресією. Використовуючи технології низької пропускної здатності та офлайн, мобільні навчальні платформи та включаючи відповідні теми і питання до змісту курсу, вищі навчальні заклади можуть забезпечити безперервність вивчення іноземних мов навіть у конфліктних середовищах. Дослідження підкреслює важливість безпеки та стійкості, окреслюючи такі стратегії, як шифрування даних, безпечні канали зв'язку, стійка інфраструктура, адаптивний дизайн курсу та планування на випадок непередбачених обставин для захисту конфіденційної інформації та підтримки безперервності навчання.

Психологічна та соціальна підтримка визначені як важливі компоненти для студентів та викладачів, залучених до змішаного навчання іноземної мови під час збройних конфліктів. Дослідження підкреслює цінність онлайн - спільнот, мереж підтримки «peer-to-peer», педагогіки травми і наявності ресурсів психічного здоров'я для сприяння стійкості та благополуччя постраждалих людей. Крім того, у статті висвітлюється потенціал змішаного вивчення іноземних мов у сприянні міжнародній співпраці під час збройної агресії, досліджується використання онлайн-інструментів для співпраці, навчання на основі проектів, міжкультурні обміни, глобальна освіта, а також встановлення партнерства та мереж для сприяння спілкуванню, розумінню та співпраці між громадами різних країн.

Також у статті обговорюється важливість розробки політики на основі фактичних даних для успішного впровадження змішаних програм навчання іноземних мов під час збройних конфліктів. Основні рекомендації включають забезпечення належного фінансування та ресурсів, розробку навчальних планів з урахуванням контексту, інвестиції в професійний розвиток викладачів та встановлення партнерства між вищими навчальними закладами, урядами та міжнародними організаціями.

Вивчаючи різні аспекти змішаного навчання іноземних мов у нелінгвістичних вищих навчальних закладах під час збройної агресії, наше дослідження робить значний внесок у розуміння викликів і можливостей у цій галузі. Отримані результати створюють міцну основу для розробки ефективних стратегій і політик, які можуть допомогти навчальним закладам подолати перешкоди, створені збройними конфліктами, і забезпечити безперервність вивчення мови. У статті також висвітлюється роль змішаного навчання іноземних мов у сприянні міжнародній співпраці, зміцненні психологічного та соціального благополуччя та підвищенні стійкості освіти, що має важливі наслідки для освітян, студентів і дослідників.

Ключові слова: змішане навчання іноземних мов, нелінгвістичний вищий навчальний заклад, збройна агресія, безпека та стійкість, психологічна та соціальна підтримка, міжнародна співпраця, науково-обґрунтована політика, адаптивні методики навчання, педагогіка травми.

Formulation of the problem. The problem under investigation involves the implementation and evaluation of blended foreign language learning in non- linguistic higher education institutions, under the challenging conditions of full- scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. This scenario entails addressing the pressing need for effective communication and collaboration on an international level, even in the face of extreme adversity.

The primary research question that this article aims to answer is: How can blended foreign language learning be effectively incorporated into non-linguistic higher education institutions to facilitate international communication and collaboration during periods of full-scale armed aggression?

Subsidiary questions to be considered include:

What are the most suitable blended learning methodologies and technologies for foreign language learning in the context of armed aggression?

How can higher education institutions ensure the safety, security, and resilience of their foreign language learning programs in such hostile environments?

What are the potential psychological and social impacts of blended foreign language learning on students and educators in non-linguistic higher education institutions under these circumstances?

This research topic is highly relevant to several crucial scientific and practical tasks:

Crisis communication: In times of armed aggression, effective communication across linguistic and cultural barriers becomes essential for crisis management, negotiation, and conflict resolution. The study of blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions directly contributes to the development of better communication strategies and tools, leading to improved outcomes in such situations.

Educational resilience: This research area is pertinent to the understanding of educational resilience, i.e., the ability of education systems to adapt and thrive in adverse conditions. By examining blended foreign language learning in the context of armed aggression, this article can offer valuable insights into the role of resilience in higher education and how institutions can foster this crucial trait in their students and staff.

Technological innovation: As blended learning relies heavily on the use of technology to facilitate instruction, this research topic is intrinsically linked to the development of innovative educational technologies that can operate effectively and securely under the constraints imposed by armed aggression. The findings of this study may inform the design and implementation of new tools and platforms for foreign language learning in crisis settings.

Psychological well-being: Investigating blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during times of armed aggression allows for a better understanding of the psychological impacts of such conditions on students and educators. This knowledge can inform the development of support systems and interventions to promote mental health and well-being among those affected by armed aggression.

Policy implications: The results of this research may contribute to evidence- based policy-making, providing guidance for higher education institutions, governments, and international organizations on how to effectively implement and support blended foreign language learning programs in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed conflicts.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. This analysis focuses on recent research and publications addressing blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions under challenging circumstances, such as armed aggression. The following studies offer valuable insights and contribute to the understanding of the problem.

Clark and Mayer's (2016) work presents evidence-based guidelines for designing effective e-learning programs. [1] Their research is particularly relevant to blended foreign language learning, as it offers valuable insights into the integration of multimedia and technology-enhanced instruction. The authors emphasize the importance of aligning instructional design with cognitive principles to improve learning outcomes, which is critical in crisis situations where resources and time are limited.

Let's now consider “Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic”. This special issue of the Asian Journal of Distance Education provides a comprehensive overview of emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. [2] Although not specifically focused on armed aggression, the lessons learned from this crisis are highly relevant to the challenges faced by higher education institutions during periods of armed conflict. The issue covers various aspects of distance learning, including instructional design, technology use, and student engagement, which are all applicable to blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions.

Hockly's (2018) review of blended language learning offers a comprehensive perspective on the current state of research and practice in the field. The article presents different models of blended learning, along with their advantages and challenges. [3] It also highlights the role of teachers in creating effective blended learning environments and the importance of professional development in this context. This review serves as a valuable foundation for understanding the complexities of blended foreign language learning, particularly under challenging circumstances like armed aggression.

Kessler and Plakans (2018) explore the integration of global issues into English language learning, which is particularly relevant in times of armed aggression when international communication and collaboration are critical. Their book discusses various pedagogical approaches, materials, and assessment techniques that can be applied in blended foreign language learning settings. [4] By addressing global issues, the authors provide a valuable framework for promoting intercultural competence and empathy, essential skills in conflict resolution and crisis management.

Lin, Warschauer and Blake's (2020) study examines the use of social networking platforms for language learning, which can be particularly useful in crisis situations where traditional face-to-face instruction may not be feasible. [5] Their research sheds light on the potential benefits and challenges of using social media for language learning, providing valuable insights into how such tools can be integrated into blended learning environments in non-linguistic higher education institutions during periods of armed aggression.

These recent publications offer a strong foundation for understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions under adverse conditions. The lessons learned from these studies can help inform the design and delivery of effective, resilient, and secure foreign language learning programs during periods of armed aggression.

Our article is devoted to addressing the following previously unsolved parts of the general problem concerning blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during full-scale armed aggression.

First of all it is adaptation of blended learning methodologies. While existing research provides valuable insights into blended learning methodologies and technologies, there is a gap in the literature regarding their adaptation for use during armed aggression. This article will explore the specific challenges and constraints posed by armed conflicts and how they can be overcome to implement blended foreign language learning effectively.

Security and resilience: research on blended learning has not extensively addressed the issues of security and resilience in contexts of armed aggression. This article will delve into strategies for ensuring the safety of both online and offline components of blended foreign language learning programs, including data protection, secure communication channels, and risk mitigation techniques.

Psychological and social support is the next. The impact of armed aggression on the mental health and well-being of students and educators engaged in blended foreign language learning is an under-explored area. This article will examine the unique psychological and social challenges that arise in such contexts, and propose strategies for providing support and fostering resilience among affected individuals.

The next one is collaboration in conflict situations. The role of blended foreign language learning in facilitating international collaboration during armed conflicts has not been thoroughly investigated. This article will explore how language learning can contribute to conflict resolution, diplomacy, and cross-cultural understanding, as well as the specific strategies and tools that can be employed to foster collaboration under such challenging circumstances.

And the last but not the least is policy development and implementation. There is a scarcity of research on the development and implementation of policies for blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed aggression. This article aims to contribute to the evidence base for policy-making in this area, providing guidance and recommendations for higher education institutions, governments, and international organizations.

Purpose of the article. The primary purpose of this article is to investigate and propose effective strategies for implementing blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions under the challenging conditions of full-scale armed aggression. The article seeks to address the previously unsolved aspects of the general problem and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field. learning safety foreign language

Specifically, the article aims to:

Analyse the adaptation of blended learning methodologies and technologies for use in conflict-affected environments, identifying best practices and innovative approaches for foreign language learning under such circumstances.

Examine the security and resilience issues related to blended foreign language learning during armed aggression, and propose strategies for ensuring the safety, protection, and continuity of educational programs.

Investigate the psychological and social impacts of blended foreign language learning on students and educators in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed conflicts, and suggest support mechanisms and interventions to promote mental health and well-being.

Explore the role of blended foreign language learning in fostering international collaboration, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural understanding during armed aggression, and identify effective strategies and tools for promoting collaboration under challenging circumstances.

Provide evidence-based policy recommendations for the development and implementation of blended foreign language learning programs in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed conflicts, offering guidance for institutions, governments, and international organizations involved in policymaking and program execution.

Through the achievement of these objectives, the article seeks to contribute to the improvement of foreign language learning in crisis situations, promoting effective communication, collaboration, and understanding among individuals and communities affected by armed aggression.

Presentation of the main material. This section presents an overview of the main material of the study, covering the adaptation of blended learning methodologies, security and resilience, psychological and social support, the role of language learning in fostering collaboration, and policy development and implementation.

Adaptation of blended learning methodologies is urgent in difficult periods. The study found that the most effective blended learning methodologies for foreign language learning during armed aggression were those that combined asynchronous and synchronous components, allowing for flexibility and real-time interaction. Adapting the course content to address relevant themes and issues related to the conflict was also found to promote engagement and understanding. The use of low- bandwidth and offline technologies ensured accessibility even in areas with limited internet connectivity. Mobile learning platforms facilitated learning on-the-go for students affected by displacement. [6]

Security and resilience are of utmost importance. Ensuring the security and resilience of blended foreign language learning programs during armed aggression was found to be crucial. [7] The study identified strategies such as data encryption, secure communication channels, and frequent data backups to protect sensitive information. In addition, resilient instructional design principles were employed, including modularity, redundancy, and adaptability, to ensure that learning could continue even in the face of disruptions.

The following sections delve deeper into various aspects of security and resilience in blended learning environments.

Data protection and privacy are essential components of security in blended foreign language learning. The study found that using end-to-end encryption for communication and data storage, implementing strong authentication protocols, and regularly updating software to address security vulnerabilities were effective strategies to safeguard sensitive information. [8] Additionally, raising awareness among students and educators about potential cybersecurity threats, such as phishing and social engineering, and providing guidelines on maintaining data privacy were crucial in ensuring the overall security of the learning environment.

Given the potential risks associated with armed aggression, it is vital to establish secure communication channels for students and educators to interact safely. The use of encrypted messaging and video conferencing platforms, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and secure file-sharing services helped maintain privacy and protect against unauthorized access to communications. Furthermore, the creation of private online forums and discussion boards for course-related discussions allowed participants to engage in collaborative learning while preserving their anonymity and security.

To ensure the resilience of blended foreign language learning programs, it is important to address the infrastructure challenges posed by armed aggression. This involves ensuring reliable access to power, internet connectivity, and learning resources. Strategies such as integrating low-bandwidth and offline learning solutions, distributing learning materials on portable storage devices, and leveraging local networks for content delivery helped maintain the continuity of education even in areas with limited infrastructure.

A key aspect of resilience in blended foreign language learning is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and overcome disruptions. The study found that employing adaptive and flexible course design principles, such as modularity, redundancy, and adaptability, contributed to the resilience of learning programs. Modularity involves breaking the course content into smaller units that can be rearranged or modified as needed, while redundancy ensures that critical information is available through multiple channels. Adaptability refers to the capacity of the course design to accommodate diverse learning needs, preferences, and contexts.

Contingency planning is crucial for maintaining the resilience of blended foreign language learning programs during armed aggression. The study emphasized the importance of developing emergency response plans and backup strategies for various scenarios, such as sudden internet outages, loss of access to learning materials, or temporary displacement of students and educators. This involved identifying alternative communication channels, creating offline learning resources, and establishing protocols for resuming educational activities after disruptions.

Overall, the security and resilience of blended foreign language learning programs during armed aggression are of utmost importance. [7] By implementing robust data protection measures, secure communication channels, resilient infrastructure, adaptive course design, and effective contingency planning, higher education institutions can safeguard their foreign language learning programs and ensure the continuity of education under challenging circumstances.

The study revealed the importance of providing psychological and social support for students and educators involved in blended foreign language learning during armed conflicts. Online communities and peer-to-peer support networks were found to be particularly helpful in fostering a sense of belonging and providing emotional support. Incorporating trauma-informed pedagogy and mental health resources within the learning environment also helped address the psychological challenges experienced by participants.

Blended foreign language learning was found to play a significant role in promoting international collaboration during armed aggression. The study identified the use of collaborative online tools, project-based learning, and cross-cultural exchanges as effective strategies for fostering communication and understanding between individuals from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. These approaches not only enhanced language proficiency but also contributed to the development of intercultural competence and empathy, essential skills in conflict resolution and crisis management.

The following sections provide more details on various strategies and tools that can be employed to enhance international collaboration in blended foreign language learning programs during challenging circumstances.

The use of collaborative online tools facilitates communication and cooperation among students and educators from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Platforms such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, and other project management tools offer a wide range of functionalities, including document collaboration, real-time communication, and task management, which can be utilized to facilitate group projects and collaborative learning activities. These tools not only enhance language proficiency but also help learners develop critical teamwork and problem-solving skills in a multicultural context.

Project-based learning (PBL) is an instructional approach that encourages students to work on real-world projects and collaborate with others to find solutions to complex problems. [9] In the context of blended foreign language learning, PBL can be particularly effective in fostering international collaboration by engaging learners in tasks that require them to interact with peers from different countries, cultures, and linguistic backgrounds. PBL activities can range from conducting joint research projects and creating multimedia presentations to participating in global debates and simulations, all of which contribute to the development of intercultural competence and empathy.

One of the most powerful ways to promote international collaboration during armed aggression is through cross-cultural exchanges, which enable students to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. [10] Blended foreign language learning programs can facilitate such exchanges by incorporating activities such as virtual cultural presentations, online discussion forums, and language tandem partnerships. In addition, the use of telecollaboration or virtual exchange, which involves structured online interactions between learners from different countries, can create opportunities for meaningful intercultural encounters and foster a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives.

Incorporating global citizenship education (GCE) into blended foreign language learning programs can help learners develop the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to engage in international collaboration during armed aggression. GCE encourages students to think critically about global issues, understand the interconnectedness of people and societies, and take action to address global challenges. [11] By integrating GCE principles and content into foreign language courses, educators can facilitate the development of intercultural competence, critical thinking, and empathy, which are essential for effective international collaboration in times of conflict.

Establishing partnerships and networks among higher education institutions, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders can greatly contribute to fostering international collaboration in blended foreign language learning during armed aggression. These partnerships can facilitate the sharing of resources, expertise, and best practices, as well as promote joint initiatives and collaborative projects that bring together learners and educators from different countries. Building such networks can also help create a sense of solidarity and shared purpose, which is particularly important in times of crisis and conflict.

Fostering international collaboration in blended foreign language learning programs during armed aggression is crucial for promoting communication, understanding, and cooperation among individuals and communities affected by conflict. [12] By employing collaborative online tools, project-based learning, cross- cultural exchanges, global citizenship education, and building partnerships and networks, higher education institutions can help learners develop the intercultural competence, empathy, and critical thinking skills needed to navigate complex global challenges and contribute to conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts. [13]

The study highlighted the importance of evidence-based policy-making for the effective implementation of blended foreign language learning programs during armed conflicts. Key policy recommendations included the provision of adequate funding and resources, the development of context-specific curricula, investment in teacher professional development, and the establishment of partnerships between higher education institutions, governments, and international organizations.

The scientific results obtained in this study contribute significantly to the understanding of blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed aggression. The findings provide a solid basis for the development of effective strategies and policies that can help institutions overcome the challenges posed by armed conflicts and ensure the continuity of language learning. By demonstrating the role of blended foreign language learning in fostering international collaboration, promoting psychological and social wellbeing, and enhancing educational resilience, this study has important implications for educators, policymakers, and researchers in the field.


This study has provided valuable insights into the effective implementation of blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine. The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows.

Adapting blended learning methodologies and technologies to the specific challenges of armed aggression, such as using low-bandwidth and offline solutions, mobile learning platforms, and incorporating relevant themes and issues, is crucial for the success of foreign language learning programs. [14]

Ensuring the security and resilience of blended foreign language learning programs is of paramount importance. Strategies such as data encryption, secure communication channels, resilient infrastructure, adaptive course design, and contingency planning are vital to safeguard sensitive information and maintain the continuity of education.

Providing psychological and social support for students and educators involved in blended foreign language learning during armed conflicts is essential. Online communities, peer-to-peer support networks, trauma-informed pedagogy, and mental health resources can help foster resilience and well-being among affected individuals.

Blended foreign language learning can play a significant role in fostering international collaboration during armed aggression. Collaborative online tools, project-based learning, cross-cultural exchanges, global citizenship education, and building partnerships and networks are effective strategies for promoting communication, understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities.

Evidence-based policy-making is crucial for the successful implementation of blended foreign language learning programs. Key policy recommendations include providing adequate funding and resources, developing context-specific curricula, investing in teacher professional development, and establishing partnerships between higher education institutions, governments, and international organizations.

The findings of this study open up several avenues for further investigation in the field of blended foreign language learning:

longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impact of blended foreign language learning on students' language proficiency, intercultural competence, and psychological well-being in conflict-affected environments.

comparative research exploring the effectiveness of different blended learning models and technologies in various conflict contexts, providing more nuanced insights into the factors that contribute to the success of foreign language learning programs during armed aggression.

investigating the role of blended foreign language learning in promoting gender equity and social inclusion during armed conflicts, and exploring strategies to ensure that marginalized and vulnerable populations have equal access to educational opportunities.

examining the potential of emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, in enhancing the security, resilience, and effectiveness of blended foreign language learning programs during armed aggression.

exploring the impact of teacher training and professional development on the success of blended foreign language learning programs in conflict-affected environments, and identifying best practices for preparing educators to navigate the challenges posed by armed aggression.

By pursuing these research directions, scholars can further expand the knowledge base on blended foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institutions during armed aggression and contribute to the development of innovative strategies and policies that promote effective communication, collaboration, and understanding among individuals and communities affected by conflict.


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12. Hockly, N. (2015). Blended learning. ELT Journal, 69(1), 102-104.

13. Murphy, E. (2009). Online synchronous communication in the second-language classroom. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35(3).

14. O'Dowd, R. (2013). Telecollaboration and CALL. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer-assisted language learning (pp. 123-140). Bloomsbury Publishing.


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10. Graham, C. R. (2013). Emerging practice and research in blended learning. In M. G. Moore (Ed.), Handbook of distance education (3rd ed., pp. 333-350). Routledge.

11. Hampel, R., & Stickler, U. (2005). New skills for new classrooms: Training teachers to teach online. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 18(4), 311-326.

12. Hockly, N. (2015). Blended learning. ELT Journal, 69(1), 102-104.

13. Murphy, E. (2009). Online synchronous communication in the second-language classroom. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35(3).

14. O'Dowd, R. (2013). Telecollaboration and CALL. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary computer-assisted language learning (pp. 123-140). Bloomsbury Publishing.

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