Model for training future physical education teachers for professional activity through a differentiated approach
Development and theoretical substantiation of a structural-functional model of training future physical education teachers based on a differentiated approach. Characteristics of its constituent components: target, substantive and effective blocks.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 406,1 K |
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Model for training future physical education teachers for professional activity through a differentiated approach
Vlasiuk R.
The processes of globalization and European integration are leading to significant changes in the cultural and educational landscape of our country. The current state of higher education in Ukraine no longer meets the demands imposed by globalization, resulting in several contradictions. These contradictions include the gap between the requirements for teachers' professional competence and the insufficient level of their training, the disparity between the criteria for training specialists and the present - day needs, and the challenge of introducing innovations into the training process for future physical education teachers within the existing pedagogical conditions.
The purpose of our article is to develop and provide theoretical justification for a structural and functional model for training future physical education teachers based on the principles of a differentiated approach. Our model consists of three key components: the target block, the content block, and the result block.
The target block classifies the purpose and tasks of the research. The content block focuses on the pedagogical conditions that involve the use of approaches (such as differentiated, competent, systemic, person-oriented, and activity-based) and principles (such as consciousness and activity, systematicity, accessibility and individualization, visibility, and the connection of theory with practice) to shape the formation of professional knowledge, abilities, and skills offuture physical education teachers through the implementation of a differentiated approach in the educational process.
Within the content block, we address the components of training, which include motivational, content, and activity components, forms of educational process organization, and training methods. Lastly, the result block encompasses the criteria, indicators, levels, and outcomes of training future physical education teachers based on the principles of a differentiated approach.
Our research perspective involves experimental verification of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions and training models for future physical education teachers based on the principles of a differentiated approach.
Keywords: model, professional training, structural and functional model, future specialists in physical education, differentiated approach, readiness, components, pedagogical conditions.
Власюк Р.А. Модель підготовки майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури до професійної діяльності на засадах диференційованого підходу
Процеси глобалізації та європейської інтеграції зумовлюють масштабні зміни в сучасному культурному, освітньому просторі нашої держави. Розвиток вищої освіти в Україні перебуває в стані, який перестав задовольняти вимоги, що постають перед нею в умовах глобалізації, що в свою чергу створює ряд суперечностей між: вимогами до професійної компетентності вчителів і недостатнім рівнем їх підготовки; критеріями підготовки фахівців та потребами сьогодення; потребою у впровадженні інновацій у процес підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури і наявними педагогічними умовами, що забезпечують даний процес.
Метою статті було розробити та теоретично обгрунтувати структурно-функціональну модель підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури на засадах диференційованого підходу. Модель поділена на наступні складові компоненти: цільовий, змістовий і результативний блоки.
Мета та завдання дослідження були віднесені нами до цільового блоку. Змістовий блок охоплював педагогічні умови, які через використання підходів (диференційований, компетентісний, системний, особистісно-орієнтований, діяльнісний) та принципів (свідомості і активності, систематичності, доступності і індивідуалізації, наочності, зв'язку теорії з практикою) визначали шляхи формування професійних знань, умінь і навичок майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури шляхом впровадження у навчальний процес диференційованого підходу.
Наступними складовими блоку виступали компоненти навчання: мотиваційний.змістовий і діяльнісний, форми організації освітнього процесу та методи навчання. Результативний блок охоплює критерії, показники, рівні та результат підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури на засадах диференційованого підходу.
Перспективою подальших досліджень визначено експериментальну перевірку ефективності педагогічних умов та моделі підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури на засадах диференційованого підходу.
Ключові слова: модель, професійна підготовка, структурно-функціональна модель, майбутні фахівці фізичного виховання, диференційований підхід, готовність, компоненти, педагогічні умови.
Main part
The rapid development of education in Ukraine and the multifaceted nature of its changes highlight the need to cultivate a new generation of educators who possess a high level of professional competence, general culture, and a creative style of analytical thinking. The foundation of modern pedagogical education lies in the high level of professional training among these educators.
The research is conducted in accordance with regulatory documents such as the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On General Secondary Education» (1999), and «On Higher Education» (2014) [8], as well as the «Concept of Education Development in Ukraine for the Period of 2015-2025» [10] and the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032 [12]. It becomes evident that the modern education system in Ukraine is characterized by the modernization of its content, the adoption of humanistic and people-centered ideas, and the widespread integration of modern information technologies into the educational sphere. Furthermore, individualization of the educational process is emphasized. These changes are driven by objective factors such as the development of scientific and technological progress and the globalization of the world's economic, political, and cultural landscape.
Reviewing the existing literature on the research problem, it is evident that scholars have addressed various aspects of the professional training of future physical education teachers. For instance, some studies (O. Otravenko, O. Azhyppo, V. Moskalenko, I. Pometun) have focused on innovations in education within the context of professional training, while others (O. Kuts, E. Nikulina) have explored the integrated training of physical education teachers. Pedagogical practice within the structure of professional training of PE teachers (H. Kondratska, E. Kriakyn), the role of independent work in professional training (V. Naumchuk, V. Pavliuk, P. Pidkasystyi), and the theoretical and methodological principles of professional training (L. Sushenko, O. Kotova, B. Shyian) have also been examined. Additionally, there has been research on the differentiation of the educational process (S. Vyhotskyi, P. Sikorskyi, V. Volodko, H. Kondratska).
Despite the considerable range of areas studied in the professional training of students, we believe that there is still a lack of systematic and comprehensive research related to the development of technologies for the professional training of future physical education teachers in sports and pedagogical disciplines based on a differentiated approach. In outlining the construction of a structural-functional model, we find it appropriate to begin with goal setting.
The purpose of this article is to develop and justify a structural and functional model for training future physical education teachers using a differentiated approach.
The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is grounded in the principles of scientificity and objectivity. The methods of logical generalization, system analysis, and synthesis have been employed to theoretically substantiate the model for training future specialists. To achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to elucidate the concept of «model.»
In the theory of cognition, a model (derived from the Latin word «Modus» meaning measure, and the French word «modele» meaning sample, standard, or pattern) is interpreted as an artificially created object in the form of a scheme, drawing, mathematical signs, or formulas. It serves as an analogue or substitute for the object being studied, reproducing in a simplified and reduced form the structure, properties, interconnections, and relationships between the elements of the studied object [1].
According to I. Ziaziun's definition, a model is «an artificially created sample in the form of a scheme, physical constructions, symbolic forms, or formulas that, while resembling the object or phenomenon under study, reflects and reproduces, in a simpler form, the structure, properties, relationships, and connections between the elements of this object» [9].
А. Pavlenko interprets the concept of «model» as a descriptive directory of activity that displays its most essential characteristics through certain formalized types of construction [14]
According to Yu. Surmin's definition, a model is understood as an analogue of the corresponding phenomenon in reality. Due to its similarity, the model can replace the real object in the study [16, p. 138].
V. Hershchunskyi identifies several stages in the modeling process including:
a) the first stage, which is exploratory in nature, involves creating a general idea about the model of a certain object or process. This stage includes developing an initial model, which is a hypothetical and general scheme;
b) the second stage is cognitive and entails practical activities focused on working with the models;
c) the third stage involves a theoretical analysis of the results of model research, their integration into a broader system of knowledge, and the development of practical implementation methods to solve management tasks that arise when using the respective model [5, p. 24-25].
E. Vilchkovskyi emphasizes the importance of «determining the content and structure of a physical education specialist's professional activity, as well as the scope of the pedagogical functions they perform and the level of requirements for knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary for the full performance of professional duties» in the model for training future physical education specialists. He notes that the effectiveness of a physical education specialist's pedagogical functions (teaching and education) is «ensured through planning of physical culture work, organization of the physical education system, and control, accounting, and analysis of effective pedagogical activity» [3, p. 305].
In this study, a differentiated approach was chosen as the methodological basis, considering factors such as the duration of training, the purpose, the volume and content of the training material, and the methods of organization, as well as the system of criteria for evaluating the readiness of a specialist.
The proposed structural and functional model for training future physical education teachers for professional activity, based on the principles of a differentiated approach, encompasses a comprehensive formative pedagogical process defined by goals and objectives. This process, implemented through specific pedagogical conditions, aims at the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities through a carefully selected and interconnected set of forms, methods, and means, guided by selected principles and approaches.
By isolating the components of the proposed model, it becomes possible to organize it into blocks (target, content, and result), which provide a clear visualization of the process of training future physical education teachers (see Fig. 1).
The purpose of the model is to provide a schematic representation of the educational process based on a differentiated approach. The target block of the model encompasses the purpose and tasks of the research. In order to achieve the set purpose, several tasks were addressed:
- to assess the current state and establish the theoretical and methodological principles of training future physical education teachers for teaching sports and pedagogical disciplines using a differentiated approach;
- to identify the components, criteria, and levels of professional competence required for physical education teachers to effectively teach sports and pedagogical disciplines using a differentiated approach;
- to determine the pedagogical conditions necessary for the implementation of the training process and to develop a structural and functional model for the training of physical education teachers in teaching sports and pedagogical disciplines using a differentiated approach;
- to experimentally validate the effectiveness of the structural and functional model and the pedagogical conditions of training future physical education teachers to teach sports and pedagogical disciplines using a differentiated approach.
Fig. 1. A structural and functional model for training future physical culture teachers based on a differentiated approach
The content block of the structural and functional model for training future physical education teachers encompasses several components, including pedagogical conditions, principles, methodological approaches, components, forms, and methods of teaching. Let us explore the distinctive features of each component.
Pedagogical conditions, as one of the components, address the identified contradictions, established after thorough analysis of the literature on training of future physical education specialists, through the following aspects:
- ensuring student motivation by employing a differentiated approach in sports and pedagogical disciplines (SPD) classes;
- enhancing the content of SPD based on the principle of differentiation;
- integrating modern information and communication technologies to facilitate the implementation of a differentiated approach in SPD classes;
- incorporating interactive forms and teaching methods that enable a wider application of differentiation in the study of SpD;
Throughout the research, several methodological approaches to implementing pedagogical conditions were identified, including the differentiated approach, competency-based approach, systemic approach, person-oriented approach, and activity-based approach.
The differentiated approach involves a comprehensive understanding of students' individual characteristics, their classification into typological groups, and the organization of group work that addresses specific educational tasks, fostering their cognitive development [15].
The competency-based approach reflects the latest innovative processes in education, allowing for the formation of students' professional competencies in alignment with the evolving demands of higher education. It emphasizes designing the educational process with the expected or desired outcome in mind.
The systemic approach recognizes that professional development is an ongoing and interconnected process consisting of various structural components working towards a common educational goal.
The person-oriented approach aims to create an environment that allows for the full realization of students' abilities and development. It perceives students as complete individuals within the educational process, rather than attempting to mold them according to predetermined characteristics [7].
The ability to demonstrate various types of exercises holds a significant place in the training of future physical education teachers. Consequently, in addition to the commonly accepted approaches, many researchers also emphasize the operational approach. This approach focuses on the formation and development of general and professional competencies, as well as the application of acquired knowledge in practical contexts. Through active engagement in various activities, not only knowledge, abilities, and skills are cultivated, but the future specialist's personality also takes shape.
For effective learning and successful outcomes, teachers must correctly utilize the laws governing the learning process. These laws are reflected in didactic principles that complement the educational process.
During SPD classes, the primary objectives revolve around equipping students with relevant knowledge, abilities, and skills that contribute to their overall competence. The principle of consciousness and activity serves as a driving force in the learning process. It is applicable throughout the entire learning journey. This principle entails fostering students' conscious attitude towards SPD classes, developing their understanding of the goals and specific tasks involved, and nurturing sustained interest in regular physical exercises.
The next principle is closely linked to the well-known didactic rules of «from easy to difficult», «from simple to complex,» and «from known to unknown» [13]. That is the exact description of educational process based on the principle of accessibility and individualization. It is safe to say that this principal is so close to the differentiated approach that it serves as its foundation. To implement the principle of accessibility and individualization in SPD classes, several stages can be employed:
- correct selection of exercises and tasks based on the individual capabilities of students;
- use of training and preparatory exercises;
- utilization of various types of exercise machines and simulators that provide valuable tools for facilitating the mastery of educational material;
- timely development of abilities necessary for mastering the next exercise, task, or program material;
- implementation of appropriate insurance and physical assistance.
We believe that the principle of visuality contributes to students forming more expressive and accurate ideas about exercises, improving memorization, and increasing their interest in classes.
R. Liashchuk [11, p. 96] incorporates various visual techniques into a group of methodical approaches in his gymnastics manual:
1. Exercise demonstration: This technique requires the teacher or instructor to provide a high-quality demonstration of the exercise, focusing on its main elements that form the basis of the technique. It should be accompanied by a concise explanation.
2. Combination of direct and indirect visualization. According to the authors, the most effective learning of exercises occurs when direct demonstrations are combined with cinematographs, pictures, models of devices, and other visual aids. For example, a video of a student performing an exercise can be used, which the student can watch immediately after attempting the exercise. This allows the student to quickly grasp the exercise technique and make corrections to their approach for the next attempt.
3. Verbal explanation of movements. The use of descriptive language is an important tool for visualization. This method involves accurately verbalizing and conveying the motor actions to the student, based on their existing knowledge, feelings, or mental images of the exercise. By strengthening the connections between sensory images and their mental reproduction during the learning process, this technique creates a foundation for a broader use of verbal cues as mediated visualization.
The next important principle, in our opinion, is the integration of theory with practice. Merely possessing knowledge of theoretical foundations, methods, methodological approaches, and techniques in the field of SPD does not guarantee a student's ability to apply them in practice, particularly in unfamiliar circumstances. Students often encounter hesitation and make a significant number of mistakes when faced with practical situations.
Engaging in practical activities brings acquired knowledge to life and enhances the development of skills. A solid theoretical foundation enables practical classes to be conducted at a high-quality level, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of competent specialists.
It has been proven that the combination of principles selected for research during the formative experiment creates conditions for a deeper assimilation of knowledge and the development of students' skills, as well as their creative application in practical activities.
Pedagogical conditions within the structural and functional model of training serve as its outer case, facilitating the implementation of components and technologies. Hence, they should align with the structure of preparing future physical education teachers for professional activity in specialized training settings, encompassing elements of a model or technology [6].
The components within our model are as follows: motivational, content, and activity components. The motivational component serves as the cornerstone for the development of other structural components. It relies on fostering a positive attitude towards learning, sustaining interest in the educational process, and recognizing the necessity of applying the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities in future professional endeavours. The content component of our study entails students' mastery of the requisite knowledge essential for effective professional engagement in SPD classes. Meanwhile, the activity component focuses on equipping future physical education teachers with practical skills and the ability to independently organize and conduct various forms of classes. It encompasses the formation of professional skills and the acquisition of professional competence. The successful completion of pedagogical practice serves as a criterion for evaluating the implementation of this component. The subsequent structural component of the structural and functional model encompasses the methods and forms employed in training future teachers.
Summarizing the perspectives of researchers Yu. Malovanyi, O.I. Vyshnevskyi, O. Kobrii, and M. Chepil [2; 17], we understand that form refers to a specific type of interaction between the teacher and students, regulated by particular work conditions (such as time, place, and order). Within our SPD classes, we employed the following main forms of work: lectures, practical sessions, seminars, review and methodical activities, individual classes, educational practice, and independent work.
Methods, on the other hand, represent the ways of exercising or using other means (word, visualisation) aimed to achieve specific goals (such as developing qualities, training, or assessment) [4]. The methods we used were the following: verbal communication, visual aids, practical applications, program learning, problem-based learning, and interactive techniques.
In the resulting block, we established criteria and levels to assess the formation of these components (Table 1).
By employing these developed criteria and indicators, we were able to determine the levels of readiness among future physical education teachers for professional activity, categorized as low, medium, and high.
differentiated physical education teacher
Structural components, criteria, and indicators for assessing the readiness of future physical education teachers for professional activity based on a differentiated approach
Structural components |
Criteria |
Indicators |
Motivational component |
1. Having a goalandactivelifeposition. 2. Manifestationofinclinationtopedagogicalactivity. 3. Understandingtheimportanceoftheteachingprofessionandthedesiretotransferacquiredexperiencetostudents. |
1. Availabilityofmotivesforchoosing a profession. 2. Showsinterestineducationalmaterial. 3. Theneedforpedagogicalactivity, purposefulnessinmasteringtheprofession. |
Content component |
1. Diversityofknowledge. 2. Qualityofknowledge: depth, completeness, awareness, systematicity. 3. Understandingofeducationalmaterial. 4. Argumentationofanswersinclasses. |
1. Understandstheroleandimportanceofself - knowledgeintheprofessionalactivityof a teacher. 2. Abletocreativelyandvariablyuseknowledgedependingonthetypesofpedagogicaltasks, non-standardsituations. |
Activity component |
1. Generalandspecialphysicaltrainingofstudents. 2. Formationofmotorskillsandskillsnecessaryfortheteacher. 3. Formationofmethodicalskills. |
1. Correspondenceofthestateofphysicaldevelopmentandphysicaltrainingofstudents. 2. Masteryofexercisetechnique. 3. Masteryofthetechniqueofteachingexercises. |
Conclusion. The developed structural and functional model comprises several essential blocks: the target block, which defines the purpose and tasks of the research; the content block, encompassing pedagogical conditions, principles, methodological approaches, disciplines, forms, methods, and means; and the result block, consisting of components, criteria, levels of readiness, and research outcomes. This model reflects a holistic system aimed at achieving a positive dynamic in the formation of professional training for future physical education teachers, utilizing the principles of a differentiated approach.
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