Features of the use of integrated interdisciplinary relations in native language lessons in the New Ukrainian School
The importance of interdisciplinary relationships and interdisciplinary integration in Ukrainian language lessons in the primary grades of the New Ukrainian School, some aspects of the realization of the essence and importance of this phenomenon.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 45,0 K |
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Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University
S. M. YATSYNA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Primary Education,
T.O. KYSIL Lecturer at the Department of Primary Education
The article focuses on a current scientific problem caused by changes in the theoretical and practical approach to education of younger schoolchildren. The leading ideas of the research are determined by the methodological potential that affects the formation of key and subject competencies in primary school pupils. In the process of implementing all the content lines of the subject “Literary reading”, in addition to mastering important competences, pupils of junior grades gain some experience of applying them in various types of educational and cognitive activities, individual practical experience. Since primary school teachers are multi-subjects, the reality of implementing the innovative technology of integrated learning will be successful.
The article focuses on the implementation of integrated relationships, because practicing teachers often apply the convergence combining certain materials from the lessons of the Ukrainian language, literary reading, visual arts, natural science, mathematics. Since the combination of information from several subjects contributes to the activation of children's cognitive activity, the mastery of a significant amount of educational material, the achievement of the integrity of knowledge and, most importantly, stimulates interest in learning and a sense of connection with life, this allows the primary school teacher to expand the interdisciplinary relationships of the subjects being studied by younger schoolchildren.
The importance of education content and form integration is emphasized by A. Aleksiuk, O. Biliayev, I. Bolshakova, Varzatska, T. Donchenko, M. Danylov, Yu. Koliagin, V. Palamarchuk, O. Savchenko, N. Svetlovska, G. Selevko, O. Marynovska, M. Fitsula and others. However, expanding the content of interdisciplinary relationships and integration of learning serves to study new components of the researched topic.
The article emphasizes that modern scientists propose to distinguish the interpretation of the concepts of “integrated learning” and “interdisciplinary relationships” that until recently, were interpreted as similar phenomena in the scientific literature. Following O. Savchenko, it was asserted that the content of lessons using integrated learning differs from lessons with interdisciplinary relationships since these are different didactic concepts. The peculiarity of integrated lessons is that they can be conducted on the basis of intra-subject, inter-subject and inter-system integration: combined two-, three-, foursubject, lesson-excursion, lesson-travel, lesson-immersion, lesson-hike, etc. Such lessons often serve as a continuation of the parallel study of related subjects within one lesson.
On the basis of the defined theoretical foundations, various options for the use of integrated and interdisciplinary relationships in native language lessons at the New Ukrainian School were proposed.
Key words: interdisciplinary links, integrated lessons, primary school, Ukrainian language and Literature reading lessons.
С. М. ЯЦИНА кандидат педагогічних наук, старша викладачка кафедри початкової освіти, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Черкаси, Україна
Т. О. КИСІЛЬ викладачка кафедри початкової освіти, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Черкаси, Україна
Статтю присвячено одній із актуальних наукових проблем, що зумовлені змінами у теоретичному і практичному підході до навчання і виховання молодших школярів. Провідні ідеї дослідження спричинені методичним потенціалом, що впливає на формування ключових і предметних компетенцій в учнів початкових класів. Зокрема у процесі реалізації усіх змістових ліній предмета «Літературне читання» учні молодших класів, крім оволодіння важливими компетентностями, набувають певного досвіду застосування їх у різних видах освітньопізнавальної діяльності, індивідуального практичного досвіду. Враховуючи той факт, що вчителі початкової ланки є багатопредметниками, реальність втілити інноваційну технологію інтегрованого навчання буде успішним.
У статті акцентовано увагу на реалізацію інтегрованих зв'язків, тому що вчителі-практики часто вдаються до зближення, поєднання певних матеріалів з уроків української мови, літературного читання, образотворчого мистецтва, природознавства, математики. Оскільки поєднання інформації з кількох предметів сприяє активізації пізнавальної діяльності дітей, опануванню значного обсягу навчального матеріалу, досягненню цілісності знань та головне, стимулює інтерес до навчання і відчуття зв'язку з життям, то це дає змогу вчителю початкових класів розширити міжпредметні зв'язки дисциплін, що вивчаються молодшими школярами.
Про важливість інтеграції змісту і форм навчання підкреслюють А. Алексюк, О. Біляєв, І. Большакова, Л. Варзацька, Т Донченко, М. Данилов, Ю. Колягін, В. Паламарчук, О. Савченко, Н. Светловська, Г. Селевко, О. Мариновська, М. Фіцула та інші. Проте розширення змісту міжпредметних зв'язків та інтеграції навчання слугує вивченню нових складників досліджуваної теми.
У статті наголошено на тому, що трактування поняття «інтегроване навчання» та «міжпредметні зв'язки» сучасні науковці пропонують розрізняти, які в науковій літературі донедавна трактувалися як подібні явища. Услід за О. Савченко стверджено, що зміст уроків з використанням інтегрованого навчання відрізняються від уроків з міжпредметними зв'язками, оскільки це - різні дидактичні поняття. Особливість інтегрованих уроків полягає в тому, що вони можуть проводитися на основі внутрішньопредметної, міжпредметної та міжсистемної інтеграції: об'єднані дво-, три-, чотирипредметні, урок-екскурсія, урок-подорож, урок-занурення, урок-похід тощо. Такі уроки часто слугують продовженням паралельного вивчення споріднених предметів у межах одного уроку.
На основі визначених теоретичних засад було запропоновано різні варіанти використання інтегрованих та міжпредметних зв'язків на уроках рідної мови у Новій українській школі.
Ключові слова: міжпредметні зв'язки, інтегровані уроки, початкова освіта, уроки з української мови та літературного читання.
In connection with the reform of primary and secondary education, the problem of teaching children to perceive the surrounding world holistically, determine their place in it, and prepare themselves for adult life becomes important.
The concept of the New Ukrainian School directs primary school teachers to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, teaching pupils to work in a single team, the ability to group phenomena, facts, events according to one or more characteristics, to find analogous and similar phenomena in various spheres of life, to explore all areas of human activity.
The analysis of the scientific literature makes it possible to state that the introduction of interdisciplinary relationships and integration of learning content into the educational process is not a new phenomenon in the domestic education system.
Interdisciplinary relationships as a means of activating educational knowledge were studied by A. Aleksiuk, M. Danilov, M. Skatkin, I. Lerner, V Onyshchuk, V. Palamarchuk and others. However, during the period of implementation of the updated content of primary education, the State Standard, curricula for grades 1-4 of general education institutions, textbooks and manuals, new subjects appeared. Therefore, the issues of interdisciplinary relationships and interdisciplinary integration in the new primary school became relevant [Savchenko; Selevko].
O. Biliaiev, I. Bolshakova, L. Varzatska, T Donchenko, Yu. Koliagin, V Palamarchuk, O. Savchenko, N. Svetlovska, O. Marynovska and others emphasize the effectiveness of the integration of content and forms of education. The importance of information technologies in the learning process is emphasized in the works of B. Hershunsky, S. Davidson, H. Reis, H. Selevko, O. Tykhomyrov and others. The essence of multimedia technologies as technologies of integrated use of all types of information perception (visual, auditory, graphic, textual) were considered by T. Agapova, V Yevdokymov, V Lutsenko, G. Ponomariova. N. Balaniuk, Yu. Gromova, I. Mural, A. Tsyhanok, I. Shyshka, L. Yugova and others dealt with the problem of informatization in primary education.
The application of interdisciplinary integration becomes the subject of research in pedagogical science.
The purpose is to outline the importance of interdisciplinary relationships and interdisciplinary integration in Ukrainian language lessons in the primary grades of the New Ukrainian School, some aspects of the realization of the essence and importance of this phenomenon.
Presentation of the research material
interdisciplinary language lesson school
Interdisciplinary relationships should be considered as a prerequisite for methodically correct design and use of the integrated courses. According to the current programs in Grades 1-4, almost half of the educational material is studied in the integrated courses (“I am in the world”, “Art”, “Natural science”, “Environment”, “Health technologies”) [Savchenko].
The implementation of interdisciplinary relationships in the educational process of primary school contributes to the formation of educational and cognitive culture, independence, creative thinking of pupils and ensures the intellectual climate of the staff. Different types of activities carried out in primary school provide prerequisites for the integrated content of the lesson, which in turn increase interest in learning and prevent schoolchildren from getting tired. The content of interdisciplinary relationships involves a comprehensive approach to the formation of a comprehensively harmonious personality.
One of the leading ideas of modern education is an integrated approach to the organization of the educational process, which overcomes the contradiction between the infinity of the modern information space and the limitations of human capabilities regarding the perception, assimilation, and application of the received information [Beh].
In the Pedagogical Dictionary, “teaching integration” is interpreted as the selection and unification of educational material from various subjects for the purpose of a holistic systematic and versatile study of important cross-cutting topics; creation of the integrated learning content - subjects that would combine knowledge from different fields into a single unit [Melnychuk].
American researchers consider integration in education as the organization of the learning process, according to which students can use the knowledge and skills acquired at school in real life situations [New Ukrainian School, 2017].
H. Fedortsov's valid opinion regarding the definition of interdisciplinary relationships as a pedagogical category of integration relations between objects, phenomena, and processes of real reality, which are reflected in the content, forms and methods of the educational process and perform educational, developmental, and educational functions in their organic unity [Kostiuk].
Therefore, the primary school, under the condition of an integrated approach to learning, directs this feature to the mastery of not only the educational material, but also to a certain extent creates the prerequisites for pupils to master the “school of life”.
However, according to O. Savchenko, interdisciplinary relationships and integrated content of the lesson are different didactic concepts. Interdisciplinary relationships involve the inclusion in the lesson of questions and tasks from the material of other subjects, which have an additional value for studying the topic. The peculiarity of the integrated lesson is that it combines blocks of knowledge from different subjects, subordinated to one topic, pupils are involved in different types of activities [Savchenko].
H. Selevko indicates that integrated lessons can be conducted based on intra-subject, inter-subject, and inter-system integration: combined two-, three-, four-subject, immersion lesson, excursion lesson, tour lesson, travel lesson, etc. Integrated lessons often serve as a continuation of the parallel study of related subjects within one lesson [Selevko].
O. Marynovska notes that integration is the “key” to understanding, a prerequisite for the effective formation of key and subject competencies, and success of pupils [Marynovska].
It is worth emphasizing that the organization of learning in the New Ukrainian School, considering integrative processes, involves several components that allow the different content of the educational material to be combined in the structure of the lesson in such a way that the specificity of the content components does not lose its main purpose. This is facilitated by the presence of some factors. First, we mean that the primary school teacher is a multi-subject teacher, and the content possibilities of each subject are well known to him/her.
A successful condition for the implementation of interdisciplinary integration in primary school is an activity approach, which makes it possible to focus more on personality development than on knowledge as a result of educational activity.
In the modern educational process, the primary school teacher's task is to skillfully use integrated material not only to acquire certain knowledge of subjects, but also to promote the readiness of younger schoolchildren to use the information received in everyday life.
In practice, I. Bolshakova offers a method of organizing interdisciplinary integration of the learning content in the following main stages:
• introduction of interdisciplinary relationships in the lessons of related disciplines based on reproductive activity and elements of problems;
• posing interdisciplinary educational problems and independently searching for their solutions in individual lessons;
• systematic problem-based learning on the basis of complicated interdisciplinary problems within individual courses;
• the inclusion of first bilateral, and then multilateral relationships between different subjects based on the coordination of the teacher's activities;
• development of a broad system in the work of teachers, who make interdisciplinary relationships both in the content and methods, and in the forms of organization of education, including extracurricular work and expanding the scope of programs [Bolshakova].
Some researchers pay attention to certain patterns and caveats in the implementation of integration in the educational process of primary school, namely:
• compliance with the requirements for pupils' mastery of the most important general education skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, defined by the program;
• using the principle of accessibility in order to prevent the appearance of despair in one's abilities, in the ability to perform this or that task of multifaceted activity;
• refusal to artificially create integrative connections;
• formation of moral value orientations in the learning process [New Ukrainian School].
The analysis of current programs, the study of the work experience of methodologists and primary school teachers made it possible to integrate educational material from the Ukrainian language and literary reading with individual subjects.
Grade 1. Literacy training - familiarization with the surrounding world, music, drawing;
Grade 2. Ukrainian language - reading, drawing, familiarization with the surrounding world, music, folklore;
Grade 3-4. Reading - Ukrainian language, drawing, natural science, music, folklore, ethics [Savchenko].
“Methodical recommendations for teaching subjects in general educational institutions in 2016-2017” (Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 17, 2016 No. 1/9-437) point the educational subjects that are integrated; they are Ukrainian language and fine arts; Ukrainian language and natural science; literary reading and the basics of health.
The use of interdisciplinary relationships is carried out through the integrated lessons. For example, pupils are offered to perform exercises with media production in Ukrainian language classes considering the integrated approach in the unity of cognitive, developmental, and educational aspects, so that personality development is carried out in parallel with knowledge acquisition.
When studying the topic “Apostrophe”, we suggest that two pupils or a class divided into two teams perform the “Races” exercise created with the help of the Learning Apps program. org. A sentence with a word with a missing sign (letter) appears on the screen, pupils need to read it correctly by inserting the appropriate sign (apostrophe) or letter. If it is a team effort, then the team that will quickly and correctly answer the largest number of tasks reaches the finish line (the content of the sentences may correspond to the topic studied in the lesson on the basics of health or natural science).
During the study of syntax topics, we offer the following exercise with the help of the Learning Apps.org program: we can see a picture on the screen showing children engaged in various types of entertainment (playing with animals, correspondence in a gadget, dialogue between friends). We know what the children are talking about from the sentences marked in this picture. The task for pupils is to analyze these sentences and determine their purpose of expression, to compose their own dialogue based on the topic identified on the screen. Such exercises should be performed at the end of the lesson.
The remark of children playing with their friends, “Do you know the breed of this dog?”. We establish an interdisciplinary relationship between the Ukrainian language and natural science. The remark of children playing with gadgets, “Please help me to reach a new level” combines elements of the Ukrainian language lesson and computer science. The remark of children composing the letter, “Still, how good it is to have faithful friends!” makes it possible to integrate oral and written speech.
Analyzing the current standard programs and the content of textbooks for primary classes on the Ukrainian language and literary reading, we can trace that one topic is also studied in the lessons of literary reading (“Literary reading” by O. Ya. Savchenko, Grade 4 [Savchenko, 2019], the topic “Beauty of the Earth, beauty of life”) and in natural history lessons (theme “Diversity of Ukraine's nature”).
If a work is studied in literary reading lessons, it can be listened to in an audio recording instead of being read. This way of learning a new text makes it possible to combine the elements of literary reading and language, particularly, reading and speaking. It is also advisable to offer an additional task - to find and write out verbs (nouns, adjectives) from the listened text and explain their role in the text.
In the lessons of the Ukrainian language, pupils should be given the task of composing descriptive texts based on the pictures and musical accompaniment presented by the teacher. It is interesting to combine lessons of the Ukrainian language and mathematics by offering pupils to perform subtraction: for example, “from which number should 20 be subtracted to get 30”, to write down the result and explain the spelling in the word “fifty”. You can build a lesson in the form of a fairy-tale trip to the country of Mathematics (significant stations: development of attention, work with the textbook, oral number, relay race, interesting mysteries).
In the lessons of the Ukrainian language, it is appropriate to use dictations of natural content, at the same time consolidating knowledge of both the Ukrainian language and natural science. In the textbook for Grade 3 (part 2) “I explore the world” by O. Voloshchenko, O. Kozak, H. Ostapenko [I explore], the story “Stork's Feather” is included.
In Grade 2, reading lessons on the theme “Autumn”, pupils can be invited to draw pictures (autumn theme) with the help of a bright presentation of autumn paintings by famous artists, which will reveal the play of colours and aesthetic tastes of children. It will also be valuable to listen to a musical excerpt by P. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song” while drawing.
While studying L. Hlibov's fable “The Swan, the Crab and the Pike” (Grade 3), we suggest that younger schoolchildren use gadgets to find the weight of a swan, a pike, and a crayfish, as well as find out information using the help desk (on the Internet), what size a swan is, what it does for a living, where it lives.
As it was mentioned above, interdisciplinary relationships in elementary school lessons differ from integrated lessons, although they are also based on the use of interdisciplinary relationships of those disciplines that are studied by younger schoolchildren according to the curriculum. We consider an integrated lesson for third-grade students, which can be built on the basis of the topic from the Ukrainian language “Text Structure” as an example.
Before the lesson, the teacher offers the pupils to do a little research on the weekend, visiting Pine Forest, where squirrels live. For this purpose, pupils should take walnuts with them. Having found a convenient place under a pine tree or somewhere on the lawn, you need to tap the nuts and watch what will happen, who will appear, what kind of animals, how they will behave with the nuts.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children about the trip to the Pine Forest. The pupils say that the squirrels came running at the sound of the nuts; some squirrels took them from the palms of their hands and suddenly disappeared, others, taking nuts in their paws, climbed a pine tree and there, perched on a branch, gnawed them. After the children's story, the teacher offers to listen to poems about the behaviour of these animals in autumn and winter.
The next stage of the lesson will be learning the texts of the Ukrainian language textbook for Grade 3 (M. Vashulenko, O. Melnychaiko,
N. Vasylkivska) [Ukrainska]. Pupils need to read and compare two texts and determine which of them can fit in a textbook on literary reading and which in a textbook on natural history. The questions are what the differences between the words of both texts are (i.e., what the differences between the artistic means of the text of artistic and scientific styles are). Two passages are shown on the screen for comparison.
This squirrel is beautiful. A red-chestnut fur coat with a white triangle around the chin suits her very well. A small head, long ears are decorated with black tassels. The eyes of squirrels are black and shiny, like small beads. And the tail is fluffy and even shaggy, a little smaller than the squirrel itself. The squirrel is small and very agile. She has tenacious paws, so she easily jumps from tree to tree. Her tail helps her in this. A small animal, but beautiful and powerful.
The squirrels belong to the most beautiful animals of our fauna. Their head is small, round, with a wide forehead, ears are quite large, erect, with tufts of long hairs. The body is elongated, more than 20 cm long, flexible. The tail is fluffy, densely covered with hair. The length of the tail is almost equal to the length of the body. The paws are tenacious, with sharp curved claws on the toes. The colour of the fur of our squirrels is quite variable: red-chestnut, brownishgray, dark brown. As a decoration of our forests, parks and gardens, the squirrel has been taken under protection (Serhiy Kornev).
After analyzing both passages, the pupils conclude that the artistic style uses words with a figurative meaning, and the scientific style uses words with a precise, concrete meaning.
After that, the teacher explains that any text consists of three structural parts (components): beginning, main part, ending, and sets the task of finding all these three components in the text.
Having mastered the theoretical material, pupils perform various practical tasks. Interesting and appropriate among them may be to draw a squirrel on a sheet of paper (or paint a stencil of an animal), using its image on photos prepared by the teacher in advance.
This lesson is integrated, as it combines elements of four lessons from academic disciplines: natural science, literary reading, Ukrainian language, visual arts. The possibilities of introducing interdisciplinary integration into the educational content of the lessons of the Ukrainian language and literary reading are quite wide: literary reading and the Ukrainian language; literary reading and visual arts; literary reading and labour training; Ukrainian language and basics of health; Ukrainian language and mathematics; Ukrainian language and natural science.
Conclusions and perspectives
Thus, the teacher should analyze the educational material from the proposed subjects, choose topics that are close in content and purpose, synthesize this material and organically connect it with each other. In such lessons, the educational goal is realized, they are interesting, they do not overload children with educational material and impressions.
Further research is needed on such an important aspect as the realization of internal integrative connections between sections of the science of language, in particular lexicology and morphology, morphology and syntax, syntax, and stylistics.
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12. I explore the world: pidruchnyk of the integrated course dlia 3 klasu (in 2 parts) / O. Voloshchenko, O. Kozak, G. Ostapenko. Kyiv: Svitoch, 2020, 170 p. [in Ukr.]
13. Ukrainska mova: pidruchnyk dlia 3 klasu / M.V Vashulenko, O.I. Melnychaiko, N.A. Vasylkivska. Kyiv: Osvita, 2019, 192 p. [in Ukr.]
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